Published Aug 17, 2013
37 Posts
I can't believe that on top of the $500 plus course, $175 text books, I have to pay to have my test and final exam proctored and have to go out and buy a web cam! I really wish this would have been passed on to me as I would have not even enrolled in UTA. I suck at math and was not looking to spend this awful amount of money to hopefully pass Algebra. I'm hoping the video lectures show me step by step how to work out the problems or I am in trouble. Might have to transfer to Texas Tech, they don't even require Algebra.
12 Posts
That's crazy! None of the other courses I've taken have had this requirement, so it might just be that course. Maybe look for a different instructor for the same course?
44 Posts
That must be a new requirement. I took algebra online at uta last year and the tests were not proctored and we didn't have to have a web cam. I wonder why they changed it?
49 Posts
I'm in it with you too! It's crazy! I just read all of our tests have to be proctored (4 in total)! That's $30 a test! I'm struggling with the hw too.
111 Posts
The homework is too much...I have two part that is still not complete and I am done stressing over it. The text does not really explain how they arrived at some of the answers and that throws me off... I will take the quiz in the AM.
I dropped this class like a bad habit have thought about leaving UTA altogether because of this class. I will keep with UTA but will be looking for another math class at another university. Shame on you UTA for this awful class being required. They really should just do away with the Algebra requirement. I have been a nurse for 10 years and have never used Algebra other than drug calculations.
235 Posts
I'm not due to take this class until just before capstone in January. If this is true, I need to figure out how to take it here at the community college. If anyone has any updates let me know. I will post any info as I come up with it. The cost is just too much for a basic class that can be taken easily locally - hopefully accellerated and with only 1 day a week attendance.
Is it just me or is the book and the math lab talking about completely different concepts?? I would LOVE to drop it but at this point I am too financially invested in it. I'm completely lost in the course...but just hired a tutor to sit with me and explain it to me better than the videos from the 1980s
danarooo, BSN, RN
119 Posts
I'm so glad I came across this, I'm doing classes at UTA and dropped this class last spring due to my hours at work doubling and lack of time to give college algebra enough study time. I don't understand why it's even required, I took stats already! I may take college algebra locally and transfer it since now it's been made stupidly difficult with a proctor and web-cam. This is supposed to be for working nurses, we are all way too tired after work to have to put up with the extra and unnecessary College algebra stupidity.
18 Posts
My thoughts also. I am debating on switching it out for a different class. I just got the email Friday from the instructor about the proctored exam and need for a web cam.Plus the proctoring is per exam fee. I will take my class locally.
You can swap the class for another class. I refuse to pay 175 for a book.
I am getting ready to drop it today. The instructor sent out an email about the proctoring and web cam. Plus the book is 175.