Cure for whiny negative nurses - PET PEEVE game. Always read first post before entry.

Nurses Humor


I could whine and complain about how these negative nurses are extremely depressing and ruining nursing for those of us that actually enjoy our jobs. :nono: :smackingf Or I could think of a NEW GAME!:p

Please help me play, so we can have a bit of fun.:rotfl: Some of you guys out there are starting to seriously bring me down. :bluecry1: A bit of levity is needed before someone makes good on their suicidal ideation.:saint: Suicide by car crash! Death by gardening!:chair: Come on guys, lighten up!


The challenge is to get something of your chest and expose your pet peeve in a positive but sardonic manner, no whining allowed -ever.


1.:nurse: :typing Identify your pet peeve -must be a nursing/healthcare issue.:behindpc:

2. :rolleyes:Poke fun at that individual/group/behavior using cynical humor. :roll

3.:idea: Come up with a workable solution. :idea:

4. :sofahider End the post with a catchphfrase.:yeahthat:


NO discussion of the issues of the pet peeve NO DISCUSSION UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, NOT EVEN PM's. You cannot litter the thread with debate and above all you cannot take the insult seriously if it happens to touch a raw nerve. However that does not mean that you cannot start another thread about this subject at a later date - but you cannot refer back to this thread. If you think you might have a problem with sticking to the rules at a later date, leave the thread now and do not pass go. Please enjoy the game.

Specializes in LTC, Subacute Rehab.

Pet Peeve: Anybody who won't follow standard precautions.

I'm sure that Mrs Smith is totally cool with the idea that you are brushing her teeth after having changed Mrs Brown's poopy briefs. What? You didn't wash your hands because wearing gloves made that unnecessary? Well, isn't that just sweet! Mrs Smith will be sure to agree when you give her a nice case of E. Coli.

Don't bite the hand you wipe with! :idea:

Pet Peeve- Docs who expect you to know labs, exam results, eccetera from memory while he/she stands there holding the chart. Or wants you to write labs on front of chart, nurses notes, progress notes, ect so they don't have to actually open the chart and flip to appropriate section.

constructive suggestion- Somebody should write a book called "Reading Charts for Dummies or Doctors" and a copy should be placed on every unit in the hospital.

Catch phrase- You have the chart and I can't look it up.

Specializes in ER/Nuero/PHN/LTC/Skilled/Alzheimer's.

Ok, let me try!

Pet Peeve: Pts who complain about everything in your hospital and how they got staph from this very hospital when they had surgery last year and the reason they're back is because their doctor messed up the surgery and when they get out they are going to own this place.

Alternative solution: GO TO ANOTHER HOSPITAL OR GO HOME!! I've actually suggested to pts that they try one of the other five major hospitals in our 25 mile area and I love it when they say, "well, I wouldn't take a dog there." Then quit b*tching. I'm doing the best I can to take care of you and make you well. I'm sure the cocaine and ETOH use listed on your history has nothing to do with the infection you got or the fact that you work as a bouncer at a nightclub had any effect on your back surgery healing properly.

Catchphrase: There are plenty more sick people where you came from, we'll fill that bed, don't worry.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Oncology.

pet peeve - those family members that call 27 times an hour to see how maw maw is doing.. even though they have never stepped foot through the hospital doors to actually see the pt

if youre so concerned about maw maw get off your $$$ and come see her for yourself. no i cant give you that info over the phone. no i will not go ask her what her bank account number is while you wait on the other end.. no i will not give her an extra dose of pain medicine when she denies being in pain just because you tell me she usually hurts around dinner time..

get off the phone and in your car.. come check on your maw maw yourself if youre sooooo concerned about her..

pet peeve - post op ELECTIVE surgery patients who scream and hollar non stop

act like an adult and mash your call light when you need something instead of screaming my name at the top of your lungs for all of america to hear and if you cant ask for something without demanding it be done right then and there (ie - get me a fresh saline soaked gauze now, what you dont carry a bottle of saline in your pocket at all times? what kind of pathetic nurse are you).. If you cant keep your cool and act like an adult then for heavens sake - keep what God gave you..

If you cant handle the sh*t, get off the toilet...

Pet peeve #1: People who expect nurses to know everything.

Pet peeve #2: Nurses who think they know everything.

Specializes in Nursing Home ,Dementia Care,Neurology..

Pet Peeve: Relatives who come in once a year to visit "Mummy" turn the place upside down,complain about everything threaten to report the place to CC then swan off until next year.

Try coming in a bit more often and see what your mother is really like,she is not a sweet little old lady ,she is a cat in fighting mode with four fully armed limbs ready to tear you to shreds!!!Her aim in spitting food is amazing ,yes that's what those funny marks on the wall are!Do you notice that all the staff are covered in sticking plaster?

If you don't like the place THEN TAKE HER HOME WITH YOU!!

Specializes in Alzheimer's, Geriatrics, Chem. Dep..
I could whine and complain about how these negative nurses are extremely depressing and ruining nursing for those of us that actually enjoy our jobs. :nono: :smackingf Or I could think of a NEW GAME!:p

Please help me play, so we can have a bit of fun.:rotfl: Some of you guys out there are starting to seriously bring me down. :bluecry1: A bit of levity is needed before someone makes good on their suicidal ideation.:saint: Suicide by car crash! Death by gardening!:chair: Come on guys, lighten up!


The challenge is to get something of your chest and expose your pet peeve in a positive but sardonic manner, no whining allowed -ever.


1.:nurse: :typing Identify your pet peeve -must be a nursing/healthcare issue.:behindpc:

2. :rolleyes:Poke fun at that individual/group/behavior using cynical humor. :roll

3.:idea: Come up with a workable solution. :idea:

4. :sofahider End the post with a catchphfrase.:yeahthat:


NO discussion of the issues of the pet peeve NO DISCUSSION UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, NOT EVEN PM's. You cannot litter the thread with debate and above all you cannot take the insult seriously if it happens to touch a raw nerve. However that does not mean that you cannot start another thread about this subject at a later date - but you cannot refer back to this thread. If you think you might have a problem with sticking to the rules at a later date, leave the thread now and do not pass go. Please enjoy the game.

Appropriate to bring this thread TTT?

Or not...

We're having so much fun on the grammar thread!

Specializes in Alzheimer's, Geriatrics, Chem. Dep..
Pet peeve #1: People who expect nurses to know everything.

Pet peeve #2: Nurses who think they know everything.


(and, I didn't know the thread had already been rejuenated ... my bad ;) )

Specializes in LTC, Med/Surg, Peds, ICU, Tele.

Pet Peeve: Pissy Unit Secretaries who chew gum while arguing with their boyfriends on the phone, simultaneously shopping online, who roll their eyes when you ask them a work related question.

Sorry if I'm inconveniencing you dear, I hate to interrrupt, but can you pretty please put these ABGs in the computer NOW before I strangle you with my bare hands? *smiles* Thank you, and have a nice day.

Catchphrase: "Forgive me Father for I have sinned. I did it in the heat of passion"

Specializes in MCH,NICU,NNsy,Educ,Village Nursing.

Pet peeve---fellow nurses who complain to the unit manager about not feeling like they can rely upon you in a pinch...

Don't complain to the boss about me not being there for you when I've begged and begged for opportunities to learn a particular skill, only to be told "we need you "here", not "there" and we'll get around to teaching you the skill you need for "there" later."

Later may never do it now!!!!

Specializes in MCH,NICU,NNsy,Educ,Village Nursing.

And I forgot to add a workable solution---a solid orientation, driven by the new nurse's needs and the preceptor. Don't just give a 3 week--watch videos & shadow this nurse who knows everything on the unit but not how to teach another one--she does it all herself--orientation. And--listen to what the newbie is saying!!!

Feel better already!!! :)

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.

Pet peeve:

Nursing instructors that start off the assigning a class debate topic of , "ADN vs Diploma vs BSN".............whereupon every student in known creation hits allnurses and posts it......and then gets ticked when few post on "such an important topic".

Look, you knew how to find about allnurses on the WWWeb - how hard would it be to use the "search" function here?


Another pet peeve that occurs every year at Winter time: The daily post of "Jobs/Payrates in Florida" - and when the posters that know, answer, the "You MUST BE KIDDING!!!!"

Do you really think that there are not hundreds/thousands of nurses looking to retire here and asking the same question? That the Florida forum is littered with these threads?


The solution - when certain phrases show up in the title, the topic gets rerouted, and the poster is barraged with emails of the other several hundreds of threads on the topic. Then they can post it, if there is anything new or different.

(Of course it truly solves the problem, because their computer will crash under the barrage of emails )


Pet phrase: I have an aligator mouth w/a hummingbird butt to back it up with.

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