Published Aug 14, 2010
General E. Speaking, RN, RN
1 Article; 1,337 Posts
I posted this in another thread as a comment but it got me thinking about all the things that nursing is blamed for. I thought it would make an interesting thread. Hopefully it won't be labeled as "negative"...lots of comments around about being too negative. I'm getting a little paranoid.
Seems as far as nursing is concerned, the buck stops here.
Consent not signed? Nurses fault
Room is dirty? Nurses fault
Patient's family is unhappy? Nurses fault
Hurt your back turning a patient? Nurses fault
Patient didn't get meal tray despite being ordered? Nurses fault
Labs were ordered in the computer, drawn and sent but no result yet? Nurses fault
Pharmacy mislabeled the med and it was given? Nurses fault
Home med sheet not filled out yet? ( because no one knows what mama takes and I have no idea what the "little blue" pill is) Nurses fault
Patient satisfaction scores down? Nurses fault
Crappy channel selection on the tv? Nurses fault
Patients unable to be taken care of properly due to staffing issues? Nurses fault
Patient got a bedsore (even though they weigh 600# and the bigboy bed doesn't have a "rotation or turn" feature and it takes three people to hold up the tremendous panniculus just to apply powder to her abdomen skin fold)? Nurses fault
Agree? Disagree?
697 Posts
Doctor orders EKG @ 0600, shows up at 0500, EKG not done - nurses fault.
0730 FSBS not done @ 0630 - nurses fault.
Pt. admitted for abdominal distress with NVD throws up after family smuggles in a Dairy Queen Triple Meat Cheeseburger w/ jalapenos, a large order of onion rings, a root beer float, and a banana split for dessert - nurses fault.
Are we starting to cover it yet?
Genista, BSN, RN
811 Posts
I know it sure feels that way. I think that's because the nurse is the "one in charge" and the one on the front line who gets to manage and oversee everything for their patients. Aren't we lucky? LoL
AgentBeast, MSN, RN
1,974 Posts
Yep, comes with the territory. The same could be said for Presidents, CEOs, ect. If something goes wrong it was their fault, regardless.
Rabid Response
309 Posts
MDs order UA on oliguric incontinent patient. Patient urinates a teeny bit once in the first 18 hours--into the bedding. MDs order the same UA 4 MORE TIMES that day (as if we didn't notice the order the first time). Patient gets dialysis and has not voided again in the next 2 days. MDs then order 24 hour urine collection! CV surgeon writes a nasty scathing note blaming RNs for their failure to send the urine labs in a timely manner.
57 Posts
the media in minnesota was blaming us for the high cost of healthcare.
Neveranurseagain, RN
866 Posts
Stuff rolls downhill, and unfortunately we are at the bottom of the hill!
canoehead, BSN, RN
6,901 Posts
Send an empty container. Then it becomes the lab's fault.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
HA!!!!!! That's creative and funny!
124 Posts
cnas forgot to put in resident's hearing aids...nurse's fault.
resident got a skin tear..nurse's fault
92 Posts
Charts not stuffed with progress notes for the MDs...nurse's fault
There's a loud pt. in the next room...nurse's fault
MD will only order Percocet for pain, not IV dilaudid...nurse's fault
Call MD at 2300 to clarify illegible order written by said MD (we are going to fully electronic charts next year)...nurse's fault
Pt. signs out AMA...nurse's fault
Not only does "stuff" roll downhill but it also manages to hit the fan and get all over us...probably the nurse's fault lol
200 Posts
Ah, It's a dog eat dog world and nurses all wear milkbone underwear!