World Canada CRNE


hi i'm a newly graduate and a local board passer here in the philippines..... i'm having difficulties looking a job here in our country, i almost spent my savings applying to any hospital i know, but still there is no single ring i heard to my telephone...huhuhu =( can any one help me to my problem in looking a job here so that i can have a good experience in a hospitals:o:bowingpur:nurse:????

Initially, the requirements are resume and 2 pcs 2x2 picture only. Once you passed the interview, you will be given a list of requirements to pass. Good Luck to you!

Specializes in OR, DR,RR.

hello! how can i get to PAF hospital? lets say from coastal mall. i tried looking for it at the map but it's not there

Specializes in MS, ER.

messsageinabox..thanks for the quick reply!!! Me and my friend will be going there tomorrow morning as you advised us to do so... Hope that they still accept applicants!! God Bless to you!

hello! how can i get to PAF hospital? lets say from coastal mall. i tried looking for it at the map but it's not there

From Baclaran, take jeep going to Nichols/Terminal 3. Then from Terminal 3, take Nichols Ikot. Just told the driver to drop you at Gate 1.

Specializes in OR, DR,RR.

thanks messageinabox for the info. i decided not to go today. i found out they have age limit. im already 29.

Specializes in MS, Renal, Nursing Admin.

Hi everyone...to all aspiring applicants for the posted hiring of Philippine Airforce, please be informed that they have just suspended the hiring for civilian nurses. just keep posted as to when will be the lifting of the suspended hiring status.

thanks messageinabox for the info. i decided not to go today. i found out they have age limit. im already 29.

For civilian nurses, I don't think they have. I'm older than you are.

Fellow nurses,

I went to PAF today to submit my requirements and saw the sign that interviews are currently suspended until further notice. I have an unofficial statement that they are going to resume interviews at the Job Fair on June 12, place and time still undetermined. I will try to get info (unofficially, ok) from PAF about the Nurse I position and will be posting them as soon as I have them.

Keep the faith. Great things come to those who wait. :redbeathe

Specializes in Pre-hospital Care, Remote medicine.

do applicants get to choose w/c area of assignment they prefer? do you have any idea if they deploy nurses to thier EMS?

Aside from Air Force Gen Hospital in Villamor Air Base, applicants may chose their area of assignment. They will enumerate their available Air Bases. Sorry, I don't have any idea if they deploy (civilian) nurses to their EMS.

Specializes in MS, ER.

Thanks messageinabox!! please keep us updated if when will they going to resume for their hiring in Nurse I position...Godbless!!

regarding the PAF application, does interview comes first before the exam?

Specializes in MS, ER.

Hey guys!! I have been hired already in PAF! I'm very happy about it!! But I was assigned in Mactan, Cebu City!! Lucky enough to land a job with salary though it is a 6 months employment period.. Guys try to call PAF if they will still conducts interview for tomorrow.. I know they still do.. I want all my fellow nurses to have this kind of opportunity so as to help our family..Good Luck to all and God Bless!

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