Can't order ink pens but ceo earned > $1,400,000.00 in 2008


I work for a HMA, and I'm very discouraged right now because my order to central supply for ink pens, colored flags for the charts, and other varios items that we need to do our day to day work was "killed." What's even worse is that some nights we only have 2 nurses and 1 cna to cover a medical floor, census 20. You know when a nurse leaves her shift and feels like she hasn't done a good job, she may think about working somewhere else, especially since the HMA hospital is not competitive with wages and she makes about $2.00 less/hr than the nurses at a hospital 5 miles down the road. But guess what, the CEO's for HMA total calculated compensation for 2008 was $1,461,363.00. That makes me feel so angry. Just think of the care the people of my community could recieve if the big dogs weren't becoming millionaires.

Have you thought about supplying the local paper and the 6:00 news, with that information? A little light shining into the darkness, that is hospital CEOs and hospital administration, can do wonders.

You can do it anonymously, if you don't want to get fired. But then, you would have a whistleblower case against the hospital that would net you millions. JMHO and my NY $0.02.

Lindarn, RN, BSN, CCRN

Spokane, Washington

Specializes in M/S, MICU, CVICU, SICU, ER, Trauma, NICU.

I despise for-profit hospitals. DESPISE them.

I guess i should clarify. I am referring to the corporate CEO,Gary Newson. According to the information on the Forbes website, he earned that much in 2008. However, he didn't return to the company until September 2008. The fiscal year is from jan-dec. So did he earn that much in four months?

I am not YET a nurse, but, I do work in a hospital as a Phlebotomist (graduate to be an RN in MAY!!!!) Anyways, our hospital has had sooo many cuts in the last year. First it started with the 'administration' big wigs, backstabbing each other to fight for each others positions, firing people that had been working for the hospital for prob 30+ years , some just a year shy of retiring..making them leave earlier (ps, our hospital used to be split in two cities and was a 'community hospital', THEN they signed with a large organization and are now One...small hospital in the middle of the two, closing the other ones and leaving just empty buildings...their 'attempt' to save money..whatever)

So, then it went to charge nurses that had been there for years being replaced by newer nurses and it has just went down the 'foodchain' until even our housekeeping is understaffed. Everyone is short handed and stressed, the nurses have your situation on each floor and of course supplys have been replaced with the cheapest sh*t they could find, i swear.

Id like to blame all this madness on the economy, yes i would. But something in me keeps getting angrier and angrier with the whole organization. this is already long winded, and believe me i could go on and on about all the stuff i have to put up with just in my department. It just makes me so mad that these people sit in their offices and make all these rules about hiring staff and how we can get by with what we have JUSt because the 'numbers' with their money situation is good for them.

Clearly the hospital staff and patients are suffering from this. Nurses that havent been layed off are leaving, and they are NOT being replaced. And Im scared, becasue I graduate soon and have to work for them for 3 years (i was stupid and signed a contract...I thought it was going to be a good thing, now Im regretting it) Im scared that Im going to be thrown in right after school and not get proper training because the nurses are not going to have patience with me. And its not just that, unfortunatley people are writing to our local paper complaining A LOT about the service at our hospital. Its an embarrassment and It makes me feel bad becuase everyone really is busting their butts. Rn's dont have aides to help them out, in fact, our hospital is trying for an all RN aides. Which might be fine IF their were more than 2... I guess Im venting...haha. I went into Nursing because I love the challenge and I love helping people, I want to imrpove their lives and I cant wait until I know how to do just that. But, I do not want to have to put up with all the politics of it. I hate Corporate. But it seems that in this field Im not going to get away from it.

If I could live on a hippy farm and be a nurse and work for daisies and potatoes I would...but thats not feasable. I wish these people that sit at their desks with full mugs of coffee all day long (did i mention we arent aloud to have drinks at our stations?) that get breakfast breaks as well as LUnch breaks (what the HECK is a breakfast break?) would come work in EACH department for a week and see just what we do. These people dont even have patient contact, they dont even know how to handle situations. One lady was walking through our department (in a nice dress and clicky heels) and just so happened to stumble upon me telling an outpatient that their were just a couple of people ahead of her and it will only be a few minutes,and she came up to me as if I had done something majorly wrong and goes "Its whatever the patient wants"( I was the only one drawing blood because we are short staffed and when its busy, we deal) PLUS we have a system, if we just did what ever the 'patient' wanted I would have a mob coming at me! I just couldnt believe it, and had to stop what i was doing, take that patient right in front of the two that had been waiting longer. I just cant stand it, guess its a sore spot for me cuz I really did not expect to write this much ...i feel better now

1. It's usually public knowledge what the CEO makes.

2. Its no one else's business what someone else makes unless it is public knowledge.

3. Go back to school get an MBA and start the carrer goal to becoming a CEO.

4. A lot of nurses on here decry that their administration just doesn't understand what a nurse does everyday. I venture to say almost all nurses have no clue what a CEO does or who they are accountable to.

Specializes in Operating Room.

The CEO of my health system made $3,000,000 last year, the executives each got a $1,000,000 dollar bonus for Christmas and last year, when we were due for a raise, they tried getting us to forgo it. They couldn't take it away from us because we have a union, but they put it to a vote. Yep, you guessed it, their proposal got shot down.:yeah:

Specializes in Neuroscience/Neuro-surgery/Med-Surgical/.

The people that have the least interaction with patient care are paid this......

I would like to see a study done on their level of productivity (as its done to the nursing staff)

I would like to see a study done on their level of productivity (as its done to the nursing staff)

boy o'boy, did i ever hit that kudos button.:cheers:

yes, i would love to see this too!

i'll bet a gaziollion dollars, that we'd all become even sicker upon learning what little they do.

and the little they do, is (realistically) likely 90%+ evil...corrupt...greedy.

maybe i don't want to know.


I despise for-profit hospitals. DESPISE them.

I despise for-profit HEALTHCARE! Despise them!

What is stopping any one of you from geting into that field if you despise it so much? Go ahead and become a CEO, take the classes and the training and do the work and offer to work for 50-60K a year...see how long you would last.

Specializes in Neuroscience/Neuro-surgery/Med-Surgical/.
What is stopping any one of you from geting into that field if you despise it so much? Go ahead and become a CEO, take the classes and the training and do the work and offer to work for 50-60K a year...see how long you would last.

....and why would I want to get into that field that I despise so much?

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