Published Sep 28, 2005
13 Posts
Hello everyone! I am currently an Industrial Design student at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. My senior project is dealing with nursing scrubs. I am in the research phase and any information would be greatly appreciated. I am looking into designing new scrubs for floor nurses. I chose floor nurses because I feel they are going from room to room with numerous untensils including pens, highlighters, scissors, tape phone/pager...etc. With all of this 'stuff' it is hard to stay organized.
Do you feel there is a better design for the current scrubs? What do you feel are issues I should take into consideration?
I feel I should look into affordability, comfort, and organization as my main focus? Does this sound right to you?
Thank you for any feedback! I look forward to hearing from you!
sharann, BSN, RN
1,758 Posts
Comfort is #1 for me
Flattering for all body types, not only the 5foot 10 inch model who wears them
Lots of pockets on jacket tops
I would also prefer to see ones that are NOT see through
Wise Woman RN
289 Posts
Hello everyone! I am currently an Industrial Design student at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. My senior project is dealing with nursing scrubs. I am in the research phase and any information would be greatly appreciated. I am looking into designing new scrubs for floor nurses. I chose floor nurses because I feel they are going from room to room with numerous untensils including pens, highlighters, scissors, tape phone/pager...etc. With all of this 'stuff' it is hard to stay organized. Do you feel there is a better design for the current scrubs? What do you feel are issues I should take into consideration? I feel I should look into affordability, comfort, and organization as my main focus? Does this sound right to you? SO IF YOU COULD DESIGN YOUR OWN SCRUBS, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE?Thank you for any feedback! I look forward to hearing from you! -Justin
I would like to see more scrub tops with button fronts for those of us who, for many reasons, have a hard time pulling the scrub tops over our heads...
reinforced pockets would be nice, and a loop for steths. I agree about the washable, dryable, and NO IRON bit... three-quarter length sleeves would be nice for colder weather... Material with a little give would be good... like 2% spandex... NO TAGS on the back of the neck, or at least very soft, un-picky ones...
76 Posts
I'd love to have a loop for my name badge to attach to and more room or some give in them over the hips for those of us who are in shape. (a round shape, that is)
meownsmile, BSN, RN
2,532 Posts
I agree with the steth loop, i was thinking a velcro loop so it is easy to get off and reattach, maybe so it isnt really necissary to drap around the neck but can hang over the shoulder and still not fall off. Near the neckline.
Reinforced pockets too, good idea and large ones. Dont worry about constructing little niches for this and that, i think nurses just need to be able to rummage through pockets, we know which pocket things are in. If everything has its own pocket, it just means we have to remember which pocket it fits in. Not something most nurses want deal with in my opinion.
rn/writer, RN
9 Articles; 4,168 Posts
I would love to see the above additions incorporated.
I would also like to see a scrub design that is a little more sophisticated without sacrificing practicality.
So many of the catalogs and websites show scrubs that I would never wear. More power to those who want to run around in barnyard patterns, cartoon characters, and screaming loud colors and prints. I would like to find something a bit more subtle.
Button-front, short-sleeve or three-quarter-length-sleeve scrubs with matching warm-ups in gentle patterns and prints that you might see on a business woman's blouse or dress. Plenty of pockets. Steth loop. Durability. All at a decent price.
I don't want much, do I?
nialloh, RN
382 Posts
Most of the above, but no prints for the guys (that's just not right ). What I would love to have would be belt loops. I tend to load down my pants so much that when I wear scrub pants, they have a tendency to travel down. I also like to hang a phone, flashlight, ect. off a belt. At present, I wear those standard white medical pants.
1 Article; 301 Posts
2 things to add...
1. belt loops...yes, I could wear medical pants, but they don;t come in colors I need to have. It would be nice to put stuff in my pockets without worrying if I looked like a plumber when performing patient care.
2. Sleeve pocket, on upper arm below shoulder. Small, but long, for a pen or 2. Used to have them on jackets in a different life and I always kept my pen there as it was very easy to get to.
Oh, yeah, 1 more... not costing an arm & leg for decent scrubs with useful features.
1,927 Posts
Spandex!! I am so sick of crawling on the floor worrying about busting seams. I busted my pants in a code once to get a pt. that had collapsed.
Pockets that didn't droop when you've got alot of stuff in them.
Mature patterns. Some people can wear cartoons and neon colors but not me. I'm only 25 but I think that nurses should look professional.
Fabric softness is a big thing with me. Some of the fabrics can be so rough. When it comes down to it--nice soft stretchable wrinkle free reinforced seams scrubs would be nice! OH, and maybe not such a deep v-neck. I don't like exposing my chest to everybody when I bend over.
wooh, BSN, RN
1 Article; 4,383 Posts
Deeper pockets. I carry a bunch of prefilled saline syringes in my pocket, and every time I bend over, they come tumbling out, pulling everything in the pocket out with them
nursemary9, BSN, RN
657 Posts
Everyone has pretty much covered it. To just emphasize--lots of pockets, professional looking; washable, no-iron
Mary Ann
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,551 Posts
A little shape to them would be great (darts in the top),and make them less sloppy looking, and 3/4 sleeves to just past the elbow would be great.