Banner Fellows October cohorts

U.S.A. Arizona


Hey all,

I know this is probably a stab in the dark, but thought I'd try. Any other Banner Fellows on here who have had to deal with Financial Aid? Gateway is telling me that for Block III, which starts in July for our cohort (X) we won't get our aid until SEPTEMBER since it's considered an early fall class. I don't know what I'm going to do! Anyone else dealt with this?


Has anyone else heard from Banner? I keep checking my mail everyday, just hoping that my letter will be there..... I know it's still too early still. How has your interviews been going?

I know it is still 'early', but has anyone heard about the Banner Nurse Fellows October cohort. I still anxiously check my mailbox every day, in hopes of an acceptance letter............ It seems to be taking forever!! LOL :rolleyes:

Hello everyone! I just registered to this site because everyone seems so helpful!! I was wondering if there is anyone out there who is starting the Banner Nurse Fellows Program this October. I was accepted as an alternate for July, but a space did not open up so I am supposed to have a definite spot for October. I was just wondering if anyone had any info on orientation or start dates or anything. I am very anxious!!


Just curious to hear if there is anyone starting the Banner program this October. I am waiting to select my location and am wondering if anyone has gotten any info on orientation or start dates?


Hello, I interviewed for the October program and was told I would find out in the first week of August if I got in. Has anyone that interviewed for the October cohort found out if they got in or not? Thanks.

Hi, when did you find out that you will be in the October cohort? I interviewed and am waiting for information in regards to if I am accepted or not. Thanks

Hello, I interviewed mid July for the October program and was told I would find out the first week of August. I still have not found out, so I too am playing the waiting game with the rest of you. Let me know if anyone gets any information regarding if they got in or not, thanks.

In reality, itll be more like the end of august when you find out. I was told the same thing last year; not a bad thing, they have alot of people who impede the process by constantly calling to find out. Your letter will come either way.

I was actually accepted as an alternate for July with a gauranteed spot for October. I didn't get called for July, so I am wondering when I will get info about October. Do you remember what the locations were? I thought on was Gateway, but I can't remember what the other one was?? How long ago did you interview? Did they say when they were going to send out the notification letters? I am sure you will receive good news soon! I remember the waiting was the hardest part for me!! Please let me know any info you may have, and I will keep my fingers crossed for you! Good luck!

I know for sure one is Gateway and that is what I am hoping for. I interviewed like July 7, or around there. They told me they would send out the notification letters the first week or so of August. Yeah, the waiting is just killing me now. Thats great, congrats to you and hopefully you find out soon as well. I will keep coming on to this site and post any new information I have and look for other info from others. Thanks and I'll keep in touch.:)

Just as an FYI...I interviewed 25 July and the panel told me not to expect notification until the middle of August.

Yeah, I am hoping for Gateway too. Hopefully we will both make it in! I sent an email 2 days ago asking when I would receive information, but haven't gotten any response. I know they said they don't want to be bothered, but the suspense is killing me! Thanks for offering to keep me posted, I will do the same if I end up hearing anything. Maybe I will be notified when they send out the letters to those waiting to hear back. From what they told you it sounds like it should be soon then, stay positive!

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