Big envelope = accepted. Small = rejected?


I need to prepare myself. If I get a big envelope, I'll open it ASAP and see if I really got accepted. If I get a small one, I'll start crying and I won't open it until somebody makes my day worse. And when my day can't get any worse, I'll open it up! :)

If you got wait-listed, what kind of envelope would you get?

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.

I got a small envelop for the ASN program I got waitlisted for. I got a congratulatory e-mail from the BSN program I graduated from. I cried after I got my waitlist # which would put me out 2 years. I said that if I did not get into the BSN that went by merit I was not going to get out of bed for a week. I was checking my e-mail. The title was something along the lines of Congratulations from...I could not believe it until I opened the e-mail and then I screamed at the top of my lungs! Then called everyone I knew and went into work and showed it to everyone. I still have a copy of it on my wall and I graduated a year ago this May.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Don't know. My acceptance letter was three pages, so not exactly big. Never got a wait list or a rejection, but I would imagine those are one page. I doubt I would have been able to tell the difference from the envelope.

When I got accepted to my program, I got one sheet of paper in a regular envelope with instructions to go to the school website to read all the other info that would normally come in the big packet. The other program I was accepted to sent a pretty big packet.

Specializes in Hospice & Palliative Care, Oncology, M/S.

I received a Congratulatory e-mail and telephone call. They cut out paper due to budget constraints. :icon_roll

I wish we got an e-mail. Our acceptance letters to a hospital diploma program were sent via snail mail. It was 2 sheets of paper in a regular business sized envelope. When I received it yesterday, I definitely observed the envelope size. Once I realized it was more than one page, I figured that must be good news, and it was. The acceptance letter, along with some info on further notification dates, was on one sheet and the form that needed to be mailed back to secure your seat was on the second sheet.

Specializes in NeuroICU/SICU/MICU.

I got a big packet..with my "alternate list" number on the first page. Luckily I was #2, so I was accepted for the semester I applied, but I could have just as easily been #10 or #15 and wound up not accepted. You can't really trust the envelope size :)

Not a NS acceptance, but I remember back in high school the whole big vs, little encvelope thing. For my #1 choice, I received a regular #10 envelope with 1 sheet of paper in it. I was devastated. I actually waited 2 days to open it only to find a letter beginning "Congratulations ...." I received a big packet of information under separate cover a couple of days later. This was back before Al Gore invented the internet.

My acceptance letter was one page... small envelope. But we got a call before the letter, so I expected it to a congratulatory letter.

I got accepted with a small envelope :) good luck!

I got accepted to my program and it was in a small envelope, so open it up!! :D

Specializes in Critical Care.

My acceptance letter envelope was a standard letter size. Kinda thick though, so I had a good feeling, especially when I saw a business reply envelope through the back of the envelope. I tore it open w/in 5 seconds lol - so that was the extent of my guessing.

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