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Ok so in my program this semester I have been having quite a more difficult time than I did last semester. (I'm in my 2nd semester) I have med surg, Pharm and Psych. I did less than stellar and got a 75% on my med surg test, my lowest score in the entire program. I thought that a classmate was cheating and mentioned it to a friend in the program, To make a long story short people in my class are cheating and have been seen by more than just me. This just infuriates me. I bust my ass for a 75% and people are in the program freaking cheating and bragging about how high their test scores are. And these people are still in the program! uggghhh. Has anyone else experienced this in their program. And should I mention anything more to the teacher or have I already sat on this information too long?(The teacher is aware that something is going on as she said so last class but I don't believe she knows who.)

Specializes in ER.

I personally wouldn't say anything. If the teacher thinks cheating is going on, then now she should take extra measures to make sure people are watched more closely on this exam than the last one. Everyone, sometime in their life, has had the temptation to cheat or has cheated and most of the time it has gotten them no where in life, so I think these people cheating will find it out sooner than later that they are cheating no one but themselves when they fail NCLEX for not knowing the material.

Your right, I'm just mad about it. They have cheated on more than one exam. I thought I saw them looking at each other and pointing at answers on more than 1 occasion but I felt bad for even thinking they could be cheating. Well they are. I waited so long to get into this program the fact that people would take that for granted chaps my hide. thanks for letting me vent.

They can't cheat on the NCLEX!

Specializes in ED, ICU, MS/MT, PCU, CM, House Sup, Frontline mgr.

Well, this is complicated. I agree that you should not put your name on anything to point out that these students are cheating, but I disagree that you should ignore this issue. It goes against the integrity of your program. With that said, I would probably write an anonymous note to the Director of the program and expose the methods used to cheat on the tests rather then expose particular students because you may not be correct.

For instance, I suspected a few students in my class were cheating because they would pass exams or get descent grades without having any knowledge base (BTW, I never tell people that I suspect so-and-so of cheating because I do not have any proof). In fact, if I discussed course work at my current level with them, I am surprised about how little they know beyond first semester. The students I suspected of cheating will ask the same questions a first semester student will ask (I help a lot of students in my program with his/her course work). After a particular method was exposed (I will not email or post it) by another student, our instructors modified how we take our exams. The students I suspected of cheating started failing exams by wide margins (they are not even close, folks). GL. :twocents:

Cheating goes on everywhere. In every school, during every class, on every test. You might not see it but its being done!

In the end the old saying rings loud and clear "cheating only cheats the cheater".

As for telling the teacher, unless you have 100% proof positive that they are cheating, its your word against theirs. If they teacher mentioned that he/she knows cheating is going on, you can pretty much bet they also know (or will soon) WHO is participating in the cheating.

Oh and I truly believe in Karma. It will all come back at them 10 fold. Think about this, they cheat their way through school, they somehow pass any exit exams and by the grace of a higher power, pass the NCLEX (by sheer luck). They STILL have to get a job. And when they do, their lack of knowledge of A&P, signs/symptoms, skills etc will show through quite early. They most certainly will not keep that job. So, yes, they maybe licensed to practice nursing, but getting and keeping their jobs will be very difficult :)

cheating is nearly the rule at my school, not the exception. Of course, I do not participate. :saint::D

Nor am I going to do anything about it..... Once you are out of school, you will be moving upwards and onwards, RN beside your name is about as deep as people look, (imagine someone saying, "Ahh yes, isn't the Community college of Northern Deluth Minnisota where half the students were cheating on their med surge exam?")

These losers keep looking for easy solutions to solve their problems. Managers/HR and supervisors can spot this personality type a mile off. You may be able to cheat through an exam or a course, but when it is "go time", they will be in for it.

If you plan on blowing the whistle, don't name names. Identify the way they do it so the administration can attempt to close the loophole.

You have honor courage and integrity by sweating it out on your own....

Remember when you graduate you will have done it through your own efforts.....Will they be able to be proud of themselves?

Everyone, sometime in their life, has had the temptation to cheat or has cheated and most of the time it has gotten them no where in life, so I think these people cheating will find it out sooner than later that they are cheating no one but themselves when they fail NCLEX for not knowing the material.

Not true; I have never cheated on an exam, nor been tempted to do so. Some people have integrity.

Me neither, especially in the freakin NURSING PROGRAM! The thought terrifies me, not only that but getting caught. Can you imagine having to tell your family and loved ones, I got kicked out of the nursing program for cheating. H**l no, not me.

I'm just stunned people would be so bold as to do this and then by so cocky about the grades they are not earning. I may have gotten one C, but dang it I earned it.

I'm one of those people who feel that if you witness cheating and don't report it, you're as guilty as they are - maybe because I had to sign an honor code at the college where I earned my first degree. You don't have to name names, and feel free to do it anonymously (e-mail, note under door/in box), but if you are sure that someone was cheating, I feel you should let the instructor know. I haven't witnessed any in my program, but some of my friends heard someone bragging about it. They told the instructor, but unfortunately she couldn't do anything since it was after the fact. He's still in the program, but he gets watched like a hawk now.

There have been problems in my program too. It's very sad actually, especially in the medical field. If you are 100% you saw someone do something (I would want to have seen it more than once) then I think you should report it. I have thought I've seen one person doing it, but who knows. I would have to be certain/

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