BuSpar, Xanax, or other Alternatives For Anxiety?


Specializes in Med-Surg, Long Term Care.

I'm considering taking medication for a period as I cope with stress and increasing anxiety related to nurse-to-patient ratios on our med-surg unit and to our hospital going on line with computer documentation in just over a week-- not to mention Christmas being right around the corner. [see thread here:]


My intention is to use the medication for as short a time as possible. I've been doing reserach on the web about Xanax, and it scares me. Reserach on BuSpar makes it sound like something that may be helpful. I wondered if anyone had ever taken BuSpar or had any experience with its use by family/friends and patients. I've taken Paxil in the past for a little over a year and don't want to go back on it because of various unpleasant side effects and problems with weaning off.

I exercise regularly-- recently took up Spinning, and that really sweats out the stress-- try to eat right, have loving relationships with spouse, friends, and family, have a strong faith, able to cry prn, but I'm not coping so well lately. I'm not asking for sympathy or pity, just any ideas concerning meds-- especially Buspar, prn anti-anxiety meds, or other alternatives. (Anyone have success with Kava? Oh forget it-- just did research and FDA says it can cause severe liver damage. http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/addskava.html) I tried Yoga a few times and am considering getting back to that, too.

Specializes in ICU, psych, corrections.

I went to my physician with the same concerns and he put me on 10mg/day of fluoxetine (Prozac). I was quite hesitant of taking it because of the stigma attached to it, but it has been quite helpful and the only side effect that I really don't like is the constant yawning. I haven't really noticed any other adverse reactions like I have with other antidepressants.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

I have not been impressed with BuSpar at all, especially in the younger population (

My sister, daughter, and I all use Ativan for mild-to-moderate anxiety disorder. My sister takes 0.5 mg twice daily, while my daughter and I use it only on a PRN basis, mostly for sleep but also for episodic anxiety. (I'm also on Paxil for depression, but occasionally need a little extra help when I'm wound up really tight.) The bonus is that I don't get hung over with it, as I do almost anything associated with drowsiness......I relax enough to get good quality sleep (which is VITAL in fighting both depression and anxiety) and wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day, not all foggy like I do when I take Tylenol PM.

You may need to experiment, because this is definitely NOT a one-size-fits-all problem! Good luck to you.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Long Term Care.
Originally posted by RNnTraining1973

I went to my physician with the same concerns and he put me on 10mg/day of fluoxetine (Prozac). I was quite hesitant of taking it because of the stigma attached to it, but it has been quite helpful and the only side effect that I really don't like is the constant yawning. I haven't really noticed any other adverse reactions like I have with other antidepressants.

Has it helped with anxiety and does Prozac have the same problems with "weaning off" that Paxil and some other SSRI's have? No other negative side effects besides the yawning?

I'm glad it's working for you!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Long Term Care.

Thanks for your response, mjlrn. Now that you mention it, I also have only noticed the elderly on BuSpar in the past. I can't remember ever administering it to anyone younger.

I have a friend who uses Ativan for sleep and prn anxiety; I just didn't want to use anything that'd make me fuzzy-headed on the job, naturally.

And yes, you're right-- "this is definitely NOT a one-size-fits-all problem!" (I think I'm getting anxiety from thinking about and researching anti-anxiety meds! :D )

Specializes in MS Home Health.

My doc put me on that for about a year after my mom died suddenly and I kept thrusting my tongue out. I could not stop. Went off it pretty quick!


I started taking Gabitril(Taigabine) 6 months ago for pretty bad anxiety and it has worked very well. In fact, I have noticed a pretty large decrease in axiety and no side effects.

The drug itself is a new espically in being used for anxiety. It has also been used in the past as a Anti-Convulsatory. Granted my Psychiatrist prescribed it to me and I just went along with it and considered the anti anxiety effects. It could have some potential bad side effects but I have not looked into these.

Just throwing another name out there you might consider.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Long Term Care.
Originally posted by renerian

My doc put me on that for about a year after my mom died suddenly and I kept thrusting my tongue out. I could not stop. Went off it pretty quick!


YIKES! :eek:

Paxil gave me the yawns, made me gassy, and had some frustrating *ahem* (sexual) side effects for me.

What I liked about Paxil was it made me feel like I was less "prickly" or edgy and critical. But I also felt somewhat numbed-- not as many lows, but not many highs, either. I missed "me", and that's what makes me want to avoid meds if possible.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Long Term Care.
Originally posted by FutureRNMichael

I started taking Gabitril(Taigabine) 6 months ago for pretty bad anxiety and it has worked very well. In fact, I have noticed a pretty large decrease in axiety and no side effects.

The drug itself is a new espically in being used for anxiety. It has also been used in the past as a Anti-Convulsatory. Granted my Psychiatrist prescribed it to me and I just went along with it and considered the anti anxiety effects. It could have some potential bad side effects but I have not looked into these.

Just throwing another name out there you might consider.

Thanks Michael! I'll do some research on it and see what I can find out since I've never heard of that med.

Paxil has been very good for my anxiety. I'm a much easier an less demanding person to be around.

I tried Buspar for a very short term period during an acute episode. As far as I remember, it agreed with me.

I tried Buspar but it didn't do anything for me. I have Xanax which is very effective, but you have to be really careful because it is addictive. I hear that Lorazepam also works well for anxiety.

You sound like you have a good support system and effective outlets for for stress but need something to help get thru this time.

I can definately see the point in NOT wanting to take a daily med for a short term intermittant problem.

I agree with low dose Ativan on a PRN basis, actually it is what I ask for when I need something (like to fly). It does the job without a fog and has quicker clearance and fewer side effects (in the non-elderly) than many of the other anti-anxiety meds out there. It does not need to be weaned and it is also cheap (good grief, I sound like a commercial).

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