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Ok so in my program this semester I have been having quite a more difficult time than I did last semester. (I'm in my 2nd semester) I have med surg, Pharm and Psych. I did less than stellar and got a 75% on my med surg test, my lowest score in the entire program. I thought that a classmate was cheating and mentioned it to a friend in the program, To make a long story short people in my class are cheating and have been seen by more than just me. This just infuriates me. I bust my ass for a 75% and people are in the program freaking cheating and bragging about how high their test scores are. And these people are still in the program! uggghhh. Has anyone else experienced this in their program. And should I mention anything more to the teacher or have I already sat on this information too long?(The teacher is aware that something is going on as she said so last class but I don't believe she knows who.)

Specializes in Informatics; Labor & Delivery; Med-Surg.

I just finished my last med-surg class, theyh ad a weird way of testing. They gave us the info that we needed to read. They lectured for the 1st hr and 2nd hr we did case studies. For each test, they give us a sheet of paper, a certain color for each test. We could write whatever we wanted on the sheet. Front and back. A lot of people thought it would be easy. They figured that they would just put all the main points down and thats it. But it wasnt that easy because the test is application and not knowledge based.

All of our tests are numbered. No one gets up to leave until all the tests are handed in and counted. We have a lecture-hall style room, so everyone must sit with at least one seat between each other. After the test is done. The pick up scantrons, they allow you to have a highlighter to mark the questions you have right/wrong. And there is no discussion allowed. Then, by the next lecture date, there is a silent review. You get your test booklet back, and each question is numbered with each rationale. So, what ever you have wrong, you just go to that number to see the correct answer. If you have any questions, you have to email the instructor and she/he will look at the question to see if they should allow more than one answer. During the test, if any electronics go off, your test will be taken from you and will be graded from where you left off. If its the final, then it's just too bad.

I think they had a big problem with cheating before. So, now, there is no way you can cheat. If there is, I haven't heard anyone talking about it.

Like someone said, a cheater only cheats themselves. :twocents:

Not gonna lie I would be ready to knock some teeth out! Nursing school is grueling especially your semester (b/c I have the basically the same classes as you) and I know you are tempted to tell but don't. U r much to envolved in your life and classes to be to be worried about these guys. Just remember the NCLEX all of that cheating is going to come crashing down then even if they make it that far. Study on!!

unless you saw it and are absolutely sure, say nothing. At most just annonymously let a teacher know that something "could be going on" so that they are more vigilant.

Specializes in Oncology, Triage, Tele, Med-Surg.

Who wants a nurse that's dishonest taking care of them or their loved one? Anyone? No! If the students don't know their stuff and don't have the integrity to follow the rules - they don't deserve to be part of this noble profession, IMO. Sounds harsh - but hey - the cheater could be YOUR nurse some day! It's a sticky situation. Do what feels best to you. :nurse:

As someone mentioned, they won't be able to cheat on NCLEX, so at least that's good.

Specializes in Hospice, ER.

In both LPN and RN school, I found cheaters. The tests are administered in such a way that it's difficult to cheat. But those that want to will. However, you can't cheat the NCLEX. I heard of a woman that used her cell phone to text for answers during the NCLEX, got caught, arrested, prosecuted, and lost any chance of becoming a nurse anywhere. Now you have to lock you phone up and I wouldn't be surprised if they start to pat us down. In RN school, the last student who got expelled for cheating went to a med calc test with the formulas taped to her scientific calculator. Someone saw her and ratted her out. After that, we got our calculators inspected.

If your situation was a question on the nclex you would answer it like this...I will report what I saw to my teacher (chain of command), and explain in detail the situation and ocurrences of the aligations.

Of course in the real world you do what you feel is right.

personally, I wouldn't say anything to anyone.

What's sad is that if they cheat on the exams, how are they suppose to know what they are suppose to know for the nclex or better yet as an RN.

Specializes in Critical Care, Capacity/Bed Management.

My advice to you is keep it to yourself. It is none of your business if other people cheat since you are not the one doing the cheating.

If someone in your class feels compelled to tell the professor fine, their problem, steer clear of problems in NS they have a way of nipping you in the butt.

And as for the cheaters... Karma always has the last laugh, you may bet a 90 this time but you may cheat of the wrong person, or fail clinicals, or whatever the case may be.

Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

Honor....Integerity...the code of nurses......we stand united that we will report workers who perform unsafe acts with our patients....what is more unsafe than not KNOWING what to do....even if it is at the perfect "theory" situation.....If you do not deserve to pass...then don't be suprised when you are found out.

You do what makes you sleep better at night.....Personally, I would report it, and say..."this is what I saw in objective fashion...." no subjective reporting where you thought they were cheating but have NO proof....if I'm found out, I stand behind what I do....if you're mad I ratted you out...maybe you should have studied more.

Maybe you don't deserve to be a nurse....maybe you do....but shouldn't we find out now before you harm someone? just my .02

Specializes in Med-Tele, Internal Med PCU.

I'm not questioning whether or not anyone has cheated. But, Italia said "considered" or saw it as an option.

For me it was a 5th grade Science test ... I made the crib notes, rewriting the info over and over small enough to get it all on the paper and big enough to read, long story short ... I didn't need them, I was studying by rewriting the info, then got caught with the notes when I was throwing them away!

i doubt that any nursing courses are graded on a curve.....but IF they are.....this is defintely a time i would report suspected cheaters..

My school has a big problem with cheating. According to the syllabus, to participate in preceptorship and complex care in the last semester, you must pass the HESI with an 850 or higher and you have 4 chances. I passed in the first try. However, at the 4th try, about 30 people were taking the exam and they were cheating! They were blatantly cheating and made their med-surg books on the desk. They got kicked off the computers at 4 hours but never reprimanded for cheating (nor caught). Some honest students told our instructors and administrators and nothing happened because it was hersay (sp). In another incident, I stupidly let one of my classmates borrow my USB drive and my friend's assignment was on it. The classmate put my friend's assignment on their own computer, put their name down, and printed the assignment without changing anything but the name. My friend got called into the office and asked about this and nothing ever happened to the cheaters. It is ridiculous that people in my nursing school can get away with cheating when nurses are the most trusted professional. It is sickening and must be changed.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

If I saw definite evidence of cheating, then I'd say something because then I'd have some concrete proof.

If I only heard rumor about cheating or didn't see it myself...well, in my own experience, it's not uncommon for some jealous person to throw the word "cheating" out there when other students do really well on test, even though it's hard work and not cheating that's getting them those good grades. And it's also not uncommon for poor students to start turning themselves around for whatever reason; a D student doesn't have to stop working hard when they reach C (I speak from experience). :) By itself, suddenly pulling Bs and As is not a definite indication of cheating.

So if I didn't see it myself, I'd not report it because I have no proof. But if I didn't see it but really believed that something was going on that wasn't kosher (such as someone never showing up to class yet getting 100s each test), then I'd take another poster's advice and leave the instructor an anonymous note that "something" may be going on they may want to look into.

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