I was reading through the boards and notice lots of posts about getting written up. I remember when I worked as a caregiver I was constantly worried about getting written up....because really you could be written up for many errors that are human errors and have a high likely hood of occurring simply because of the nature of the work and the fact that there are a kajillion things to do and I only have two hands!
For example, I was written up for taking a pager home by accident. It was in my pocket. I realized as soon as I got to my apartment, when I reached in my pocket to take out my cell phone lo and behold it was the pager. I called work, let them know I had it, and drove it right back to work. This entire process took 20 minutes....and there was another pager at work that did the exact same thing. I am not doubting that I shouldn't have taken the pager home....but many other people took pagers home and didn't call work and just drove it back and discretely handed it off to another staff member, signed there name out, and were done with it. I felt like I was being almost punished for handing the mistake properly. Still, fine, I shouldnt' have taken the pager home and was written up.
Really, does this happen in other fields? I was a teacher's assistant for a couple summers and never even THOUUGHT about getting written up....I don't even know if the management there "did that." And I made similar money.....I mean okay I made about a buck less an hour than I did as a caregiver and I would give up that extra dollar to not have to be so worried about getting written up/fired.
It seems to me that nursing/axillary staff related to nursing are the only fields where you can get written up for "human" error rather than making a ginormous mistake/being lazy/intentionally doing something.
Am I wrong? I don't have much experience working in other fields since i've always had a draw to the culture this punitive everywhere?