Published May 5, 2006
35 Posts
Hello Everyone!!
A bit of background, first. I work at a semi-rural facility and we do 90-120 deliveries a month. Probably half of those are by c-section, repeat and emergency. Okay, when I first started at this facility, a nursery nurse and the pediatrician went to every delivery. About two months ago, the head Ped doc found a study that stated they were not needed at routine c/s. So, now, only one NRP trained RN is at most c/s. We are trying to get this changed and looking for input. I was wondering what the standard is at your facility and if you have any research articles backing up what you do. I appreciate your time. Thanks, Kelly
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
The tried this at our facility, and let's just say we found out the hard way that it was a bad idea, and now have a nursery nurse, pediatrician and a RRT for every C-section.
88 Posts
We have an RN and a RRT that are NRP trained (both work in NICU) and a NNP or Neonatologist at every c/s delivery, of course they all come to the high-risk births and an RN and RRT come to all other deliveries.
Also-all of our L&D RN's are NRP trained and we usually have 2+ at every delivery depending on level of emergency (have seen up to 5-6 in an OR for a very scary situation)
So 4+ NRP trained persons at every delivery.
1,907 Posts
We have 1 NRP trained RN (we don't circulate in OR so one just goes down, as the baby nurse) and RT at sections but no MD unless a problem is anticipated/known before delivery. Like you, we used to have MD's there.
I just finished preceptorship and will start work there soon, not sure of the current opinion on how it's going.
164 Posts
We recently made a change to our personnel in attendance for c-sections. It used to be one NICU RN, one NICU RT and the neonatologist from NICU. The change now states that at scheduled c-sections the NNP from NICU can attend in place of the NICU MD. In non scheduled, emergent or stat sections the MD must attend the OR.
NurseNora, BSN, RN
572 Posts
Rural hospital, 1000 births per year. One RN and one RRT at all sections unless there is an anticipated problem with the baby. All OB staff and RRT's are NRP certified
640 Posts
I believe the standard from AHA in NRP text is 2 NRP certified people at everydelivery. I have also seen the peds not coming to routine/scheduled c/s for a while in my area, but there should still be 2 NRP people. Usually it is an RN and an RRT. If you don't have 2 NRP people there and something happens, you would be caught practicing below standard of care. Good luck getting someone to listen to you. You need to show them AHA NRP recommendations. Also, you can go to the AWHONN website and print out their standard of care for the sitaution. It should be the same. You are held to those standards legally.
2,756 Posts
I don't remember a pediatrician being at my son's (planned) birth by C-section.
Mimi2RN, ASN, RN
1,142 Posts
We have an RT and a NICU nurse at all c/s, and a hospitalist as well if it's premie, mec, decels, etc. etc. Our L&D nurses are NRP, too. We have one or more at c/s, depending on the situation.
We haven't had a doc at routine c/s for many years, and with the hospitalists, help is always readily available.
1 Article; 6,683 Posts
Where I am, our NICU team (MD or NNP, RN and RRT) meets the baby at a stabilization area just outside the OR so that we don't have to get dressed in OR garb every time. The mom never sees us, but the dad and can come look at the baby once things are stable.
ragingmomster, BSN, MSN, RN
371 Posts
we are a teaching hospital and do over 7500 deliveries a year. we ask NICU team to attend c/s only when a problem is expected. mec, non-reassuring fht's,
pre-e, etc. we do our own circulating, and are all nrp trained. so the circulator steps away from the table for a minute and helps the primary rn for transition and will call NICU if we need more help.
1,804 Posts
Small town hospital. 60 deliveries per month. One Ped MD and one RN at every section. We do not do OR responsibilities, just newborn care.