CON withholding proof of graduation!!!!

Nursing Students General Students


  1. Would you comply to school's month long study program to hopefully receive ATT for NCLEX?

    • 7
      Yes - I would just deal with it
    • 1
      Yes - but I would write a letter to the school BEFORE they send the AOG
    • 3
      Yes - but I would write a letter to the school AFTER they send the AOG
    • 0
      Yes - but I would write a letter school & BON BEFORE they send the AOG
    • 2
      Yes - but I would write a letter school & BON AFTER they send the AOG
    • 0
      Yes - I would be glad to complete another month of requirements after graduation
    • 2
      No - I would write a letter to the school before being forced to comply
    • 4
      No - I would seek legal action and/or immediately report them to the BON
    • 0
      Other (please do post your opinion!)

19 members have participated

Hello all! I am in a predicament and am not sure what to do. I graduated this month with my BSN. Now my college is forcing my class to take further NCLEX preparation and has told us they will not send my affidavit of graduation (AOG) to the BON until we do so and the earliest they will send it is in June. This new "requirement" was sprung on us right before graduation and not in the School handbook. In previous documents I have from the school, the college was supposed to send our AOG the next business day after graduating.

I passed the HESI exit exam as required... I really wanted to take the NCLEX at the end of this month and am furious that they would do this to their students. Their past published 5 years of NCLEX pass rates have been at or above the necessary 80%, so I'm unsure what the issue is.

Has anyone had a similar experience and if so what did you do? Does anyone have any recommendations?

Thank you in advance!!

- An angry future nurse

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
Unbelievable and really sad that a majority of us feel it is best to just comply. I can not believe that is even legal.

Right??? This whole thing just seems so shady. Especially if it was not in the curriculum and book as required.

We weren't required to do Kaplan or any prep class. We had the option to pay extra at a discount rate if we wanted to do a prep course. My school had a 99% pass rate for NCLEX. They also had something worked out that we had our transcripts to take to the board like 2 weeks before other schools. I had my ATI 3 days after pinning ceremony. We got our transcripts the day after our ceremony *nursing one, college one was the next week* and we drove to Denver the next day on Thursday to turn in everything and had our ATI on Friday.

I would be raising holy heck about this.

No one's saying to "just" comply. But the reality seems like there's very little the OP can do about it. Pursue legal action? That is costly.

Unbelievable and really sad that a majority of us feel it is best to just comply. I can not believe that is even legal.

I feel the same way. On one hand, I want to stand up for myself, fellow classmates, and future students.

But as others have mentioned it's not worth it. IF I were to speak up, I would be scared that it would negatively affect my future, both in my career and possibly future educational pursuits. And IF I were to pursue legal action, by the time it even made any sort of progress I would probably already be an RN.

Specializes in Psychiatry, Community, Nurse Manager, hospice.

I really feel for you and I think what your school is doing is unfair. I think it is worth a written complaint, a letter to the board of nursing, to the college board, to whomever might be able to change this.

But I think at the same time, it's a good idea to prepare to comply, because it may go nowhere.

Good luck.

Specializes in NICU.
Right??? This whole thing just seems so shady. Especially if it was not in the curriculum and book as required.

We weren't required to do Kaplan or any prep class. We had the option to pay extra at a discount rate if we wanted to do a prep course. My school had a 99% pass rate for NCLEX. They also had something worked out that we had our transcripts to take to the board like 2 weeks before other schools. I had my ATI 3 days after pinning ceremony. We got our transcripts the day after our ceremony *nursing one, college one was the next week* and we drove to Denver the next day on Thursday to turn in everything and had our ATI on Friday.

I would be raising holy heck about this.

Do you mean ATT or ATI? ATI is a prep course.

Specializes in NICU.
I really feel for you and I think what your school is doing is unfair. I think it is worth a written complaint, a letter to the board of nursing, to the college board, to whomever might be able to change this.

But I think at the same time, it's a good idea to prepare to comply, because it may go nowhere.

Good luck.

This is probably the best advise. Complete the "requirements" and after you are finished, send a complaint about it. Suggest having the prep course included in an actual class or something else that you feel would have been a better solution.

I don't see how they can make students do further "required" coursework after graduation. If you graduated, you graduated... As in you have the degree whether or not you pass NCLEX. Plus, even if you do the prep class and are not proficient enough to the prep classes standards, what then? Are they going to further delay sending your information to the state?

Although it would peeve me too, I would just oblige by their last minute rules. Even though it isn't stated in the handbook, don't make enemies this late in the game. Just follow their silly rules, pass NCLEX, get a job, and don't look back. It is their, seemingly fine, reputation they are tarnishing.

Thanks for the feedback. From my understanding, they will withhold the AOG until we are determined to be ready to sit for NCLEX. I think there is yet another exam we have to take in June. So I'm pretty sure they are going to deny us to take NCLEX unless we pass. Around finals week they surprised my class with another HESI Exit exam (which I passed without preparing since the first exam earlier this year) and 2 separate Kaplan readiness exams, in addition to each one we have to take specialized for each class. It's too much.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
Do you mean ATT or ATI? ATI is a prep course.

Yes ATT Authorization to test. I have no idea why my phone keeps changing it. :|

Hello all! I am in a predicament and am not sure what to do. I graduated this month with my BSN. Now my college is forcing my class to take further NCLEX preparation and has told us they will not send my affidavit of graduation (AOG) to the BON until we do so and the earliest they will send it is in June. This new "requirement" was sprung on us right before graduation and not in the School handbook. In previous documents I have from the school, the college was supposed to send our AOG the next business day after graduating.

I passed the HESI exit exam as required... I really wanted to take the NCLEX at the end of this month and am furious that they would do this to their students. Their past published 5 years of NCLEX pass rates have been at or above the necessary 80%, so I'm unsure what the issue is.

Has anyone had a similar experience and if so what did you do? Does anyone have any recommendations?

Thank you in advance!!

- An angry future nurse

An 80% NCLEX pass rate may meet the minimum requirements, but that sounds really low. My school had a 98-100% pass rate most years. I would find 80% very troubling. I'm betting that is why they are doing this, to eliminate those who would fail so they can increase their pass rate.

Whether or not this is legal or ethical is another matter altogether.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.
Thanks for the feedback. From my understanding, they will withhold the AOG until we are determined to be ready to sit for NCLEX. I think there is yet another exam we have to take in June. So I'm pretty sure they are going to deny us to take NCLEX unless we pass. Around finals week they surprised my class with another HESI Exit exam (which I passed without preparing since the first exam earlier this year) and 2 separate Kaplan readiness exams, in addition to each one we have to take specialized for each class. It's too much.

I don't know how these things work legally, not my area of expertise. Maybe possible to do a free consult with a lawyer that deals with this type of stuff just to even see if anything CAN be done, or what best course of action would be?? Just to see if you even have options?? Sometimes all it takes is a letter written on legal letterhead from someone that knows their stuff to get the other party to see this will not be tolerated. IF there are rules being broken and shady stuff going on, the school is probably banking on know one knowing any better or actually doing anything. So if they are breaking the rules maybe a "legal reminder" might help??? Just throwing out ideas here.

Specializes in NICU.
Thanks for the feedback. From my understanding, they will withhold the AOG until we are determined to be ready to sit for NCLEX. I think there is yet another exam we have to take in June. So I'm pretty sure they are going to deny us to take NCLEX unless we pass. Around finals week they surprised my class with another HESI Exit exam (which I passed without preparing since the first exam earlier this year) and 2 separate Kaplan readiness exams, in addition to each one we have to take specialized for each class. It's too much.

I don't understand this. If they aren't prepared to allow you to sit for the NCLEX then why were they willing to let you graduate?

There has to be some legalities because they cannot just withhold your ability to get your license forever. I would call your state's BON and request information.

Specializes in PICU.

I wonder if some of the HESI scores for other students was low and the school did not want to be below the curve for NCLEX pass rates. You have stated that you passed the second HESI, but it is possible the other scores for other students does not paint a good picture of NCLEX prepared graduates.

Sorry you have to do it. Soon you will be an RN.

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