Chemistry 2006/ 2007 Club***

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I am starting Chem II this semester. Anyone want to start a club??? :rolleyes:

Maggi I'm taking the same class. good luck!

I want to take just chemistry (101) this summer, I'm a 32 yr. old SAH-mom & have to take that & the HESI so I can get onto the ADN waiting list. I'm worried about being able to do good in the class because it's a semester of learning packed into a much shorter span. How difficult is it? I'm taking Math 104 to brush up on algebra stuff & a biology class starting tomorrow. I got an A in the previous class. I just don't know what to do for a class this summer because I don't want to take a break but I don't want to not do very good either. I could take a Psychology (basics) class or a basic sociology class....or English 101...I just don't know which will be the easiest.

Well I thought I was done with chem. but it looks like I am not. Enrolled in O.Chem, and start on the 29th....yuck... Counselor was real comforting saying that it was the hardest college course and once I was done I could do anything. Harder than A&P, and micro, great.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I am about 2/3 of the way through my organic chemistry class and cannot wait until it is over b/c like your counselor said, once you tackle o. chem, you can do anything! I believe it! Don't get discouraged before you even begin. Start with a positive attitude and start reading ahead before your class even begins, if you have the text. Organic is just like any math class, you have to work the problems in order to get better and understand what you are doing. Good luck with it, and if you need any help I can "try" and answer some questions since it is so fresh in my brain. I got an "A" on my first exam and will find out tonight at night class what my score is for exam 2, it was on monday evening and was much more difficult than the first (took me 2 1/2 hrs,,,ouch) Study hard, it pays off in the end!

I am about 2/3 of the way through my organic chemistry class and cannot wait until it is over b/c like your counselor said, once you tackle o. chem, you can do anything! I believe it! Don't get discouraged before you even begin. Start with a positive attitude and start reading ahead before your class even begins, if you have the text. Organic is just like any math class, you have to work the problems in order to get better and understand what you are doing. Good luck with it, and if you need any help I can "try" and answer some questions since it is so fresh in my brain. I got an "A" on my first exam and will find out tonight at night class what my score is for exam 2, it was on monday evening and was much more difficult than the first (took me 2 1/2 hrs,,,ouch) Study hard, it pays off in the end!

I appreciate the response. Although lacking the comfort of " Oh don't worry it's easy :chuckle " , I enjoy knowing its at least survivable. Good job on your 1st exam and hopefully you did as well on your 2nd. So does it rely heavily on what you learned in General chem? I took that 3 years ago and thats what I am most worried about as I dont know how much of that info has stuck around after all the anatomy, physiology, micro and all the the other pre-reqs.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Hi jda1977, just saw your recent post about how organic chem relates to your general chem that you took 3 years ago???You will be just fine! You always have to start with the basic principles of chemistry in general. Lewis structures, valence electrons, basic knowledge of the periodic table, ect.,,the way I see it, a 3 year gap is much easier to work with than the 13yr. gap that I am faced with! It also depends on your situation with family/work/home and how much time you are able to sit down and work through problems. I just got home from my class and let's just say that I am not so pleased with my results from exam 2! Thank god I did well on the first exam. The instructor said not to be discouraged because everyone in the class slid as well. Some how that does not make me feel all that much better; but she also said that grades for exam 3 tend to be I have that going for me, I guess. I just need to pass with a "C" or better as I am already accepted into an accelerated program and that is the minimum requirement! Good luck, and sorry so long, I am just a little disappointed.:uhoh21:

I am taking chemistry, introductory and i unable to pass online quiz's. There is not much math and that is not problem. The concepts are very difficult to understand, etc. I am doing well in anatomy though, making A. Any ideas to help me............

Am i the only person with this problem in chemistry?

I am taking chemistry, introductory and i unable to pass online quiz's. There is not much math and that is not problem. The concepts are very difficult to understand, etc. I am doing well in anatomy though, making A. Any ideas to help me............

Am i the only person with this problem in chemistry?

I took Chem last semester, the only suggestion is doing the problems over and over and over and then over again. If you have a specific place your stumped through it out and maybe someone on here can help you through it.

I'm taking general chemistry I this year and I'm actually really enjoying it! I definitely have to work a little harder than usual and pay extra attention to completely understand the concepts, but so far I'm holding onto a solid A! My professor kind of took a strange route and skipped chapter 1 (basic SI units, significant figures and conversion factor stuff) and saved it for mid-term.

Well here we are at mid-term and, while I typically do really well with math, the conversion word problems have got me struggling! I'm kicking myself over it because I know it's basic math, but I can't get from A to B to C! It's not the conversion factors themselves (ie. 1 inch = 2.54 cm) but setting up the word problems to get the answer that I need. Does anybody have a website bookmarked that will help with this stuff and that offers practice problems (with answers!!)???? TIA!

I found some good sites finally! I was searching under the wrong key words... should have been 'dimensional analysis'. Go figure ;) Anyway, I'm still interested in and would really appreciate any links ya'll can provide (on top of what I have now)... the more practice the better! I have a big exam on Wednesday and I want to nail this part of the exam!

Specializes in Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy.

Does anyone here have to know any quantum for Chem?

Does anyone here have to know any quantum for Chem?

We did earlier in the semester ... but we were very lucky in that we were required to know it on a very basic level only (I'm in Gen Chem I). We didn't have to know the formulas involved nor perform actual calculations... thank GAWD. We touched on the basics of Bohr's work and just had to understand the conepts of electron energies and relationships between wave energies, wavelengths and frequency. And, we focused a lot on Schrodinger's model of quantum numbers used to describe electron energies and orbitals to include Pauli's exclusion principle and Hund's rule.

Is your class required to know how to perform all the calculations?

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