Published Apr 16, 2008
117 Posts
Well, this is nothing more than a chance for me to talk about what's bothering me. I just found out my favorite ( I can say that on here ) Aunt has colon and liver cancer. She is going to have a colon resection this week, and start chemo soon. I am so sad. This is a lady that has never said or done a bad thing to anyone. A lady that has devoted the last 10 years of her life caring for her mentally ill daughter. A lady that put aside her dreams of being a nurse back then to raise her three kids. I admire her kindness and her love for others. She has a gentle spirit. So why do these things happen to such wonderful people??????? Thanks for listening....just need lots of hugs right now and prayers for her.
1 Article; 3,017 Posts
I am so sorry that you and your family are going through this
My thoughts, hugs and prayers are with you and your family at this very difficult time
snowfreeze, BSN, RN
948 Posts
hugs to you
678 Posts
lots of hugs and prayers. I'm sorry too.
suzy253, RN
3,815 Posts
((Hugs))) I know what you mean. In the 80's my mom was dx with esophageal cancer with mets to her liver. She was never in the hospital except to give birth to her three daughters. She took care of my dad with his dx of IDDM who eventually lost his eyesight and multiple complications. She survived my sister/her daughter's passing from pancreatic cancer at the age of 21. Now it was her turn to suffer? Sometimes it's just not fair.
Penelope_Pitstop, BSN, RN
2,368 Posts
i'm very sorry to hear this. i hope and pray that your family gets through this! a close friend's mother was given the same diagnosis when we were juniors in college. it's not easy.
88 Posts
this is a bum dx but hopefully the resection will solve the problem
hugs and prayers
barefootlady, ADN, RN
2,174 Posts
Prayers for your aunt, the family and for you. I can't begin to understand why bad things happen to good people.
hbgwan, LPN, LVN
236 Posts
sometimes it's hard to understand why certain things happen. many times we'll never know. but i just have to get comfortable knowing the One who knows.
68 Posts
Hugs to you and I will be praying for you, your aunt and your family. I am so sorry that your family is having to go through this.
DeLana_RN, BSN, RN
819 Posts
(((( trmr ))))
So sorry to hear this, why do bad things always happen to the best people?
You and your aunt are in my thoughts.
DeLana :icon_hug:
115 Posts
hugs n prayers to you, her, and your family!!!!!!!