Csu sacramento fall 2010 nursing

U.S.A. California


Hey all!

Just got my acceptance email to Sac State nursing program for Fall 2010!!!!

Who else got in! been waiting for this for foreverrrrr!


Yea i was looking at the places they accept for CPR cert. and I found a few near my place during June that I need to register for. I've applied to all of the Sac cc & two cc out near where i currently live, hoping that i'll get into pharm at one of them!


Thanks for replying to our post! I was just wondering how the transition is going into Folsom Hall? I was also doing research trying to get as much info about the program, and came along a you-tube type video showing that you all have been slowly moving the equipment and everything into the new building. Do you know when the move is expected to be finished?

Also, I know that Teri will be sending us an email in early June regarding classes, equipment, supplies needed etc. I was just wondering about how much was all of this your first semester? I'm just trying to budget money early :) && were you able to receive any Financial Aid your first semester? I haven't met with a financial adviser yet because I know they wont really be able to tell me what I qualify for until I'm register for classes.

cheezn4life and wwe diva,

my class was the smallest sac state has seen for a while, so things change depending on your class size. i know that clinical take place at sutter roseville, sutter general and u.c. davis for first semester students.

nursing classes run on the following days

mon 8-10:50 (n12)

wed or friday from 8-11 (n16) and 11:30-2:20 (n18). you clinical schedule will determine which day you take these classes.

thurs. 7:30- 10:20 (n11) 4:30- 6:20 (pharm)

i would highly recommend taking pharm over the summer if you can get enrolled somewhere.

although it looks like you will have one weekday free from classes, plan on devoting that time to studying and catching up.

honestly, the first semester is very busy and you will be spending everyday working on something for school. like i said previously, spend quality time over the summer with family and friends because the first semester is time consuming and you will not have much free time.

last i heard about folsom hall is that the transition will be happening during the winter break. we have had some lectures there and the staff is trying very hard to get things moving so we can have more space. like most construction projects, the date has been pushed back a few times, so until equipment is actually moved and set up, we just adapt to what we have now.

at this point i can't really tell you equipment cost. i think the dept may be transitioning from polos to scrubs for your class. i know that you are required to purchase a littman stethoscope ($75-$100) , white non skid shoes , and a uniform with lab coat. the school offers discounts if you are a cnsa (california state nursing student association) member, so waiting may be wise. if you have not already joined the cnsa you should look into it. it is a great program for students to become involved with meetings monthly on campus.

i did not qualify for financial aid but most of my classmates did get financial aid.

Thanks again for all the helpful info!

It helps relieve the "newbie" stress having someone so nice as you to take the time and answer questions for us! I will make sure to take a look at the CNSA.

Thanks for the helpful information! I will look into joining the CNSA and plan a vacation for the summer lol.

My registration date isn't until May 11 and pharmacology is already full for Sac City! Is there any other places that you recommend for this class cheez?

Hey Diva,

Darn I hate how alot of CCs arent giving pharm classes! but... the only other one that i know is currently still open is Solano Community College near where i live. I cant apply for it till May 18th so hopefully it will be still available. If you apply to Solano you'll probably have the same registration date as me, because i haven't taken a course there and dont have priority.

I'm happy for you all that got into Sac State! I heard that it's really difficult to get into the program, probablly the most difficult out of all the CSU's... Glad you guys worked hard, how much did you have to do just to get in though?


Thanks! & i did work my butt of to get there. Basically here is a run down of exactly my steps I took to try and get accepted. (warning this is going to be an essay lol)

Basically I had already known in High School that I wanted to become a nurse. So, my senior year i started looking online for all the different school options around my area ( i didn't want to move far from the bay area) After looking at all of my options I decided that going to a community college, then transferring to Sac State was the route I wanted to take (My father is a widow who supports both me and my older brother who attends college at Sac... so money was def. a factor)

Early in the summer before my first semester of college I met with a transfer counselor to set up an Educational plan to follow. The next step I had to take was to make sure that I was online to register for my classes the very second i was able to register (because classes fill up quick) For nursing, the sciences are like a chain reaction... for example you have to take human bio to get into anatomy and chem to get into physio and physio to get into micro... etc so if you miss your chance to register for the first class in that series, it can push you back a entire semester. So with good planning, I was able to finish my GE & pre-reqs and all but 2 of my co-reqs in only 4 semesters.

Those four semesters I dedicated myself to my classes. Yes, i had a social life- but not at all like the relationship i had with my books lol. I received all A's in pre-reqs and a 91.8% on my Teas Test. I also qualified for 3 points for taking 3 years of high school Spanish... and that is what got me accepted into Sac State! & just think, there were many people that had better statistics then me!

The statistics for my class are not up yet, but for Fall 2009 these were the statistics (some requirements have changed since)

Fall 2009

387 Generic applicants (60 enrolled, 16 declined, 107 ineligible, 204 qualified alternates)

Point cut off - 79 points

Statistics for 60 enrolled students:

Average GPA - 3.857 (range 3.569 - 4.0)

Average TEAS test score - 91.9% (range 87.1% - 95.9%)

Average points earned for Optional Criteria - 9.7

I hope this helps! Set up an educational plan asap, STUDY HARD HARD HARD & it'll all pay off :)

Thank you so much for all the info (:

So did you do it purely on getting good grades and studying hard in your classes, or did you also do anything extra such as volunteer or become a CNA?

I've just heard it's tough all over to get into Nursing schools, even if you have exceptionally high grades & scores. I hope I'll have study habits like you have lol...

^ dude. all I had was my GPA/Teas and I had like 94 points. the cut-off is usually around the high 70s to low 80s I think. Keep your GPA high and get a 90+ score on the teas and I think you can get into sac state.

yeah what brighten said lol.

No i didn't have any volunteer work or paid work as CNA, which would have given me like 3 extra admission points.

Just check around at the schools you are interested in attending. If you decide on Sac...take a look at their Division of Nursing website asap. It gives you all the info on Pre-reqs, Co-reqs, deadlines, Statistics, how the admission points are divided out and so on...

Like what brighten said, keep your GPA high (4.0 is ideal to me) and get 90+ on the teas & you'll get in! If you dont think you can keep a 4.0 look in to volunteer work which will give you some points that will make up for the points you lose with a lower GPA (but dont let it drop your GPA even lower of course). GPA & Teas tests are most important to Sac because the difference from a 4.0 just down to a 3.846 is 10 POINTS= make it or break it type of thing. And the difference from a 100% teas test to a 95% is almost 10 points too!

Goodluck! You can do it! Just stay focused and study hard :)

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

Mom2-2, Cheezin 4 Life and the others who replied:

I just want to tell you thank you for the inspirational words about how to get into CSUS. I want to attend CSUS and earn my BSN. I am currently a prenursing student and the path seems hard, but your posts motivated me. I will probaby print them and place them on my wall to motivate me to try my hardest.


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