Best. Stress. Relief. EVER.

Nurses Stress 101


This is something I never thought would be relaxing, and in fact was a bit scared of until yesterday.

My on leave from the army brother and I went out shooting. Shotguns, a handgun, and a big old Russian bolt-action thing. It was great. I do everything from working out to meditation already, but I haven't felt so relaxed or slept this well for a long time. Already signed myself up for a handgun safety/training course and everything. Something I definatly will be doing again after I've gotten some training.

Anyone else?

Specializes in EMS, ER.
... but good luck getting your hands on one! Since the election, guns and ammo have become very tight. Demand is waaaaaaay up, supply just can't keep up.

I hear yah there Roy, I've been looking for months for powder and bullets to reload .223 for my mini-14 but nobody, nowhere, has nothin, and boxed ammo has gone crazy. I attribute it to both the new administration and the panic it caused and the amount of 5.56/.223 ammo being used overseas by the armed forces...

So not much stress relief right now....:rolleyes:

Does anybody shoot ISPC or know anyone that does?, I'd love to get into that, looks like a blast and if I can't get a job as a nurse I could become a pro competition shooter (ooops, wait, I just woke up from that dream, sorry) :bugeyes:

Thanks for the idea! I am a new RN student and have been feeling like a "juggling act". I am a single mom, full-time student, and HHA on weekends. Running and working out are my usual stress relievers, but everything feels like a chore right now! I think shooting might be "just what the doctor ordered"! I have used a rifle before, but never a hand gun. Do I need to have my own gun? Will I be required to take a lesson? There is a shooting range 20 minutes away. I'm not sure of the protocol though. I guess it won't hurt to call around and get some information. Thanks for planting the seed! I have also been thinking about trying trapeze lessons. There is a place called Trapeze High in San Diego that offers lessons to people at all levels and inclinations! I will post about the experience afterward.

Specializes in Operating Room Nursing.

I tried shooting a few years ago. I absolutely hated it and had a minor breakdown when I realised how powerful a gun actually is....I'm ashamed to say that I ran out of the place in tears.

my hubby has a punching bag, it seems to help him. i love getting on my atv and riding out in my back wooded field. i don't go very fast, sometimes i actually get into second gear (the hubby said it's about 5 mph maybe?, nothing like his harley that petrifies me) but i like the wind in my face and being out in nature.

if you think guns are too powerful, you might try bow shooting, my stepsister's husband does that with his son and they find that enjoyable.

personally, i don't find anything better than coming home after clinicals to the jumping up and down of my little furry lhasa apsos and the dance they do when i pull up in the drive after they jump out of the doggie door. i collapse on the couch and they all (4) jump in my lap.

Specializes in Utilization Management.
I tried shooting a few years ago. I absolutely hated it and had a minor breakdown when I realised how powerful a gun actually is....I'm ashamed to say that I ran out of the place in tears.

When I was about 4, I was taken out with the older guys to do some target shooting. I bugged them and bugged them to let me shoot too, until finally one of them became annoyed enough to put a 16 guage shotgun into my hands and show me how to shoot it -- lean in, aim, squeeze the trigger, yadayada. I did, and with a monstrous BOOM! from the gun, I went ass over teakettle and landed flat on the ground with the wind knocked out of me.

The guys smugly thought that'd put an end to my whining. But they didn't figure me right -- as soon as I could, I bounced back up, giggled and clapped my hands, "I wanna do that again!"

Nowadays, guns do make me nervous and I refuse to have one in the house. But I can see how some folks would get a lot of stress relief from target shooting; at one time, I did too. ;)

Specializes in ICU.
I'm working overtime and scheming to get my hands on a Korean War issue M1 Garand

If you haven't checked it out already, take a look at the CMP (Civilian Marksmanship Program) website at:

By going through the CMP, you'll save at least $100 over GunBroker/AuctionArms or other online auction sites. They are also a good source for "low" cost .30-06 ammo.

Hope you get a nice one! I bought my Garand in the early 90s when they were being re-imported from Korea.

:lol: i just have this image in my head, of a bunch of nurses in uniform, shooting aimlessly everywhere. they've gone mad i believe....

Specializes in ICU.
:lol: i just have this image in my head, of a bunch of nurses in uniform, shooting aimlessly everywhere. they've gone mad i believe....

but they won't be stressed, now will they?

:lghmky:LOL! I suppose not!.....

:idntdt:.....hmmmmmmmmm? :innerconf

Specializes in Cardiology (ITU), Acute Renal/Dialysis.
I bought this yesterday:


Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm pistol :)

I wanted the Beretta Ninety-two FS


... but good luck getting your hands on one! Since the election, guns and ammo have become very tight. Demand is waaaaaaay up, supply just can't keep up.

I'm working overtime and scheming to get my hands on a Korean War issue M1 Garand:


I trained on Lee-Enfield SMLEs and Webley revolvers back in the day.

But yeah, I go to the range quite regularly (about once a week). Trying to organize a shooting/hunting club at work...

And yes, it's fabulous stress relief!! :D


Being British I find this scary! If I had one of those I think some of my colleagues had better watch out!:eek:

Specializes in Management, Emergency, Psych, Med Surg.

Honey, you said it. Nothing like a day at the range to get your frustrations out and it really relieves my stress. I LOVE target practice. It is very relaxing. Seems strange huh?

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