Published Jul 30, 2014
26 Posts
Recently had to fire a employee because they violated the HIPAA practice. Do you feel as though its that serious to abide by that law?
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Unless your company has independent wealth to pay for violations to the federal government, risk of losing insurance contracts and potential for sanctions against your professional license, yes HIPAA and patient confidentiality is of utmost importance and must be taken seriously. Starting with education at employee orientation and follow through for violations. There are civil and potential criminal penalties for HIPAA violations
morte, LPN, LVN
7,015 Posts
hmm, taking an ethics course, perhaps?
CT Pixie, BSN, RN
3,723 Posts
@ Morte, from the rapid fire speed with all these 'ethical' questions the orig poster has made today alone (10+ in a 15 minute span)..I have to wonder the same thing.
SoldierNurse22, BSN, RN
4 Articles; 2,058 Posts
Sweet mother of Elvis, OP. Just how much homework do you have?
Time to get comfortable with the search function on AN (top right corner). There are tons of threads on the topics you've posted already.
jadelpn, LPN, EMT-B
9 Articles; 4,800 Posts
Op, one of the most significant things you can learn is where your resources are and how to use them.
The members of AN will not be in your classroom with you or on your job in the future to assist you.
Most homework requires some sort of reference. And a message board, no matter how wonderful advice is (and there's a LOT of amazing members on here) is not a particularly valid point of reference for homework. Not to mention that there are more than one professor or 2 who will nab you for directly quoting from here, and not showing said reference--you do not want to get into a plagiarism situation.
You seem to be a newer student. Your school website may have discussion boards on the subjects you are seeking answers on. And I am all about renting or buying the books. Taking notes in class. All of those things that will only serve to help you to be a critical thinker in the long run.
My best advice in nursing: Know what you know, and if you don't know, know where to find the accurate, most up to date answer. That is supported by EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE--which will be your newest catch phrase of your academic career--and beyond.
Ethics is an interesting class. There really is no right answer, just in how you present and support said answer. You will find that in nursing. There's no patient that is exactly like any other. To reserve your own judgement and support that of your patient is a challenge, but takes creative thinking sometimes.
Best wishes in your endevours.
7,736 Posts
Another one of OP's hot potato threads.
Been there,done that, ASN, RN
7,241 Posts
Dunno , perhaps if you tell us more about the **cough** employee you had to fire.
Please delete my account. I thought this was a place to vent I see other wise.
14,633 Posts
You're not "venting," you're asking all kinds of strange, random questions, many of which sound like you have no experience at all with nursing or healthcare in general (although you claim to have some different kind of professional nursing background each time someone asks you). Is it "that important" to abide by HIPAA?? Yes, it is. It's Federal law (and most states have some kind of comparable confidentiality statutes and regs re: medical records, as well). There are serious penalties for violations, for individuals and for organizations/facilities, including large fines and, possibly, prison time. However, if you don't think the law is necessary and you don't mind big fines and possibly serving time in Federal prison, violate it all you like.
Vent all you like, lying not so much. Delete your own dang account.
1,007 Posts
It is that crucial that everyone follow HIPAA compliance. Federal laws are something not to take lightly.