CON withholding proof of graduation!!!!

Nursing Students General Students


  1. Would you comply to school's month long study program to hopefully receive ATT for NCLEX?

    • 7
      Yes - I would just deal with it
    • 1
      Yes - but I would write a letter to the school BEFORE they send the AOG
    • 3
      Yes - but I would write a letter to the school AFTER they send the AOG
    • 0
      Yes - but I would write a letter school & BON BEFORE they send the AOG
    • 2
      Yes - but I would write a letter school & BON AFTER they send the AOG
    • 0
      Yes - I would be glad to complete another month of requirements after graduation
    • 2
      No - I would write a letter to the school before being forced to comply
    • 4
      No - I would seek legal action and/or immediately report them to the BON
    • 0
      Other (please do post your opinion!)

19 members have participated

Hello all! I am in a predicament and am not sure what to do. I graduated this month with my BSN. Now my college is forcing my class to take further NCLEX preparation and has told us they will not send my affidavit of graduation (AOG) to the BON until we do so and the earliest they will send it is in June. This new "requirement" was sprung on us right before graduation and not in the School handbook. In previous documents I have from the school, the college was supposed to send our AOG the next business day after graduating.

I passed the HESI exit exam as required... I really wanted to take the NCLEX at the end of this month and am furious that they would do this to their students. Their past published 5 years of NCLEX pass rates have been at or above the necessary 80%, so I'm unsure what the issue is.

Has anyone had a similar experience and if so what did you do? Does anyone have any recommendations?

Thank you in advance!!

- An angry future nurse

Specializes in ER.

That's what I was thinking! "Just comply"??!! This is why nursing schools pull this crap; because they can. They hold the futures of their students over their heads and bank on the fact students will be too afraid to fight back out of fear of throwing away everything they've worked so hard for.

Nursing schools have somehow gained too much power, and it's getting out of hand.

Its like another post on here about the cost of books - $800-$3000 for books??!! That is absolutely ridiculous!! On the subject of books, during school and clinicals, they preach about back safety and body mechanics, yet they want student to tote around 30 pounds or more of books. My med/surg weighed almost 10 pounds alone! Sorry, but nursing schools are getting far gready, as well as too big for their britches.

That's what I was thinking! "Just comply"??!! This is why nursing schools pull this crap; because they can. They hold the futures of their students over their heads and bank on the fact students will be too afraid to fight back out of fear of throwing away everything they've worked so hard for.

Nursing schools have somehow gained too much power, and it's getting out of hand.

Its like another post on here about the cost of books - $800-$3000 for books??!! That is absolutely ridiculous!! On the subject of books, during school and clinicals, they preach about back safety and body mechanics, yet they want student to tote around 30 pounds or more of books. My med/surg weighed almost 10 pounds alone! Sorry, but nursing schools are getting far gready, as well as too big for their britches.

*Most* textbooks enrich the publisher, not the nursing school.

Specializes in Cardiac Stepdown, PCU.

I know I am a little late commenting on this. My program had a similar thing we had to do ATI's NCLEX Prep, which was only covered for like 12 weeks or something. If you didn't complete it or pass it then you had to pay to extend your time. Our nursing director wouldn't send our letters of approval or whatnot to the BON until we got a "green light" from ATI. This wouldn't have been a problem for most, however, they had us apply our codes a month, or month and a half before graduation to begin with. So most people activated it, then ignored it because we were still too busy getting ready for finals to be bothered! That meant some people had only 4 to 6 weeks to pass this thing without having to shell out like another $80.

One of my friends and classmates said screw that. She decided to send her application in the same way out of state students do. She got a copy of her transcripts and sent it, along with her application, to the state. They accepted it, and she got her ATT within a few weeks. She went around the nursing director. Not sure if it will work, I am in NJ, but you can certainly try it in your state.

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