Comparing how news media headlines and reports on the same story


There is allot of discussion on news media bias. I thought I would start a topic dedicated to this. I find the best way to gather information of any topic is to read various sources of different political leanings. 

To start the conversation, I'll submitt this news story. 

A headline from Fox News and one from MDNSBC. Note the different headlines and contents.

Specializes in Home care/Travel.
Daisy4RN said:

I honestly don't think there are any trustworthy "news" organizations anymore. Maybe local news is not so bad but even local news/papers are being bought out by the large corporations which do affect their reporting. I am old enough to see the changes over the years and it is not good. Our Country is divided and the "news" certainly isn't helping. As I have said many times here I watch/listen/read news from different sides and hope to get the truth by comparison and deciphering the articles. It is a shame because we should not need to.  Read the below article and apply it to your "news" and see just how off the mark they really are.

I do not trust most media either! allsides is  great site. 

Could be Canada! They're MSM is funded by the liberal government. 

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

I use media as a source of information and entertainment. I look at a variety of sources and compare reporting. I understand that more media outlets are for profit and that more sensationalistic headlines draw the reader/consumer. I grew up trusting Walter Cronkite. Once the Fairness Doctrine was rolled back in 1987, broadcast news organizations were no long compelled to present various sides of an issue. 

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.
Roitrn said:

I do not trust most media either! allsides is  great site. 

Could be Canada! They're MSM is funded by the liberal government. 

Well at least in Canada they (should) know they are getting the left wing spin with their MSM. Here not so much, many people still believe they are getting factual news by watching the MSM. 

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.
nursej22 said:

I use media as a source of information and entertainment. I look at a variety of sources and compare reporting. I understand that more media outlets are for profit and that more sensationalistic headlines draw the reader/consumer. I grew up trusting Walter Cronkite. Once the Fairness Doctrine was rolled back in 1987, broadcast news organizations were no long compelled to present various sides of an issue. 

They have always been for profit but they still had some journalistic integrity, not so much anymore. There also should not be a need to present various sides (in most cases), it should be just present the facts and let readers/listeners make up their own minds. Now we have "journalists" in the MSM who are left wing telling people what they should think. 

Specializes in Public Health, TB.
Daisy4RN said:

They have always been for profit but they still had some journalistic integrity, not so much anymore. There also should not be a need to present various sides (in most cases), it should be just present the facts and let readers/listeners make up their own minds. Now we have "journalists" in the MSM who are left wing telling people what they should think. 

Are you saying that those you deem non left wing have more journalistic integrity? Can provide some examples of who you feel has journalist integrity? 

Why did you put quotations around journalists? Were you quoting someone? And you really think they are telling people what to think? Can you provide some examples? 

 I think I've asked this before and I'm not sure I have gotten an answer. What outlets make up the MSM? Is Fox News included, because I think they claim the most viewership. 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

I do think it's important to clarify what MSM includes. 



Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Daisy4RN said:

I honestly don't think there are any trustworthy "news" organizations anymore. Maybe local news is not so bad but even local news/papers are being bought out by the large corporations which do affect their reporting. I am old enough to see the changes over the years and it is not good. Our Country is divided and the "news" certainly isn't helping. As I have said many times here I watch/listen/read news from different sides and hope to get the truth by comparison and deciphering the articles. It is a shame because we should not need to.  Read the below article and apply it to your "news" and see just how off the mark they really are.

I think that allsides gives us comparative information so that we can choose journalism from sources that tend toward accuracy and reliability.  It's not that difficult to overcome ordinary bias in reporting.  IMV

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.
nursej22 said:

Are you saying that those you deem non left wing have more journalistic integrity? Can provide some examples of who you feel has journalist integrity? 

Why did you put quotations around journalists? Were you quoting someone? And you really think they are telling people what to think? Can you provide some examples? 

 I think I've asked this before and I'm not sure I have gotten an answer. What outlets make up the MSM? Is Fox News included, because I think they claim the most viewership. 

I would consider the major outlets ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, WaPo, NYT and yes Fox to be MSM. The difference I see is that there are many more MSM outlets that people feel are not left wing (even though they are) than Fox which most people realize is right wing. Those  news organizations have been around for a long time and have been slowly but steadily becoming more overt in their left wing reporting, some being down right advocates for the Democratic Party. I put journalists in quotes because I don't think they are true journalists (ie without motive and integrity) anymore. I am not saying that none exist anywhere but they are few and far between and don't get the headlines that most people hear/read. 
You want examples, here ya go. 
The MSM ran with whatever they could and spewed lies/spin, and vitriol for the 4 years Trump was in office Including lies Re: Russia collision, Covid, border, that Trump was for White supremists etc. Of course these were all real stories but actual fact checking didn't happen as long as the media made Trump look bad. Never stopped for 4 years. 

And how about the Nicholas Sandman case. Media went crazy and reported all kinds of horrible things about the 16yo kid just because he was wearing a MAGA hat with zero fact checking on the story. Another attempt to make Trump look bad but this time by attacking a 16yo kid, absolutely shameful on many levels. And some of you here also just believed the MSM and argued about it before and after the facts came out.

And how about the absolute chaos that was the Kavanaugh hearing, lies and spin by the media so much that people were clawing at the doors to get in (insurrection?) 


Specializes in Public Health, TB.

So, @Daisy4RN, you freely criticize reporting on the former president, the border, Mr. Sandman, and the COVID response. Is there any topic you think has been well reported on? And what do you base that on? 

What journalist or outlet do you feel has integrity?

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.
nursej22 said:

So, @Daisy4RN, you freely criticize reporting on the former president, the border, Mr. Sandman, and the COVID response. Is there any topic you think has been well reported on? And what do you base that on? 

What journalist or outlet do you feel has integrity?

I answered your question. How about you go next. What journalists/outlets do you feel report honestly after doing their due diligence fact checking, report without political bias, and have integrity?

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

@Daisy4RN I think that the AP and Reuters are reliably accurate with little to no bias.  In my view, accuracy and reliability are also important.  I read content in right leaning sources all of the time.  I'm interested in credibility. 

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

I think I stated earlier that I thought ProPublica does an excellent job of reporting. AP and Reuters seem to be fairly unbiased. I think some of the reporters from the New York Times and the Washington Post do some good investigative work, mostly because they seek out many sources, although I think the editors and the headline writers lean toward the sensationalistic. Journalists are human, and will always have some unconscious bias. I think as consumers of journalism it is incumbent on ourselves to be aware of confirmation bias.

For instance, I have never been a fan of Mr. Trump, going to back to his stint as a reality show personality. So if a negative story appears, I want to believe it. But I will look at other sources, including his own tweets and truths to see if there is more to the story. I will watch videos of his rally appearances and listen to what he has to say, not just rely on what media reports. 

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