Checking in with Edukan A&P 1 students

Nursing Students Online Learning


Hi All,

I just wanted to see how everyone else was doing in A&P 1 this summer? I'm doing ok. I'm not sure about all of you, but her essay questions on the test sometimes throw me for a loop:uhoh3: Oh, well. I have a 93% average right now, but boy am I working for it:)

Talk to you soon,


Ahhh! I just (finally) finished the last of the work for this week for Unit 10. Thank goodness there is only 5 units to go.

Anyway, I found this link and I wanted to share it with all of you. It really helps with all the words we are constantly looking up for our lab work.

Take Care,



I am plugging away as we speak. I still have to finish the lab for chapter 10 and the test for both... I think the joint test won't be too bad, but not sure about chapter 10's test. We'll see. Thanks so much for the link.


I am going to take the test for unit 10 right now and I will finally be done. Some family members dropped by yesterday and threw me off schedule. I had hoped to NOT be doing work a few hours before midnight but that is just the way it's going to go this week. I promise myself that no matter what I am not taking Sunday-Tue off anymore. I really do not want to go through this again....I am starting on Sunday's from now until the end of this class.

I am going to take the test for unit 10 right now and I will finally be done. Some family members dropped by yesterday and threw me off schedule. I had hoped to NOT be doing work a few hours before midnight but that is just the way it's going to go this week. I promise myself that no matter what I am not taking Sunday-Tue off anymore. I really do not want to go through this again....I am starting on Sunday's from now until the end of this class.

Well, I'm really upset, I did good on ch. 9's test, but horrible on 10's. I wasn't even able to complete all of the work, I have too much other work right now. I am afraid to see how bad my grade will drop now, I feel like I wasted my time and will have to re-take it! Oh, well. :rolleyes:

Maybe it won't be so bad as long as you did the test and the quiz and pass them both your grade shouldn't drop too much. All of that other stuff we do is labor intensive but the bulk of our points still come from the tests.

This week isn't going to be any easier than last week. The lab assignment is a long one and we have plenty of question to answer from the textbook. I am going to take a half day off and get to work in the afternoon today. I don't want to get caught out there again on a Saturday like I was last week.

Good luck!

Well, I'm really upset, I did good on ch. 9's test, but horrible on 10's. I wasn't even able to complete all of the work, I have too much other work right now. I am afraid to see how bad my grade will drop now, I feel like I wasted my time and will have to re-take it! Oh, well. :rolleyes:
Maybe it won't be so bad as long as you did the test and the quiz and pass them both your grade shouldn't drop too much. All of that other stuff we do is labor intensive but the bulk of our points still come from the tests.

This week isn't going to be any easier than last week. The lab assignment is a long one and we have plenty of question to answer from the textbook. I am going to take a half day off and get to work in the afternoon today. I don't want to get caught out there again on a Saturday like I was last week.

Good luck!

Argh.... :bluecry1: 2 chapters again this week. I have a crazy week, as I am hosting my family reunion and Friday and Saturday is jammed packed with activities. This week is going to be a killer for me. I have tons of relatives int own etc. I am going to treat this week as if everything is due by Thursday at midnight. I definitely won't try to cram like I did this week.

I am so afraid that my grade is going to drop also. I am already in the B range and was hoping to get back into the A range.... now I feel like I'll be lucky to hold on to my B. Anything less than a B is like flushing time and money down the drain because I will have to re-take it before I apply to nursing school.

Well, Here's wishing everyone the best of luck. Only 3 more weeks to go!!


Thanks guys, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one, and I need to keep my "B" as well otherwise I will have to retake the class. I'm not a happy camper right now seeing that we have 2 chapters again, does anyone know if we are going to have anymore like this?? I hope not, but I am going to take your advice and treat it like it's due Thursday, no more last minute stuff for me. Good Luck guys, we're going to need it!

Oh, come on! Is all this work really necessary? I mean how much information are we really going to retain? I would think the school would want the students to actually learn the material, but i'm starting to think that there's a lot of people that end up having to re-take the A&P's and of course pay more $$. I dunno, maybe it's just summer, or maybe not??

BTW, next week we have two chapters again, so just giving you all a heads up incase you thought you were going to see the sun! :chuckle Alright, I'm done ranting, sorry guys.

Specializes in Level III cardiac/telemetry.

With all that extra homework, your tests grades aren't as weighted though, right? Our tests in Simmons AP2 class are 60% of the grade, so that makes it tough. At this point I would gladly have extra work. I guess we all want what we can't have!

ITA, its nuts! Two chapters per week is too much to absorb. I really wish she had doubled up earlier in the semester. Remember Unit1? Did we really need an entire week for that? We could have done 2 units that week. Also I feel like if we are required to do two units per week something should be cut out or cut down on! Like maybe less chapter questions?

Lanna Banana this is from the syllabus. So you see even though we get stuck doing hours and hours of busy work our tests and quizzes still count for 65% of our grade anyway. If I wasn't on the border of an A (89.55% currently) I would skip either the labs or chapter questions. Doing the two labs and two chapters of questions will easily take up 10 hours of my time this week. I am really close though and I need the extra points so I grind away.

Chapter Review Questions 10%

140 points

Threaded Discussions 10%

140 points

Webliography 5%

70 points

Virtual Laboratory Exercises 10%

140 points

Quizzes 15%

240 points

Tests 50%

700 points

Oh, come on! Is all this work really necessary? I mean how much information are we really going to retain? I would think the school would want the students to actually learn the material, but i'm starting to think that there's a lot of people that end up having to re-take the A&P's and of course pay more $$. I dunno, maybe it's just summer, or maybe not??

BTW, next week we have two chapters again, so just giving you all a heads up incase you thought you were going to see the sun! :chuckle Alright, I'm done ranting, sorry guys.

ITA, its nuts! Two chapters per week is too much to absorb. I really wish she had doubled up earlier in the semester. Remember Unit1? Did we really need an entire week for that? We could have done 2 units that week. Also I feel like if we are required to do two units per week something should be cut out or cut down on! Like maybe less chapter questions?

Lanna Banana this is from the syllabus. So you see even though we get stuck doing hours and hours of busy work our tests and quizzes still count for 65% of our grade anyway. If I wasn't on the border of an A (89.55% currently) I would skip either the labs or chapter questions. Doing the two labs and two chapters of questions will easily take up 10 hours of my time this week. I am really close though and I need the extra points so I grind away.

Chapter Review Questions 10%

140 points

Threaded Discussions 10%

140 points

Webliography 5%

70 points

Virtual Laboratory Exercises 10%

140 points

Quizzes 15%

240 points

Tests 50%

700 points

Well, my power went out yesterday and I didn't get as much as I would have liked to get done! One disadvantage to taking classes online.

I know exactly what you are saying Falon, this is the only class that has a greater workload near the end, and I've taken quite a few now! It's one thing to have us double up, but it's another to go from 4 labs per chapter to almost 10, not to mention the review questions are longer as well. It's sink or swim time for me, and I am going to have to sacrifice my grades in my other classes, I'm already letting go of 50pts. in my Algebra class this week, because I need all the time I can get in A&P. :uhoh3:

Lana, I hear ya, and I know your tests are unpredictable..but you should see the amount of work we have. It takes me one to two days just to type out the review questions and labs, and that's not even answering them, just typing them. I would much rather have less work and have time to actually learn a few things. But, like you said, maybe that's just me wanting what I don't have? who knows.

Specializes in Level III cardiac/telemetry.

Wow. You'd think the tests would be weighted less with that much busy work. Guess every teacher has their own style. I still can't believe you have to type out all the questions. For the chapter questions we just put 1 b, 2 c, etc. For ADAM we just put the numbers/answers. I guess I don't really see the point in typing out all the questions...but then I guess that's part of why you guys are complaining! ;) Find some kid who wants to make a few bucks and pay them to type everything up! ;)

Lanner...I know what you mean about the different problems you run into with online classes. My computer crashed the weekend before our class started and had to be sent to the company for repair so I had to buy a laptop to get me through. Thank goodness I did though because even when they sent the computer back it didn't work right (won't read the CD or DVD drives, which makes it pretty useless for this class with the ADAM labs) and have to send it back again.

So how's everyone doing this week? I still have the labs and the test/quizzes to do, but other than that I've been keeping up! I am so excited to see that this class is almost over! Only 2 more weeks!!!:monkeydance: Woo-hoooo!!

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