Crusty Old Bats

Nurses General Nursing

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Share your ancient memories. One of mine is Kardexes.  We used them in report.  Updated them with pencil and eraser ! 

londonflo said:

IV pumps were only used for TPN and blood. Sometimes you'd have a 'runaway IV' even though you counted the drips per minute you would come in an hour and the liter bag was half gone or dry! Buretrols in pediatrics where you diluted the antibiotic and ran small amounts only. Tagamet IVPB the new wonder H2 Receptor Antagonist was q 4 hours. Demerol IM.

Way back in the day.. blood was transfused without a pump.

Mercury sphygmomanometers for manual BPs above every patient's bed. That was the only thing available to take BPs at the time in med/surg. We would have to go on a hunt for large or peds cuffs if they were needed.

Specializes in Gerontology.

Remember the huge bottles of stock meds in the med room? 
med cards and med trays!

Paper charts that exploded when dropped.

Specializes in oncology.
Pepper The Cat said:

Paper charts that exploded when dropped.

Instructions for thinning charts...7 days of 'progress notes' etc

Pepper The Cat said:

Remember the huge bottles of stock meds in the med room? 
med cards and med trays!

Paper charts that exploded when dropped.

Oh yeah. picked up many paper charts. Also remember med rooms with stock heparin  and potassium in the same drawer!

Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.

I'm sure I haven't been practicing long enough to join the CoB club, but I do remember flip night with the paper charts in my LTC facility. And paper charting all meds in the chart. 

Specializes in oncology.

I always wanted to get a job creating brand names for drugs:

Lovenox - into the love handles

Nar/can - Narcotic antagonist

Zoloft - lift you up

Prozac - Professional RX needed

Valium - when I go into the valley

Specializes in Clinical Research, Outpt Women's Health.

Smoking in the lounge behind the nurses station in ICU at Virginia Mason hospital about 1978 LOL!

Specializes in Gerontology.

Smoking lounges for the patients! 
long term patients smoking in bed!


Specializes in oncology.
Pepper The Cat said:

long term patients smoking in bed!

male bed - smoking- non-smoking

female bed - smoking - non smoking

Specializes in NICU/Oncology.

Ahhh.... kardexes! What messes!

Specializes in Dialysis.
Pepper The Cat said:

Smoking lounges for the patients! 
long term patients smoking in bed!


My mom has told me about more than 1 burned up mattress that had to be tossed. I remember visiting the hospital and Drs/nurses smoking at the nurses station. It's a crazy thought now

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