Best Hospitals to work in Hampton Roads Area


Specializes in RN-OB, Postpartum, Neonatal Nursing.

We will be relocating back to the Hampton Roads area Summer/Fall 2011. Are there any suggestions for great places to work as an RN in the Hampton Roads area? I will be working part-time due to an active duty spouse and I have to find something day shift only. Thanks for any help you may be able to offer in this matter!


Specializes in Cardiac Stepdown.

Check out this link for a list of hospitals in the area with links to their websites.

I work for a Sentara location and per their "social media policy" I can't say anything about them in a public forum. You can send me a private message if you have any specific questions about them.

Good luck with your job search and relocation!

Specializes in ob/gyn, maternal-child.

i am new to this website and have been thinking about moving to hampton roads area of va. I am currently in nyc and making about 80k/yr and i heard that in southern va(chesapeake,norfolk, hamptons) rn's make about $19/hr, is this true? if so does cost of living really evens out? i know that there are alot of differentials but what do you typically make as an rn in yearly salary? i have about 3 yrs of experience at this time. any info would be great. @jules anne i would love to pm you for some more info but i think as a new member i have to post at least 15 times first?

Specializes in ob/gyn, maternal-child.

@jules anne...thanks for the pm! unfortunately i cant even send you a reply through PM yet lol i have visited southern va many times. My boyfriend's mother lives in chesapeake and it kind of what opened up my thoughts on moving there. Its slower than nyc but still has entertainment. The only thing holding me back is the salary. I know making what i make now in nyc isnt ideal in va but i'm just wondering if the salary that va is giving rn's is enough to live looking to purchase a home and hoping the salary will support it. I was also wondering if shifts are usually 12hrs(3days a week) or is it 8hrs(5days a wk)? I already have a virginia just came in the mail! :) Now im just trying to get interviews. I know that in nyc applying online gets a person nowhere and you literally have to show up at the HR office and ask to speak to a recruiter and hand off you resume that way if your looking for a job better yet just an interview! Is this the same in va? or do online applications really get looked at? lol

Hands down, SENTARA!

Currently in Raleigh, NC. What area of Hampton Roads would be most comparable as far as nightlife, art/culture, vibrant downtown? Looking for an area that would allow me to live downtown and walk to cafe's, music venues, restaurants, shopping, etc? Short commute to local hospitals a must..hate traffic!

Sentara Norfolk is less than a mile from downtown Norfolk. There is nightlife, eateries, shopping, and housing here!

Specializes in ICU & ED.

I lived and worked in HR for many years, I don't think there is a bad choice, but if I was able to choose, I'd try to get on at Portsmith Naval Hospital. Portsmith isn't a convenient location, but the population is a cool mix of Service Members and Civilians. Plus the benefits as a government contractor are excellent...

Not for everyone, but that's what I'd do if I could wave a magic wand!

... I am currently in nyc and making about 80k/yr and i heard that in southern va(chesapeake,norfolk, hamptons) rn's make about $19/hr, is this true? if so does cost of living really evens out? i know that there are alot of differentials but what do you typically make as an rn in yearly salary? i have about 3 yrs of experience at this time. any info would be great. ...

yep its true. im also from NYC and as a new grad i made about 80K in a low paying hospital. i'm now in portsmouth ( live in norfolk) and make $22/ hr. ( 3 years experience) there are weekly mandatory overtime,no bonuses, and my rent is only $200 less than it was in new york. gas is cheaper by 15 cents per gallon, groceries are the same. the cost of living is NOT half of ny, and my salary is. also, no unions in VA. and i feel that's why nurses are treated so poorly as far as compensation. only good thing, in my opinion, is that this is a nicer suburban hospital, versus dingy city hospital. staff is less ghetto, too.

...I know that in nyc applying online gets a person nowhere and you literally have to show up at the HR office and ask to speak to a recruiter and hand off you resume that way if your looking for a job better yet just an interview! Is this the same in va? or do online applications really get looked at? lol

VA is even worse. no one will speak to you, there is no office to even go to to try and weasle your application in front of them. its 1000% online, and i only got hired because mine ended up in the wrong department. I have 3 years med/surg and tele experience, and got declined for every position i applied for. a month after all my positions were declined, i got a call form a new grad recruiter, i told her im an experienced nurse. she forwarded my info and thats the only way i got my current job.

Specializes in ICU.

I went to nursing school in Hampton Roads and moved to Texas immediately after graduation. I started as a new grad in a hospital in a small city in Texas and my pay was $22 and some change. My classmates who graduated with me mostly started at $20 in Hampton Roads hospital. After working 1.5 yrs in my first job, I moved to Houston and now work in the Texas Medical Center where lots of big hospitals are located; my currently pay (less than 2 years experience) is $28.25 base plus shift differential. Cost of living is actually cheaper than Hampton Roads. The only thing that kills me is the hot hot summer here.

Specializes in LTC, Acute care.

Hampton Roads has some good hospitals but the pay here sucks...big time.

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