CSU Long Beach School of Nursing (Fall 2010)

U.S.A. California


This thread is for those who are aspiring a seat in CSU Long Beach's School of Nursing for Fall 2010.

We all know the current impaction of the program. We are all familiar with the challenging process.

We understand the competition between all the applicants. You are not alone!

I submitted my application yesterday and I must tell you the relief I suddenly had.

I have worked hard the past two years of my life and there is nothing else I can do but pray and hope. =]

Has anyone else turned in their application?

Are you serious? We might have to wait longer for our acceptance letter? I thought they said during interviews, that we will be notified in about 2 weeks (starting 3/12 since that was the last day of interviews)?

Yes, I am serious. This is what I was told on the phone. I hope you that are right and that the person who I had on the phone is wrong though :). I never heard anything about the white board after the interview btw.

What is this about a white-board? Will there be a list of accepted students posted? Has anyone stopped by the Nursing Office to take a look? My interview group was told that we would hear by Mid-April.. after Spring Break! I got a call a day or so ago from the "regular" admissions office because they had a question about one of my classes taken out of state.... I'm thinking it was a good sign that they were even asking!

I wonder if it's different admission processes for transfer students and students who are already attending CSULB. I'm a transfer student, my interview was on 3/9 10 AM and they let our group know that we'll be receiving an email within 2-3 weeks. Just a wild guess.

I wonder if it's different admission processes for transfer students and students who are already attending CSULB. I'm a transfer student, my interview was on 3/9 10 AM and they let our group know that we'll be receiving an email within 2-3 weeks. Just a wild guess.

It's possible, but it could also be that those who were told that they would receive an email in 2-3 weeks are the ones who are highest in rank on the 10 points scale. OR, those who simply scheduled their appointment earlier will receive their notices earlier?? :confused:

Specializes in Family Nursing & Psychiatry.

i doubt that the people with the highest scores will hear from them sooner since the applicants who were told about the 2-3 weeks notifications were all in random groups. i really think that by the end of this week we will hear something from there. first an email and then eventually a formal letter and the orientation packet. has anyone else tried to call them to inquire? i called three times (even though we were asked not to) but nobody picked up. the excitement is building up!

I agree with you mathewandrew. People with highest score didn't find themselves in the same room since it was random. I believe that when they'll decide to give their answers, they will send them all at once to avoid people calling and say "what about me, what about me!!!"

Do you guys know when is the lottery for the trimester program? Do we have to participate in it?

the lotto for trimester is at the orientation. You don't have to do it, but those who want to have to apply for it at the orientation :)

March 25, 2010


We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to enter the Basic BSN Program at California State University Long Beach for the Fall 2010 semester. Your admission to the Basic BSN program will be contingent upon you meeting the requirements that will be outlined in your acceptance letter and contract. This letter and contract will be sent to you mid April.

Congratulations and welcome to the nursing program. We will see you at the orientation meeting on Friday, June 11, 2010.* *If you have any questions or other concerns, please feel free to contact us at (562) 985-2201.

Admission Committee

CSU Long Beach

Department of Nursing

WOOT WOOT. My name is Hai Kim. I'll see all you guys next semester baby!

Congrats! SEE YOU THERE!!!!

congrats!!! to all accepted.Most fearful thing happened to me.Am number 5 in alternate list.it really sucks.hopefully my back up schools CSULA and CSUSB one accepts me.

See you guys thereee!!! My name is Elizabeth Song btw! WAHOO =-D =-D =-D

i'm on the alternate list!... ah oh wells hopefully csula will accept me. congrats to everyone who got accepted!

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