BSN program @ UFV September 2014 Intake

World Canada CA Programs



I have just completed my application for the BSN program at UFV for the September 2014 Intake. I thought I would start this thread for anyone wanting to share their thoughts, ask some questions etc. The deadline is fast approaching! As far as I know interviews take place in March and decisions usually are done in May. I have a sister who is in fourth semester at UFV and is loving it! She found this site very helpful while going through the application process as it tends to be a long one!

are there people who have gotten accepted upon applying for the first time?

Yes, this was my first time applying :)

wow, good job!

how long have you been out of high school for?

i graduated in 2013, my grades are decent, I'm just worried about the interview and volunteer experience. by the time i apply i will hopefully have over 100 hours but that will be just from one senior home. Do you think it matters if I'm volunteering at only one place or should i be doing more?

And any tips on the interview?

Thanks, much appreciated! :)

It's really hard to say as far as the volunteer hours go...

in my letter telling me that I wasn't accepted, they said I just needed to improve my math grade (I applied with awesome grades besides math) and I only had 30 hours in a retirement home.. But I also have been an MOA for the last 14 years and was able to submit my work hours/years as my references (and they were all excellent references).

if you don't have any workplace hours I would submit as many as you can with the nursing home plus if you can take the hospital orientation for volunteering there, so that too! It certainly wouldn't hurt your chances!:)

Yah!! I'm in fast track!! I just figured out how you can know. Go to student info on myufv select registration then select registration eligibility and time. select the term fall 2014 and on that page mine says for program bsn-fast track fall 2014.

I feel happy but slightly insane for wanting to take this on...let me know whose also in the 3 year program!!

Yah!! I'm in fast track!! I just figured out how you can know. Go to student info on myufv select registration then select registration eligibility and time. select the term fall 2014 and on that page mine says for program bsn-fast track fall 2014.

I feel happy but slightly insane for wanting to take this on...let me know whose also in the 3 year program!!

Good for you!!!!

I had two girlfriends last september get into the 3 year fast track but they decided to change their minds. It's whatever works for you :) some people like to just keep going until they're finished! That's a good skill to have.

How exciting for you :)

wow, good job!

how long have you been out of high school for?

I graduated in 2012, so 2 years ago. I applied with 90 volunteer hours, and 3 A's and 1 B.

I think my interview/essay helped a lot and I also had some personal experience taking care of family members with illnesses that I talked about in my interview.

Your grades sound awesome as long as everything else goes well and you get more volunteer hours it should be easy sailing for you!

Thank you, that is very helpful!

What kind of questions did the interview consist of?

Thank you, that is very helpful!

What kind of questions did the interview consist of?

Unfortunately, I don't think were allowed to disclose that particular type of information.. But we are happy to answer any other questions for you :)

Thats totally okay :) As of now Ive gotten most of my answers but i will be sure to ask if theres anything else.

Thank you all so much!


if you dont mind my asking, what were your grades/ volunteer experience like when you applied to ufv?

]Hey there, I just got an email in my ufv account, so maybe you guys have gotten your letters, too! I didn't get into UFV so I'll be going to TRU this fall. Best of luck to you all :-)

hey if u dont mind my asking what were your grades/volunteer exp like when u applied to ufv

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