Chamberlain College of Nursing - Addison

Nursing Students Chamberlain College


Anyone know anything about this place?

I agree and disagree with ban on a few things. (This coming from a student who is 1/4 of a way through one semester..) The teaching staff is great, and really do know what they are talking about. I actually feel like I'm being over-communicated with... every day there is a new email about this, new email about that..

It is expensive, no doubt about it. But from what I am experiencing so far, I am enjoying it.

Hello all! I went today to turn in all of the information needed to apply at the Addison, Illinois location. I met with advisor Josh Ryan. My GPA is 3.0, which I've heard is decent. ("B" average.) I am a bit concerned though because I took the Hesi A2 Exam and I only scored a 75% which I think, if I'm correct, is the lowest score you can get to even be considered. I did poorly on the Bio, Chem, and A&P. I bought the study book and studied my butt off. I was pretty disapointed to get that low of a score. :crying2: Honestly, do I even have a chance...??? Should I attempt to retake it? Any advice would be totally appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

@jenners81 you and i would have been in the same program in addison. i tried really hard to get my transcripts in on time but i owed my previous school 900 before they would release it. this put me in the summer session which i am pretty ok with considering i would have had 7 days to study for the hesi exam :uhoh21: in the meantime, i plan to take bio 110 locally just to get some practice in the science classes. @bansplt2 big are your classes? i have been looking at other schools as well just in case this one does not work out. do any of you plan on using scholarships? 620 per credit hour is so much :grn:

I retook my A2 Admissions Exam and I got a 78%. Was hoping for at least an 80%, but I did what I could, I tried my hardest. What are my chances of getting in?

In regards to the Hesi A2 exam, Chamberlain weighs the Math and English score higher than all the other subjects. So the overall score is less important (as long as you met the minimum acceptable score which is I think a 75%?). I got an overall score of 85%, but my admissions advisor recalculated it to a 97% based on only my math and english score. They basically just average those two.

Well, in Math, I only got a 72% and in English I did well, over 80% I believe. I'm just worried because I really want to get accepted and do well. Being a nurse has always been my dream. You got a 97%? You must be really smart. I envy you! :yeah:

Well 97 after they recalculated. I didn't do so well in the science portion.

I think you have a good shot...a lot of people don't get that high of a score. And your GPA also counts in the decision. Send in a letter of recommendation to give your application a little something extra.

I was also wondering, if I do end up getting accepted to Chamberlain, does anyone know how the financial aid aspect works? Doesn't FAFSA only cover so much? How hard is it to get a student loan from Chamberlain???

I was also wondering, if I do end up getting accepted to Chamberlain, does anyone know how the financial aid aspect works? Doesn't FAFSA only cover so much? How hard is it to get a student loan from Chamberlain???

Working the FAFSA is easy to do on the computer these days. You need your last tax forms. Chamberlain will find out how much you get in about 5 days. If you already have a degree you are not eligible for federal grants or scholarships. Also the amount of loans you can get depends on how much money you made last year or your parents if you are under a certain age. Not sure the age. I was only able to get some in loans and the rest need to be private loans. Wells Fargo and Sallie Mae have some and the interest is based on your credit score. The federal gov't loans are at 6.8% right now. Let me know if you have any other questions.

LisaWantsBSN: Thanks for the info. So I don't have a degree yet, therefore, I will get some kind of help from FAFSA? How do I know if I will get enough in government loans to cover enough of my schooling? I'm not working right now, so I know my income wouldn't be considered to be too much, and I am a single mom. I don't know if that even plays a part in to how much help I would get or not...? What if I got turned down for private loans? Then I couldn't go to school at all if I get accepted? That would really be depressing! I hope that does not happen... How long have you been going to Chamberlain?

LisaWantsBSN: Thanks for the info. So I don't have a degree yet, therefore, I will get some kind of help from FAFSA? How do I know if I will get enough in government loans to cover enough of my schooling? I'm not working right now, so I know my income wouldn't be considered to be too much, and I am a single mom. I don't know if that even plays a part in to how much help I would get or not...? What if I got turned down for private loans? Then I couldn't go to school at all if I get accepted? That would really be depressing! I hope that does not happen... How long have you been going to Chamberlain?

Good you don't have a degree because you will most likely be eligible for Federal grants and scholarships. All that money you don't ever have to pay back. You will for sure get loans and most likely you will get subsidized loans. That means you don't start accruing interest until 6 months after you graduate. I wasn't able to get any of those, only unsubsidized loans. That means I start accruing interest the moment I start. I was accepted 2 times. I turned it down the first time and this time I am to start in Feb. 2011. They go off your wages from the previous year. They looked at my wages (none) and my husband's and decided what we got. I believe if you aren't working and weren't working last year and are a single parent you will get the most of everything from FAFSA. You can do the computer worksheet and make an appt with Chamberlain 5 days later and find out exactly what you can and can't get. I think you will be able to finance your entire education. Yes, private loans are a little harder to get but can be done because Wells Fargo and Sallie Mae do collegiate loans. I can't say for sure because I don't know you or your income of last year but I can bet you won't have to deal with the private loans. I would say fill out the info online and talk to a counselor there. Have you taken the HESI test? I can't remember if I read that.

hey guys,

I was wondering if you could help me out. Righ now, I'm at a 4-year university (I was pre-vet), and I decided I want to do nursing. I am debating or not whether to apply to Chamberlain (I wish the application fee wasnt so much). In high school, I got a 27 on my ACT and about a 3.89~3.9 GPA. I am taking 12.5 credits right now at the university (I'm a freshmen , first semester), and I should get anywhere from a 3.6-4.0 depending on how I do on finals (wish me

luck!). Should I apply for the summer semester or should I wait and take more classes at like a community college and apply for fall or even later? Do I have a chance to get in?? I talked to a really great advisor and he said that I would be a competitive applicant (I just wish I could hear, you would get in ! ). But I am worried that I'll take spring semester at a community college and not get into chamberlain and then end up screwed. Any advice here?


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