CCAC Boyce Fast Track Fall 2014

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Hey all! As our orientation is today, I wanted to start a separate thread so we can all keep in touch and have a single place for questions that are specific to our program. Can't wait to meet everyone today!

But how do they go about figuring out if you can? Do they ask? Do they have you lift 50 pounds?

They probably just check the box honestly, But I'm going tomorrow so I will let you know! I don't think they would have you lift anything because then it would be on them if someone really couldn't & pulled their back out or whatever other scenarios could go wrong in that situation !

How did they check if you could lift 50lbs? Or did they just ask ou?

They don't actually have you lift anything, its more just being healthy enough to deal with the physical aspects of nursing care. Also, don't waste your money on the lab jacket. I'm entering the second half of the third semester and it has never left my closet.

So they are basing it off of flexibility, testing strength and balance? I guess I just wonder if they look at you and determine it by how fit you look.

How was the first 2 semesters & first half of the third?! I'm nervous to start!!! So many people have said it's a very hard program compared to other programs! Hard isn't necessarily a bad thing because nursing is a tough field but I'd like to hear some encouragement & not just hear/say!!

Its been a really great experience. I am very happy with the program as a whole. Nursing school is very time consuming and if you want to do well then you are going to have to dedicate yourself to it. We have definitely lost a lot of people. We started with 80 and we are down to probably about 45 of our original class (give or take a few because we've had people transfer in such as LPN's and students from other campuses). The class ahead of ours however started with 60 and they are down to somewhere around 9. If you manage your time well and make the program your priority you'll do just fine.

So they are basing it off of flexibility, testing strength and balance? I guess I just wonder if they look at you and determine it by how fit you look.

No, its just a regular physical. If there is an apparent physical disability the practioner is not going to sign off on the form but otherwise you're fine. Deep breath, you're freaking yourselves out.

Anything worth having is worth working for.. That couldn't be any more true! Well thank you for the input! Good luck to you in the last few semesters! :)

Does anyone know if on the health examination form if we write anything where it says "Titer:" I thought maybe we name the titer but the name of it is at the top of the box.

Where is says "titer" they want the actual number of the titer. For example my varicella titer was 2.80 so in the titer box you would put 2.80. Then depending on what you titer is, you will know if you immune or not.

My Dr just checked immune and gave me the lab reports. I scanned those and uploaded them. Here's something crazy.... I wasn't immune to mumps! I had to get another MMR vaccine last week. Just waiting for my child abuse clearance (mailed that in June 4th), my second Hep B vaccine, and that's it! Woo hoo!

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