Be Aware: Don't Go into Nursing


The economy will probably pick up but not enough to absorb the new grads. You think there will be more and more new grads each year? Yes. More than jobs available? yes. 3 times that amount in 5 years. You think old new grads will ahve a shot at these jobs in 5 years? Probably not. Just look at the statistics of how many nursing grads there are each year across the country getting licensed in each state. Its quadrupled since 5 years ago. There is no nursing shortage.

Specializes in Critical Care, Postpartum.

Your thread is nothing new: do not go into nursing - Nursing for Nurses


Edit: If you can, let's try to let this thread die. It's no longer worth it.

If you live your life and make your career choices based on the current economic state, then your thread title should really be:

Be Aware: Don't Go Into Any Career

The economy will bounce back. It always does. We sure did bounce back from a depression many years ago, yet we are only in a recession and look at us all running around like a chicken with our heads cut off. So many times we forget what we DO have, instead we focus on what we don't have.

Schools will continue to churn out new grads in EVERY FIELD despite the lack of jobs. People choose to go to school despite the lack of jobs (or their lack of research.) But we continue to talk about nursing as if it's experiencing the worst shortage of jobs out of everything. That's just because we all grew accustomed to new grads getting jobs before they even graduated.

Oh, and there is a nursing shortage, but there is also a shortage of funds to pay for more nurses.

Seriously.. Ive had enough of the "dont go into nursing" like happytolearn stated...its the economy too..kudos to your post. To everyone else starting these threads: enough of negativity already... people shouldnt come onto this website to be a downer... they should come onto this site to support one another :)

I agree with what happy2learn said about other fields. New grads in other fields are having just as hard of a time, but with nursing we've been so used to new grads having jobs before they even graduated and hearing about how easy it is to get a job. I know plenty of new grads in other fields and it isn't any easier for them than it is for nursing new grads.

And like someone said, there IS a nursing shortage. However, hospitals don't have the money right now to hire nurses and the older nurses who were going to retire aren't yet because of the economic situation.

You could say this about every career there is out there, in every state. Get over it, follow your dreams people and ignore ignorant negative people who want to bring you down.

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.

Or better yet, Make yourself better than just a new grad. Make something of your name so when they see it and everything you have done they say, hey maybe I should hire this guy/gal because of (insert something noteworthy here). All my friends managed to find jobs in various hospitals all across the country most of them attributing their success to their excellent references from internships and extra curricular.

But no seriously, continue with this Chicken little the sky is falling BS.

Tell me what other career takes a year where a hospital needs to take a nurse from her patients to come and hold the newbe's hand until she/he can be trusted? The hospital is paying two salaries for less patients. It's expensive to train nursing grads. That's why they want experienced nurses!

Tell me what other career takes a year where a hospital needs to take a nurse from her patients to come and hold the newbe's hand until she/he can be trusted? The hospital is paying two salaries for less patients. It's expensive to train nursing grads. That's why they want experienced nurses!

I really don't understand your first sentence.

It's expensive to train new grads in every field.

My husband is a Sous Chef and he gets paid overtime when he has to stay and train someone. This can last a week or two. Really depends. So they pay 2 people to do the job of one person.

It's also expensive to hire Americans. That's why many businesses outsource areas, like call centers for example.

Your comments really don't apply to just the nursing field.

I thought we all agreed the job market changes faster than it takes to get any degree. Even with no economic depression have you noticed this over the last decade? Outsourcing and the transition from our manufacture base to a service base has wrecked this country. your husband trains another sous chef for a whole year so that he doesn't kill the people he serves?:uhoh3:

Tell me what other career takes a year where a hospital needs to take a nurse from her patients to come and hold the newbe's hand until she/he can be trusted? The hospital is paying two salaries for less patients. It's expensive to train nursing grads. That's why they want experienced nurses!

Ok....and? In booming economic times hospitals still have to do this.

Anyone who is familiar with the site has seen threads about the difficulties facing new grads right now. What exactly are you hoping to accomplish by starting a duplicate thread? Less competition for yourself?

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