Published Apr 9, 2007
146 Posts
Hello Everyone.
Just last week I just received my acceptance letter to the SFSU BSN program!!! :w00t: SOOOOO excited!!!!! , but getting nervous now!
I was perusing the Pre-Nursing student forum and noticed an interstting topic related to this: Best/Hardest Pre-Nursing courses.
I know it is probably personal interest (i.e. - if you don't like Peds, it was probably your worst and therefore hardest course), but I figured I would try this and see what answers I get....What was/is your Best/Hardest nursing class?
18 Posts
Congratulations! You are about to embark on probably one of the most interesting experiences of your life :welcome:
As for my hardest class....I would say A&P (anatomy and physiology) with an emphasis on anatomy (TONS of memorization). The hardest nursing specific class I've had was Adult I. We had a killer teacher and she moved at a very fast pace. Have you heard the standing in front of a fire hydrant analogy (spraying at you so hard you can only drink so much)??
Pharmacology and Adult II are no picnic either but for some reason I seemed to be able to grasp these classes better.
Enjoyable classes.... Pedi is kind of neat (especially the clinical) and I enjoyed Psych and Maternity clinicals quite a bit as well :)
32 Posts
I definately think Pharmacology is the hardest class thus far. Or maybe it's just the teacher who isn't really presenting the information?
CooL B8B
For me I had troubles with A & P during my 1st year and Pharmacology on my 2nd year as a student. But, thank god that I was able to passed all of them. My fave on the other hand were med/surg, pead and perioperative nursing.
WDWpixieRN, RN
2,237 Posts
We just finished a section this semester on musculoskeletal nursing and I found it so difficult to get in to...a number of us agreed that perhaps ortho wasn't going to be an area we were planning on specializing in, lol....
I imagine you'll just find it's a ton of material thrown at you in a very short period of time. Just keep coming up for air as often as you can and hang in WILL get through this....many have gone before you; many will come after you!
Congratulations and good luck!
22 Posts
Uh, oh. Pharm is in the first semester of Nursing School for me...And Adult Health! Both of those are listed above!! Ahhhh!!! :)
384 Posts
Personally I LOVE pharm ^^ Im awesome with math and its easy for me to memorize the drugs. A&P 1 was not too hard, A&P 2 defintely had its shining moments of "Oh pooh." I kinda went the long route though. I took all my chem up to orgo, math up to calc and Micro, all my bios, and anatomys BEFORE I even got into nursing school.
The hardest section of nursing school I have had to do so far had to be Endocrine. I wasnt strong in it when I took A&P2 over a year ago, and I still wasnt strong in it this time. Some sections just dont stick it seems :) We just finished it thank god, now on to cardio which is my fav. Just go in with a good attitude and keep to the books, as hard as it may get sometimes!
BeccaznRN, RN
758 Posts
I thought pathophysiology was the DEVIL! The instructor was so tough and unforgiving, not to mention that my school threw this class on us during our first semester (along with pharm, fundamentals, and assessment) when we knew next to nothing. She just flew threw the material, and you almost had to be psychic to figure out what she would test you on. I studied my you-know-what off for that class and ended up with a B. You couldn't pay me enough to experience that class over again!
abundantjoy07, RN
740 Posts
The last course. Critical Care Nursing.
All the rest.
14 Posts
The subject I absolutely hated with a passion was Psych Nursing ....bleh! :barf01: The care plans are like a million pages long and in the end you start feeling a bit loopy too like the patients you encounter lolz. :rotfl: I'll never forget the look on everybody's faces after we read the initial rules before going into the psychiatric hospital to do our clinicals.
- try not to stand out, look as plain as possible so patients won't focus on
you or single you out.
- don't wear necklaces or long earrings that patients can grab or use to
choke you with
- and my all time favorite....wear good-fitting shoes with rubber soles in
case you have need to run :chuckle :chuckle :chuckle
My first thought was, "Yikes! What am I getting myself into?!?!?!"
The subject I absolutely hated with a passion was Psych Nursing ....bleh! :barf01: The care plans are like a million pages long and in the end you start feeling a bit loopy too like the patients you encounter lolz. :rotfl: I'll never forget the look on everybody's faces after we read the initial rules before going into the psychiatric hospital to do our clinicals.- try not to stand out, look as plain as possible so patients won't focus on you or single you out. - don't wear necklaces or long earrings that patients can grab or use to choke you with - and my all time favorite....wear good-fitting shoes with rubber soles in case you have need to run :chuckle :chuckle :chuckle My first thought was, "Yikes! What am I getting myself into?!?!?!"
56 Posts
For me, the algebra class for my pre-req was hard, had to take it twice. The funny thing is I did very well once into the nursing program with math calculations and often helped others. hmmm......maybe we didnt need that pre-req math class to begin with. Afterall, they dont teach you any drug calculations in that class.
I liked peds, NICU, rotations tho.....