BSN program @ UFV September 2014 Intake

World Canada CA Programs



I have just completed my application for the BSN program at UFV for the September 2014 Intake. I thought I would start this thread for anyone wanting to share their thoughts, ask some questions etc. The deadline is fast approaching! As far as I know interviews take place in March and decisions usually are done in May. I have a sister who is in fourth semester at UFV and is loving it! She found this site very helpful while going through the application process as it tends to be a long one!

What program did you apply to UFV for?

I had 2 A's and 2 B's and with all three references combined probably close to 700 hours of volunteer/work experience. But honestly for me I think it was my interview that made all the difference, the lady who interviewed me told me I did very well with all the questions.

Will you still apply to the UFV nursing program for Jan intake, or try to get into TRU's BSN?

Good luck in whatever you do!

Sorry I didn't actually apply, I was quoting someone but it didn't work out. I will be trying for January, first time applicant. I have 4 A's and about 65 volunteer hours, i will hopefully have over 100 when i apply, but i also have volunteer exp in other places which are not healthcare setting so i dont know if that matters. I have also completed my first yr of bachelor of science program at ufv so I'm hoping i Have a good chance at it :/

Also, how do they expect you to answer questions on the interview, like is there a certain way to do it better than another?

Specializes in Medicine.

Congrats, SilLPN!

Unfortunately, I didn't get accepted into the September class :( It was a bitter-sweet moment when I saw the email but it said that I'd be waitlisted- like if anyone is going to drop out lol! I now can plan my wedding and honeymoon ;) I am trying to stay positive and going to prepare myself for the next intake by taking electives. I mean, I think you and the others deserved to be accepted because I only had minimum academic requirements other than my acute experience. Good luck and hope to see you next year :)

Specializes in Medicine.

Hey Meghan,

I'm sorry to hear that you weren't accepted but it's not the end of the world! Good luck with the next intake :)

I'm also going to TRU, hope 4321, congrats :-)

bkim88 if they told you your on the waitlist I wouldn't completely give up on September! I know of 2 people who received acceptances who will not be taking them One got into BCIT's nursing as well and is going there to avoid having to relocate and the other just found out her husband got a job offer out of province so their moving. Things do happen and if you read past threads there's almost always a few people called off the waitlist!!

Anyways all the best with your wedding /honeymoon plans and in your future applications :D

Also, how do they expect you to answer questions on the interview, like is there a certain way to do it better than another?


Aw sorry to hear you didn't get in BKim! I was so sure you would! Have a great wedding!! Hopefully I'll meet you down the road:D

Hey bkim88 im so sorry to hear that! :-( Yea i feel totally honoured to get in. It was not easy and wasn't sure i'd get in. I told them during the interview about all my obligations and prior commitments. So, I figured that would hurt my chances but it turned out that it didn't. So i am already half way through the pathophysiology course now already, and its both tough and super interesting. Plus my grades were ok but not out of this world. I had: HSC 111 B+, HSC 113 A-, and English 105 B+. Five years in the field as and LPN with both Medical and Residential experience. I also operate a Nursing Footcare Clinic in town with 140 regular clients. Two letters of reference. One from a Directore of Care (RN, BSN) from a care home, and another from a fellow RN that I work with regularly. I though the essay went well. So I guess there is no magical recipe for entrance. On top of that I am a father of two with another due any day not. Morgate family obligations. So yea... like I said you never know what their decisions going to be! Keep on trying guys and don't give up!

How many people get into the LPN to RN bridging program again? (Per intake)

i thought it was 16?

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