Specialties Critical


Specializes in CVICU.


I just wanted to start a thread because there is so little info out there on how to study for the CCRN exam! I took it today and passed but tried to find information about how people studied, what they studied and how long they studied for! Everything I found was super outdated or didn’t have any info on it! So hopefully this can be helpful for others ?

Specializes in Critical Care/CVICU.

So, how did you study? Looking to take it early next year

Specializes in CVICU.

I bought Nicole Kupchik's online review course. It was great, you an go at your own pace and she puts practice questions in the lectures to break them up. I found it super helpful!

After the review course, I had already bought her book (It's called Ace the CCRN, You can do it!, Practice Review questions with rationales). I took all three of those and read the rationale for everything I got right and wrong.

I took three practice tests on the Pass CCRN online question bank. My work has this for everyone to use.

I took the AACN self assessment exam. You can buy this for $50. It's 60 questions and when you are finished it will send you your scores and a breakdown of them in each section, so like what you get after you pass the CCRN. The format is exactly like the CCRN so it was nice to know how to navigate the system!

Lastly, I had the pocketbook prep CCRN app on my phone. Did it here and there when I was bored.

I studied for six days, took one day off and then took the exam! I thought the initial content review was helpful for both the test and just my nursing practice in general, but practice questions helped me the most. Espeically cause when you are reading the rationale you learn lots ?

I crammed through the weekend before the test and passed. The review books, study guides, and practice tests were more difficult than the exam itself.

It’s heavy in cardiac/hemodynamics content so spending the most time on that and multi-system was my strategy.

Using the exam’s outline as my guide, I used a few different critical care books to review and familiarize myself with concepts and pathophysiology, as well as treatments.

Specializes in CVICU, CCRN.

I studied on/off for about a year right after I finished orientation. I believe I studied off the Pass CCRN questions & the Self Assessment exam from AACN & the Barron Review Book. I also bought the AACN CCRN review course.

I attempted to review the Laura videos, but I felt it wasn't helpful.

I made a 50-page review sheet comprised of any facts I forgot, questions I got wrong; and then I divided it even further by organizing it by body system.

After about a year of ICU, I took the exam. I believe I got a 100/125; passed first try. The youngest one ever on my floor to receive it. I believe I was about 23 at the time.

Specializes in Critical-Care.


I used the Barron's CCRN review book, with practice tests, as well as the Pass CCRN questions online. I felt the Barron's book gave a quick cut and dry review of what you needed to know in a easy to read format and the Pass CCRN questions were comparable or maybe even a little tougher than the actual CCRN.

I took all of the Barron's book review tests as well as the online one that comes with it along with multiple practice exams on Pass CCRN. I studied for about 2 months or so before testing.

Specializes in TELE.

Did they call to your references to verify clinical hours?

Specializes in Critical-Care.
4 hours ago, dlee50 said:

Did they call to your references to verify clinical hours?

Not that I’m aware of, they only call the person you list if you are randomly picked for an hours audit.

I’m currently using Pass CCRN question bank for practice, but not sure if I would be better with ACCN practice question bank. Has anyone use both, how do you compare it?


I studied very hard. I took several weeks to prepare. I found the Laura Gasparis Von Frolio videos helpful but do not rely on them as your soul study material. Some of the stuff she said aren't on the test actually were.

I did not like most of the books but did find Barrons CCRN review book helpful they also have note cards that my co-workers shows me. Those were excellent. I found PASS CCRN too cumbersome as they used a lot of A&P review that was really not helpful. Too much info. In the end if you prepare each section with a good understanding of critical care pathways, you should do okay. Also with each question you take, understand why each answer is right but also why the other options are wrong or not as right. Good luck!


Specializes in ICU CCRN.

Just many correct questions do we have to get correct to pass for the new version that came out this year? Someone posted their pass sheet and it said they only needed 83 correct questions but that’s not a 70%

Specializes in ICU.
On 1/30/2020 at 12:52 PM, Stmoon said:


I used the Barron's CCRN review book, with practice tests, as well as the Pass CCRN questions online. I felt the Barron's book gave a quick cut and dry review of what you needed to know in a easy to read format and the Pass CCRN questions were comparable or maybe even a little tougher than the actual CCRN.

I took all of the Barron's book review tests as well as the online one that comes with it along with multiple practice exams on Pass CCRN. I studied for about 2 months or so before testing.

hi! how were you scoring on the pass ccrn practice exams? and the online barrons exam? I just want to see where im at! thank you ?

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