Published Dec 21, 2009
TigerGalLE, BSN, RN
713 Posts
Hey guys. My friend's dad had a CABG Thursday morning after having some chest pain and a cardiac cath. He had to have 8 grafts and the doctor said it was the worst case he has ever done. He is still in ICU on the ventilator and sedated. This guy is in his 50s and a small, active guy. Just wondering if anyone has ever heard of someone having this many grafts? The most I've heard of is 4, but I'm no heart nurse!!
Keep him in your prayers please.
2 Posts
I work on a step-down from open-heart telemetry unit. The most I've ever seen is 6 or 7
mom and nurse
513 Posts
I work inpatient cardiac rehab. CABG x 7 is the most I've seen.
311 Posts
Back in the day when I did Open Heart OR I've seen 8-10 grafts. That isn't that common today though. Good Luck to you and your Dad. Perhaps some education on lifestyle changes might take the 50 something to 90 something in the future.
cardiacmadeline, RN
262 Posts
The highest I have seen is 8.
66 Posts
I sent a patient for a second CABG who had 6 the first time and was going for a "redo".
85 Posts
6 vessel. same pt had a total of 9 stents placed in his grafts since then. CABG was maybe 5-6 years ago
78 Posts
oOo ouch. 8?
Highest i've seen is a CABGx7
Dalzac, LPN, LVN, RN
697 Posts
just 6 for me
Virgo_RN, BSN, RN
3,543 Posts
Five is the highest I've seen. While it tends to be more the exception than the rule (just based on my experience), even skinny, active people can have severe CAD. It seems that family history is a huge risk factor for some of these folks.
179 Posts
wow.. 5 is the most i have ever seen.
6 Posts
Last year, we had a redo and it was a CABG x8 - probably the worst case of my CVOR FA career. Had to do open harvesting of both arms, both breasts and both legs. We had 9 people scrubbed because the number of grafts we needed. Getting into his chest was an absolute nightmare b/c of previous adhesions - required both sternal oscillating saw and gigli to get through all of that scar tissue. Heart was very grey and flabby. We ended up trying to dissect his heart out of all of the adhesions which took FOREVER. We were trying to stay inside the pericardium without stripping layers off the heart. We go into the RA multiple times and it was damn near impossible. We never even made it all the way around the left side of the heart for fear we would damage his previous vein grafts and LIMA that remained patent from the previous operation. We got the graft sewn on but the bleeding was absolutely horrendous. We gave every blood product under the sun in addition to K-centra and Factor 7. We never got control of it and we lost the guy on the table. It was a 15+ hour case with a terribly disappointing ending but there was truly nothing more we could do. We had done his second sternotomy case too and the operative notes outlined how AWFUL his adhesions were. He wanted the surgery though and insisted on undergoing the operation with full knowledge of the risks. It was a sad case but we tried absolutely everything and nothing worked.