Published Sep 8, 2016
Kooky Korky, BSN, RN
5,216 Posts
Can someone please tell me what critical thinking is? Give a couple of examples? Thank you.
1,761 Posts
We don't do your homework for you.
NICUismylife, ADN, BSN, RN
563 Posts
It's the ability to "connect the dots." To know a piece of information and be able to infer possible consequences or outcomes.
For example, if your patient is on enoxaparin and their platelet count is 64. #1, you need to know to check their platelet level before administration, #2, you need to know that giving it could potentially lower that level even further. #3, you need to know the risks associated with that.
So, from one simple order for enoxaparin, you go thru a series of steps in your brain (or critically think) to determine whether you should administer it or not and why.
That's the most basic example I can think of, but realistically, nurses do it constantly for everything....
carolinapooh, BSN, RN
3,577 Posts
It's the highest levels of Bloom's taxonomy: synthesis and analysis. I forgot evaluation. :)
It's actually a buzz word that gets on my nerves. It's not unique to nursing, it's not anything fantastic: it's just higher level thinking. Engineers do it, teachers do it, everyone does it. All it is is synthesis and analysis, followed by evaluation. Look at a situation from all angles, consider possible outcomes from one's actions, make a decision based on all available information. Higher level thinking, plain and simple. You don't need a nursing license to do it.
8,343 Posts
something that RNs can do but LPNs can't. Sarcasm. Fully intended
That's BS and don't ever let anyone tell you any different.
Critical thinking is a buzzword. We don't own it. You do it ALL THE TIME. It's higher level thinking. The fact that we slapped a name on it and try to tell everyone that we invented the concept is preposterous.
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
never mind. I'm using my critical thinking skills and choosing not to answer.
quiltynurse56, LPN, LVN
953 Posts
Glad you add the sarcasm note there. :-)
Meow. Cat, I am nearly retired, not a student. Maybe you just don't know the answer.
It's what I thought. A ticked off boss once told me she couldn't teach it to me, making it seem like you either were born with it or knew it intuitively, but it couldn't be taught. What a load of crap she fed me.
Thanks to all of you.
1,775 Posts
I have read on here it is the difference between performing a nursing task and performing a nursing skill.
Anyone can perform a nursing task,even a monkey if you teach them.
example: Changing a trach tube or inserting a peripheral IV.
A nursing skill requires critical thinking.
Example: Figuring out what a trach/vent pt is turning blue
Sorry if that did not help,but all i know the difference between the two is still blurry to me.
It's a learned skill - watching kids in action will tell you that easily. At certain points of development kids just do stuff with zero regard for consequence or available information. Watch them age and you'll see it change.
And I'll concede that, like all skills, some are better than others and it exists at varying degrees. Designing a bridge that will stand the tests of time and nature requires a different aspect of it than diagnosing a disease or designing a air battle plan or figuring out what is really going on with the train wreck patient in Room 1910. But it is ALL synthesis and analysis.
Buzz words annoy the crap out of me. People who bandy about buzz words with zero regard for what the thing REALLY is in an effort to sound hip or intelligent also annoy me. Along with the ridiculousness of nursing diagnoses (really? can't we just speak medically like the rest of the medicine-oriented world?) and some of the insanity found there (altered energy field? and I'm supposed to take NANDA seriously?), the whole "critical thinking" dog and pony show will never get anything out of me other than inward eye rolling.
It's higher level thinking. Any educated person does it. You HAVE to be able to do higher level thinking to graduate high school! College just hones the skill further - but so will life experience.