Published Feb 28, 2006
21 Posts
I'm december graduate of lpn school in VA. I'm currently working on a med/surg floor, and I have two more weeks of orientation. I'm so tired of people asking when am I going back to get my RN. It's like I have to defend myself because I choose to be a LPN. I find myself saying now I'm a lpn, but I'm going back to get my Rn in a year. I just want to enjoy being a nurse although I'm not a RN yet. Does anyone else feel the same way?
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
Yes, and it's rather annoying that people are THAT clueless that a question like that is inconsiderate.
Next time they ask when you're going back just say "when and if i feel like it."
1,553 Posts
You will go back to school when they get some manners! Congrats on your recent graduation! Try to not let them get to you, even though it is hard. I had a lot of people ask me that question too before getting my RN. How annoying! But then I had LPN's ask me why I was returning to school soon. No matter what you do people will be rude. We just have to do what works for us and our families at the time. End of story!
447 Posts
Initially, I wanted to become an RN, was accepted into an RN program. While waiting for the results, I investigated our RN program and the prg in general. I determined that for me, I would prefer being an LPN. (the RN prg were 2yr prgs). I am in an LPN program and I love it! I am not so sure that I want to be an RN. I know I will not race to become one after graduation because I want the time to enjoy being an LPN.
I think that people assume that becoming an LPN and being an LPN are just so easy. They just dont know how wrong they are:nono: ...but we know right?
So, DO take the time to enjoy being an LPN. It is something that you worked very hard to achieve. One answer that I would give if asked is to say that I like being an LPN and that's what I want to do. So DO keep your head up and be proud of all of your accomplishments! :balloons:
RainbowzLPN, LPN
267 Posts
Not as many people ask me that as before. I just say that I'm not going on, I want to be an LPN & I am one, end of story. They seem to forget that the N in LPN actually does stand for nurse!!
250 Posts
Questions like that are so irritating. Right now I'm in LPN school and am learning SO much. I'm planning on getting my associate's degree in nursing after I work for a year or so as an LPN. I hate it when people ask me why I'm "wasting" my time getting my LPN. How dare they insult me and say that something I'm putting all my time and energy into is a "waste". Financially, for me this is the only choice, I'm going to have to work and have a good job to afford getting my ADN. Plus, imagine all the experience I'll gain as an LPN. I just don't understand why LPN's are so UNDERrated.
-Ben CNA
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,406 Posts
I just don't understand why LPN's are so UNDERrated.-Ben CNA
Because RNs are so overrated. :)
I just don't understand why LPN's are so UNDERrated.
Because some people want other people to kick around.
251 Posts
you guys hit it right on the nose. i just graduated from LVN school on Nov. 18, took my boards on 2/16 and am waiting for my results (nervously) and my instructors, husband, daughter (who is in RN school) keep telling me finish your prereqs so you can become an RN. For gods sake I'm 48 and even though i finished with an A in nursing school it nearly killed me. Let me be an LVN and ease into that transition before I push myself anymore, please Lord. What's wrong with being an LVN. I have waited all my life to be a nurse. We are nurses too. I'm so tired of people acting as if you're not an RN then you're not a nurse. As far as I am concerned, the LVN program was just as hard and more excellerated. My daughter only goes three days a week, second semester RN. I was in clinicals 5 days a week. Give us a break. Just had to vent. Waiting for NCLEX results is making me crazy, Sorry. Love all your comments. Thanks so much for taking my mind off waiting for the mailman in California (day 14-------------- help) :) :)
42 Posts
I agree with you all. I am currently making a decision as to what LPN program i want to go to. I have always wanted to be an RN so this is the best road gor me and my family. i dont say this with expecting to go for my RN really soon. I want to enjoy being a LPN and maybe when i get ready i will move on. THere are a few ADN programs around and everyone is asking me why dont i do that an RN is better they say. I just look at them and say not for me.
TO All U LPNs keep your head up you are all Real Nurses to passed your boards and survived nursing school
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
People can be thoughtless and rude. I have gotten so nasty with people who have asked that question that they avoid me like the plague. In fact, I said to one woman "Will it make you sleep at night if I decide to become an RN?" She never bothered me again.
HisTreasure, BSN, RN
748 Posts
It can make you feel bad when people at work and in the community downplay your accomplishments. Even this board can make you feel bad sometimes. I am going for my RN, but because after doing private duty for a while I would like to work in acute care. Unfortunately, area hospitals don't utilitze LPNs very much. Pay is not an issue really. It's the career advancement opportunities. I am doing Excelsior, and I am taking my time. I am LPN, and I am proud!