being called cynical


My boss pulled me aside this morning and asked me if everything was ok? My response was "yes why?" She said "bc you seem cynical lately". I didn't know how to reply...Is being called cynical necessarily a bad thing or bc I am cynical am I viewing it negatively? Any thoughts?

Specializes in Critical Care.

My guess is that your co workers may have gone to your boss and complained about you, have you had a problem with someone lately? If not be careful what you say and to whom because it sounds like your boss is not pleased with you.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Cynical people may be the most realistic people, but aren't necessarily pleasant to be around. Cynical people from what I've seen don't acknowledge it as a defect in themselves.

I would take an honest look at yourself, get feedback from others, and then decide if there is anything you need to change.

On the other hand we can't always be Pollyanna shiney happy smiley people either. It's a tough job and a tough life.

Best wishes.

My boss pulled me aside this morning and asked me if everything was ok? My response was "yes why?" She said "bc you seem cynical lately". I didn't know how to reply...Is being called cynical necessarily a bad thing or bc I am cynical am I viewing it negatively? Any thoughts?

Hi. I would have asked her for more details, to find out where her thinking was when she asked u that question. You could get valuable feedback, or at the least, find out more about where she is coming from.

I also agree that there is a possibility that your "peers" have been talking to her.

You need to find out from her where she got this opinion or what has she personally observed that she is asking the question. You need to find out (in a very professional manner). In other words, get the facts.

And, if I was u, I would keep a written record of all these conversations.

Good luck. I hate to be cynical, but there is so much bullying going on that I personally leave a paper trail and watch what I say so that people cannot misconstrue what I've said, or written.

Follow up, follow up, follow up. I have learned that it is very important not to "step over" anything. People do not say things for no reason. There is always something behind what they say (good or bad).

let us know how u are doing.

Specializes in Medical.

I think managers sometimes see cynicism as a sign of burn out. I must say that I see at a sign you've been in nusing more than five minutes, but that's just me! I'd take this enquiry as genuine concern, but at the same time cover myself documentation-wise.

good luck!

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

I think being called cynical is a compliment

dont you just want to choke those effervescent optimists

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

She (and your co-workers) might just be concerned about you. If they have noticed a change in your demeanor, they may be trying to help you. Before you assume the worst ... get more information.


ask her to be specific so you can reply specifically. Otherwise, every word you say will be wrong. Also, you might say although you appear cynical in fact you are just TIRED

Thank her for her concern, tell her you have just been feeling a little tired, stressed over kids, hubby, bad perm, etc, and then keep comments to yourself. You can ask what made her ask such a question, but in the end, you are standing too close to the fire, sheding light on issues most administrations want to keep buried, so step back and shut up for awhile if you want to keep your job. :angryfire

Thank her for her concern, tell her you have just been feeling a little tired, stressed over kids, hubby, bad perm, etc, and then keep comments to yourself. You can ask what made her ask such a question, but in the end, you are standing too close to the fire, sheding light on issues most administrations want to keep buried, so step back and shut up for awhile if you want to keep your job. :angryfire

Very astute observation, BFlady. And so true.

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

on the lighter side....some of our most famous people were very rich cynics! :)

"the more cynical you become, the better off you'll be." ------ [color=#003399]matt leblanc :chuckle

also, if you really want to have some fun with your coworkers about "cynics", visit the "cynical parrot" website: it will help lighten your own thoughts on the subject. :chuckle


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