Destruction at work: What have YOU broken?

Nurses General Nursing


i got the idea for this thread from another thread, and rather than hijack the thread about "financial damage at work" i thought i'd start a new one. i suspect we all have funny stories about destroying some piece of equipment.

i accidently raised a bed until the attached iv pole went through the flourescent light, which exploded, shattering glass everywhere. the manager peed her pants laughing.

while i was at lunch, a surgical resident (r-1) decided to suction out my patient's chest tubes, and the nurse who was covering was new enough that she didn't understand me when i mentioned that she needed to "supervise the resident" any time he was in the room. the resident didn't realize that he needed a suction cannister -- sucked bloody yuk up into the wall where it clogged up the system. the entire room was closed down for weeks while they took apart the suction system and cleaned it out then repaired it!

years ago, we had a confused patient in a geri-chair (anyone remember those?) who used to wander. the brakes on those chairs weren't the best, and john had perfected the art of getting his tippy toes through the crack between the chair and the foot board and propelling himself down the hallway. usually, we were able to catch him before he went too far (circular unit -- he'd just go around the circle over and over) but one time a medical student held the door to the stair way open for him -- with predictable results. when john came back to our floor in a full body cast (once again tied into his geri chair) i determined that he wasn't going down the stairs again on my shift. i tied the geri chair to the handrail in the hall.

i was sneaking into a patient's room doing my hourly "sheet checks" (where you make sure the sheet is rising and falling appropriately) when i heard a horrible crash and a yell. then the wall of the room i was in collapsed!

seems that john had pulled so hard on the geri chair that he pulled the hand rail down. the handrail was attached only to dry wall, not to a stud, so the dry wall came down!

Specializes in FNP, Peds, Epilepsy, Mgt., Occ. Ed.

I've spiked through the side of more than one plastic IV bag!

Back when IV pumps were just that- pumps with no controller and no sensors- I exploded IV tubing more than once (if you close off the clamp below the pump and turn the pump on, it just pumps fluid through until the tubing stretches so much it breaks open).

I also lost three different pagers on one job. One actually was stolen. I put it down in the bathroom so it wouldn't fall out of my pocket and smash and I forgot it. When I went back it was gone.

I broke glass thermometers several times, too.

Specializes in PICU, surgical post-op.

The one about dropping the walkie-talkie in the toilet reminds me... (I don't know how to put in those nifty quotes, Luddite that I am) ... we had one of our float nurses up in the PICU one day. She's a great nurse- everyone's happy to see her around. Until she came out of the bathroom and told us that she had flushed the narc keys down the toilet. We're still not sure how it happened, but she absolutely refuses to touch the keys now whenever she's on our floor. (We never recovered the keys, but surprisingly enough, the toilet continued to work throughout!)

Specializes in Medical Telemetry, LTC,AlF, Skilled care.
I've spiked through the side of more than one plastic IV bag!

Thank goodness I'm not the only one who has done that Well, I haven't broken too many things yet but on incident I did have happened about 2 months ago in clinicals, my patient had an 02 tank in her room that I accidently knocked over, I was so afraid it was going to explode or something lol it sounded like a bomb had been dropped when it hit the concrete floor the patient's nurse ran into the room "What happened is everyone okay!?" The nurse about died laughing and my instructor when I told her what happened (she had heard the noise) just shook her head and said "Oh lord Ben." Luckily she didn't take points off my clinical grade :smilecoffeecup:

Specializes in LTC, home health, critical care, pulmonary nursing.

The plugs for air mattresses are ALWAYS getting broken, because when you raise the bed, it pushes the plug, and the prongs get stuck in the wall. Our jackass maintenance man yelled at me once saying it cost hundreds of dollars to fix each one, but Sir Moron left the price tag on one of the replacement plugs. $3.79.

I've seen it hinted at here so has anyone been threatened with having to pay for something they broke?


32 years of nursing fun and games.

Somebody in the OR (not me that time)tried to reheat hamburgers in the big autoclave. BOOM. They then decided that we didn't have to totally get redressed to go to meals, that a scrub coat would do. All we had to change were the shoe covers.

I was flushing a dead leech and accidentally flushed his live replacement too. Those are expensive but no harm no foul.

Other thread, friend trendelenberged a tv.

Trying to put a sheet over a mirror so the patient couldn't see "that other person staring at her," and the mirror (4'x6') came off the wall. Didn't break but you probably heard me hollering help.

Glass thermemeters, mercury sphygmomanometer tubes, dinamap plugs, Herman Miller cubicle walls are all traps that nurses fall into.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Somebody in the OR (not me that time)tried to reheat hamburgers in the big autoclave. BOOM.

That's strange, we cook corn in the autoclave once a year and it doesn't explode.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Almost forgot, accidentally busted a key off in half, in the narc cabinet once a few years back.

OH DID THAT STINK. We had to have someone come in at nighttime to fix that! Bad nursey.

That's strange, we cook corn in the autoclave once a year and it doesn't explode.

For sure? Well this was in '74. I think what they really did was put it on the outside of the oven between the walls and the insulation. All I remember is there was the distinct fragrance of burned meat and fried onions.....for WEEKS. HB everywhere..

I've dropped the (digital, aural) thermometers a couple times at work but fortunately they were okay other than the back cover popping off.

This past summer I broke a large clock in a resident's room. It was hanging over the glove holder just outside the bathroom. As I was leaning around the doorway, wetting washcloths with one hand while trying to wiggle a glove out of the box with the other, the box moved upward, hit the bottom of the clock and sent it crashing to the floor. There was a huge boom along with the crash of the glass clock face shattering. Apparently it was louder than I realized because staff came running from the next unit to see what happened. The whole time, the resident sat calmly in her chair and didn't even flinch (and yes, her hearing's fine so she had to have heard it). She didn't even seem to care what had happened but I felt horrible for a long time after.

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

i've broken a few glass thermometers and glass syringes. i also broke a sphygmomanometer once. the thing was on wheels, and on a slow (very slow!) night, i discovered that if you ran with it, then jumped on you could coast all the way to the end of the hallway. (the floors were uneven and it was a downhill slope.) the na and i were having a great time scooting on the sphygmo. it was my turn, and just as i was getting to the end of the hall, the nursing supervisor popped out of the stairwell right in front of me. i fell off the thing and landed in a heap on the floor on top of it, trying to avoid hitting the supervisor. the glass broke and there was mercury all over.

the nursing supervisor just shook her head.

in those days, we had to write out an incident report for every piece of equipment that was damaged, and either the nm or the supervisor had to sign it before the end of your shift. i had a "gift" for writing creative incident reports, and the supervisor got such a kick out of some of my incident reports that occaisionally i'd slip a fake one into the stack and watch her try not to laugh as she read it. so she was eagerly looking forward to the report i'd write on the sphymo incident. it was one of my more boring incident reports: "while proceding down the hall with the sphygmomanometer, i was startled by the nursing supervisor as she exited the stairwell and fell down, breaking the syphmomanometer." (not untrue, just not the whole truth!) i was lucky. she liked me. she signed it without comment.

Specializes in Public Health, DEI.
Oh yes, i've jammed numerous copiers, but i have never left the scene of the crime. I'm there till someone comes to help fix it.

I've been invited to stay out of the copy room at work. Apparently just my presence is enough to jam the dang thing.

I broke my desk once. Long story. Makes me look one of those stupid people I talk about sometimes. Let's just leave it at that.

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