Cure for whiny negative nurses - PET PEEVE game. Always read first post before entry.


Specializes in burn, geriatric, rehab, wound care, ER.

I could whine and complain about how these negative nurses are extremely depressing and ruining nursing for those of us that actually enjoy our jobs. :nono: :smackingf Or I could think of a NEW GAME!:p

Please help me play, so we can have a bit of fun.:rotfl: Some of you guys out there are starting to seriously bring me down. :bluecry1: A bit of levity is needed before someone makes good on their suicidal ideation.:saint: Suicide by car crash! Death by gardening!:chair: Come on guys, lighten up!


The challenge is to get something of your chest and expose your pet peeve in a positive but sardonic manner, no whining allowed -ever.


1.:nurse: :typing Identify your pet peeve -must be a nursing/healthcare issue.:behindpc:

2. :rolleyes:Poke fun at that individual/group/behavior using cynical humor. :roll

3.:idea: Come up with a workable solution. :idea:

4. :sofahider End the post with a catchphfrase.:yeahthat:


NO discussion of the issues of the pet peeve NO DISCUSSION UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, NOT EVEN PM's. You cannot litter the thread with debate and above all you cannot take the insult seriously if it happens to touch a raw nerve. However that does not mean that you cannot start another thread about this subject at a later date - but you cannot refer back to this thread. If you think you might have a problem with sticking to the rules at a later date, leave the thread now and do not pass go. Please enjoy the game.

Specializes in OB, ortho/neuro, home care, office.

You start so we can get an idea of what we're saying here :) Sounds like a good way to let off steam in a decent manner :)

Specializes in burn, geriatric, rehab, wound care, ER.


Pet peeve: student nurses that use to try to get their essay topics the lazy way.

2/3 You obviously have a computer. My advice - use it. Find out what a search engine is really for. Or - you found your way to -why not check out some of it's special features and search the archives. Maybe you could just even use your imagination. You never know when it could come in handy. Perhaps when you start your first job as an RN. Maybe then. I've already done the homework and got the degree, now its your turn. Enjoy!

4. Catchphfrase - Don't ask me for your essay title -USE YOUR NOOGLE!!!!

Specializes in burn, geriatric, rehab, wound care, ER.
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind"

:D ok you next -dare ya:roll

Pet peeve: Docs who don't sign their consent and get pi$$y, or worse, when asked to make the effort of physically walking over and signing the darn thing like it's beneath them and zapping their energy unbearably.

I'm not the doc, I can't do it for you. No, I won't bring it to you. I already had to go through the chart to find you hadn't done your job, look for you through the unit then page your sorry @$$ so don't yell at me because you have to do something. Yes I know we should've been in the room 20 minutes ago but Elvis wasn't in the building yet! You're getting paid the big bucks to do this so quit kvetching and just do your job so I can do mine.

catchphrase: Don't be a pita, just do it

How's that? There are many more after yesterday so I'll be baaa-aaaack LOL

Specializes in midwifery, NICU.
Pet peeve: Docs who don't sign their consent and get pi$$y, or worse, when asked to make the effort of physically walking over and signing the darn thing like it's beneath them and zapping their energy unbearably.

catchphrase: Don't be a pita, just do it

:lol2: :lol2: took me more than a few mins to figure out why you were calling the doc after bread! Just got it-- love it & will def use it!!:lol2:

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

Pet Peeve: Patients who demand all the freebies they can get, and RIGHT NOW!

Umm, I didn't give you the STD, but I am giving you the meds to cure it. And no, it's not my fault the pharmacy took so long to fill your social action funded prescription that you missed the bus after using an ambulance to come in. Okay, just to get you out of here, we will call the supervisor for a taxi voucher, but yes, you WILL have to wait for it. No, I won't call the taxi until the voucher gets here. No, your time isn't more important than that guy having an MI over there.

Catch phrase: Grow up, get a job, and pay for it yourself!

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Pet Peeve: Parent who bring their child in for a runny nose x 1 day.

Yes, I know your child has a runny nose. Oh, you DIDN'T try any OTC meds recommended to you by the office nurse instead of coming in to the office today. Oh, yes they can be "pricey". But not as much as those cigarettes you smoke around your child which you venemently state you don't despite the fact that your child smells like a bar at last call. And the razor phone you are currently using to talk to your friends while I'M TRYING TO GET A HISTORY FROM YOU, I bet that cost a pretty penny too. I tell you what, how about you try to let your kid be sick for more than 12 hours, try the OTC med, stop smoking around them, and then if all those things don't work, then you come back for a real office visit. I'm sure this is exactly what the government was hoping you would use that free (for you) health care card for.

Catch Phase- Don't be a pain in my rear end, buy your kid some acetaminophen.

(Do I get any point for a catch phrase that sort of rhymes?)

Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy.

Pet Peeve: Doctors/nurses/anyone doing an examination or procedure on a patient while on the phone or otherwise distracted. Sounds like something that should never, ever happen but it does!

My newborn niece had her ankle scorched by a doctor's assistant who put a warmer pack on her heel to do the heel stick and then got on the phone and left it on too long. :angryfire

Specializes in midwifery, NICU.

:angryfire PET Peeve: Nurses/ Parents changing a babies cot, and putting bedding they are going to reuse on the visitors chair next to the cot!:trout:

Chairs are cleaned, but still Mothers with lochia, Fathers and siblings in clothes that have been sitting God Knows Where! sit in these chairs, if the sheets or blankets for the cot are without baby vomit etc, they are put back in the cot after being on these chairs!!::no:

Catchphrase: would you like to snuggle your face, into a place where someone's a** has been touching it???:barf02:

Specializes in Education, Acute, Med/Surg, Tele, etc.

My biggest pet peve in nursing is that family that knows more than you do about the patient because they watched ER or Grays Anatomy!

If they gave out couch diplomas or degrees for medical by watching these shows...we would all be out of business according to most of their attitudes!

I typically tell a story when I get these people of a game my hubby and I play when we watch them....count the errors like who put their steth in wrong, who ordered the wrong thing, etc. That usually brings a funny aire to the situation and points that I actually do know what I am talking about!

"I am a real nurse, I don't play one on TV!"

Specializes in Tele m/s, new to ED.

Pet Peeve:Head Scratchers

You saw your PMD yesterday morning uh huh

you have a surgical consult at 1030 today uh huh

you filled a lortab script from the PMD at 1500 yesterday uh huh

(it's now 0430 in the local ED)

a "buddy" came over with beer after you took ONE lortab uh huh

you "inadvertently passed out" uh huh

when you woke up your pockets had been rifled uh huh

and there are 4 of 6 beers still left at your apt uh huh

and the pain in your groin is so bad you called an ambulance uh huh

catch phrase: You've already cost me more in taxes than I'll make this week.

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