Published Jul 28, 2017
nursealisha, BSN, RN
18 Posts
My husband is active duty military and we move all the time. We recently moved to Texas for our most recent PCS. However, I started the process while we were in AL so I was not given a compact license since I'm not a "Texas resident". Is there any way to obtain compact Licensure without changing our official home state (FL)? It's seems like a huge complication for our taxes and in the future if I get a TX license but he remains a FL resident. Any insight into this process? Thanks.
4,161 Posts
You need to have your permanent residence in a compact state in order to get a multi-state license. I currently live in KY (compact state) and work in KY and have a multi-state license. Next month I am moving back across the river to Indiana (non-compact). As soon as I change my address with KY BON, I will lose my multi-state and get a single state.
Bummer. There's gotta be an easier way for military spouses who have to move frequently to get licensed. I spend so much money applying for endorsement! The more we move, the more licenses I have and Texas wanted official verification from every state. I wish they'd just do a national license
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
AMEN to that!
sallyrnrrt, ADN, RN
2,399 Posts
There is work for a va system hospital or outpatient facility
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Check with the BoN, some states have provisions for military and spouses
Jolie, BSN
6,375 Posts
One possible option is to work in federal facilities. If you work for the federal government, you can hold a license in any state, regardless of whether or not you are working in the state in which you are licensed.
Wolf at the Door, BSN
1,045 Posts
Florida is now included in the compact licensure however the start date is in the future. Just wait don't bother changing your residency to Texas. There is no state tax like Florida however Texas has annual car inspection you can avoid.
Glycerine82, LPN
1 Article; 2,188 Posts
So I live in RI and hold a SC licence that was compact when I got it. I also have my MA nursing licence as that is the state I work in. I wonder if I still have multi-state privileges because I live in a compact state? (But don't work in one)
It's a bit confusing.
So I live in RI and hold a SC licence that was compact when I got it. I also have my MA nursing licence as that is the state I work in. I wonder if I still have multi-state privileges because I live in a compact state? (But don't work in one) It's a bit confusing.
Yes. It's based upon where your permanent residence is
14,633 Posts
Glycerine, have you notified SC that you're living in RI? Are you maintaining a permanent residence in SC? The rules of the NLC state that you can only hold licensure in one compact state at a time, and it must be your home (permanent residence) state. Your SC license only has compact privileges if you're living in SC. If you're living in a different compact state (like RI), you need to apply for licensure in that state; your SC license is only good for 90 days once you have moved to another compact state.
As of today yes, RI is compact. However RI has not agreed to the eNLC compact agreement and will no longer be part of the compact states if not done.
eNLC Implementation | NCSBN