Published Mar 12, 2020
NurseKnope, BSN, MSN, RN
23 Posts
My school has decided to extend Spring break and move to online format after that because of the covid pandemic. Our clinicals have been cancelled as well, so we are to create "clinical" activities for students to complete at home in their place. These are activities that should take the students a number of hours to "make up" their clinical time they are missing and hopefully spur some critical thinking. These can be case studies, NCLEX questions where they answer the question and provide rationale, matching of diseases and signature symptoms with follow up definitions, etc.
What do you guys do at your schools when you have to miss clinical days?
583 Posts
Sciencedude1, BSN, RN
211 Posts
I am concerned about this occuring. I was accepted into an accelerated BSN. I am about to leave my teaching job to change careers into nursing. The good news though is I dont start until August.
42 Posts
One thing being considered is having students view past simulations and reflecting on them. I’d love to hear other ideas.
WestCoastSunRN, MSN, CNS
496 Posts
18 hours ago, midlifemom said:One thing being considered is having students view past simulations and reflecting on them. I’d love to hear other ideas.
GREAT idea.
The people in my class that already burned their vacation get an extra two weeks vacation LOL I’m jealous. They don’t make us make it up since we already in hospital 2000+ hours x 2 years so it doesn’t really matter
jeanbeth, MSN, DNP, RN
68 Posts
I am concerned that our Board of Nursing has remained silent on whether virtual clinical experiences or on-line activities will meet the clinical hours required to sit for boards. No word. All of our clinical sites have prohibited us from attending and so we have no alternative. Our term ends on April 10th!
2 Posts
I'm finishing up my ASN and our school has cancelled clinicals but is also refusing to provide online testing. They said they would consider it if we put together a presentation. Is anyone's program using online testing due to COVID? Can you share what online testing program your school is using? Thank you!
159 Posts
Clinical is going to start on Zoom. I ordered a book of case studies from Amazon. I'm also going to see what resources I can get from the school library.
On 3/14/2020 at 11:14 PM, jeanbeth said:I am concerned that our Board of Nursing has remained silent on whether virtual clinical experiences or on-line activities will meet the clinical hours required to sit for boards. No word. All of our clinical sites have prohibited us from attending and so we have no alternative. Our term ends on April 10th!
Here is an artical discussing your concern regarding simulated clinical sites.
38,333 Posts
Texas governor is wise or at least has wise counsel. Other states should follow suit.
melissa.22, LPN
13 Posts
I am in my final year of BScN in Canada. Our Winter clinical was cancelled with 2-3 clinical days left. We were given the option to complete a 4 page reflection on COVID-19/ pandemic to account for the missed days. I have a friend from another school who was given case studies to respond to. My school is still in deciding how to proceed with our Spring clinical, whether it will be cancelled or not. Simulations and case studies are being considered. I wondered if it would be feasible to do a Telehealth student role?
I am also wondering what happened back during SARS, did students miss time then or were they given alternative activities. Was anybody at nursing school during that time?