BON Where I’m Single State Licensed Wants To Ask Me Questions

Nurses General Nursing

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Can a compact license have an affect on a single state license?

Long story short, I have a compact license for RN  Texas, which has allowed me to travel nurse across the country to states like Tennessee, Colorado and Kansas. 

My single state license I hold in Pennsylvania just emailed me and said they need me to call them. I shot an email back stating I am willing to, which the BON investigator replied “we need to talk about what happened in Colorado…."

PA is not even in the nursing compact - How would they even have jurisdiction over anything that happened outside of their state lines anyways? Why wasn’t my compact nursing license in Texas contracting me? 

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.

I am not sure how that works but I would urge you to not say too much to either BON until you find out what the problem is, (only listen to what they say but don’t respond other than you will get back to them), and then contact  an attorney in order to see how to proceed. Unless it is some clerical thing but it doesn’t sound like it, but who knows.

Good luck!

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Many states require reporting of actions in any other state. Some may be stricter than others, so even if not the "primary" license, can have actions taken against them. If you were to read the newsletter from PA that reports out on professional license sanctions, you'd find #1 is drugs/alcohol, but failing to report actions in another state is high up there too.

Not terribly familiar with this type of thing, but do know that Pennsylvania passed it's Nurse Licensure Compact legislation about a year and a half ago. They should be close to enacting the NLC; they are probably partially onboard with some of the NLC requirements.

Colorado is the party state and PA is the home state. You can be sanctioned in either but for the compact the home state gets to hand down the punishment and the party state reports. It’s written in the law for Texas as well.

Specializes in CEN, Firefighter/Paramedic.

What happened in Colorado?


1 hour ago, thisnurse123 said:

Colorado is the party state and PA is the home state. You can be sanctioned in either but for the compact the home state gets to hand down the punishment and the party state reports. It’s written in the law for Texas as well.

If you were working in CO, using your TX multi-state license PA is not the home state, TX is.

It seems like that is the state they are using as the home state though.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
53 minutes ago, thisnurse123 said:

It seems like that is the state they are using as the home state though.

No, it’s that PA has not yet implemented the NLC. They have a single state license from PA that is only good for PA. So PA can take actions against the license they have issued, which is why they want to talk about what happened in CO. 

That makes more sense. 


If the original poster is under investigation by the Pennsylvania BON, and this person loses that license........and then Pennsylvania enacts the NLC  (perhaps next Summer) is it possible that this person could lose all of his compact licenses and only have a Texas single state license.

This sounds a little complicated to me.

Advice: I would get to the bottom of this situation as soon as possible, and contact an attorney if necessary.

Yes, we all want to know what happened in Colorado, but that should be kept confidential.


Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I would assume that Colorado has an action against the OP's license in the works that has been reported to all BONs licensing the OP, as is standard practice. There are also penalties for not reporting discipline in one state to other licensing states, but from the OP's post, it sounds like whatever happened in Colorado hasn't impacted any other licenses yet. Hopefully an attorney can help - preferably one versed in BON matters. Good luck, OP! 

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