Crusty Old Bats

Nurses General Nursing

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Share your ancient memories. One of mine is Kardexes.  We used them in report.  Updated them with pencil and eraser ! 

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.
Been there,done that said:

1986. Smoked in the lounge with the patients.

We still had smoking in the lounge when I started in the LTC in '94. When they stopped that a few years later the residents who smoked were grandfathered in and they made a corner of the dining room their smoking area

Used to roll surgery patients right past the surgeons lounge from which smoke was frequently billowing.

Specializes in oncology.

Frankly, before the  20 years before my last 5 years of retirement (2017), We still had cart keys to access narcotics. As I had worked/taught at this hospital/college, and dispensed most of the controlled medication with 10 students X2 patients per student,  I was given a set of 'extra cart keys'. I taught evenings many times until 10 PM. I would drive home and reach into my pocket to unlock my house, and THERE were the cart keys

PS. Of course as soon as I got home trying to get into my house with the narc keys....I would loudly shout to my husband (we live in an old almost soundproof home) "Oh no! I need to go back to return the narc keys." He would say I will drive and park at whatever door you need to get in. " I still can't believe he said didn't say to me "London" this again?  

. Untimately I devised a situation so that I could not get my car keys (put them in the  narc cart) until I returned the cart keys. 

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
Been there,done that said:

1986. Smoked in the lounge with the patients.

1978- cigarette machine in the lobby.  

Specializes in kids.
subee said:

1978- cigarette machine in the lobby.  


Specializes in oncology.
subee said:

1978- cigarette machine in the lobby.  

And that the VA there was no sales tax..15 cents/pack

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