
Stmoon BSN, RN



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About Stmoon

Stmoon has 6 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Critical-Care.

Latest Activity

  1. CCRN Exam

    no problem!
  2. CCRN Exam
  3. It’s Nice to meet you all! -Steven Moon
  4. I got the call as well.
  5. I have not yet. Anxiously waiting.
  6. Tired of searching for CRNA Interview Questions??

  7. UT knoxville

    Hello, Could anyone provide any insight on the type of interview at UTK (Emotional intelligence heavy or clinical heavy or a mix of both?) I know this thread is a few years old and things may have changed now that it is a DNP program, but I imagine...
  8. University of Tennessee CRNA Interview Process

    Hello, Could anyone provide any insight on the type of interview at UTK (Emotional intelligence heavy or clinical heavy or a mix of both?) I know this thread is a few years old and things may have changed now that it is a DNP program, but I imagine t...
  9. Tired of searching for CRNA Interview Questions??

    No experience (yet), but will be interviewing next week.
  10. I emailed them today. She said they are still working on the meeting links and will have them out before the end of the business day tomorrow.
  11. Since it is online, I doubt they will because they will probably need to get selections done soon because I imagine some people will need to move (like my self) and some people may need to register for the two Summer classes and such. The classes wou...
  12. I have not either. And checked my spam mail already too.
  13. Tired of searching for CRNA Interview Questions??

    Are there any specific documents I should plan to have available for a CRNA school interview. Such as CCRN score reports/resumes/personal essay/CRNA shadow verification forms (with comments about my shadow performance), etc... My interview is now in ...
  14. CCRN Exam

    Not that I’m aware of, they only call the person you list if you are randomly picked for an hours audit.
  15. Did you hear anything back from UTK?