Do you think that nurses receive a bad reputation for having a bad attitude? Is that something you have heard before? I have never worked around RN that has made me feel like " lower class." ( so to speak) or made me feel like " wow, he/she has a bad attitude today. When I did my externship back in 2011, every nurse I came in contact with was very nice to me. Sometimes we would even have a little chit chat. But some people tend of have a different out look on nurses. I honestly don't think it's fair. I have a few family members that work in the hospital and they feel like the nurses can be a little rude and at times and lazy. But once again, I have never had that experience. I honestly think the nurses are the heart of any company and their jobs are pretty freaking difficult at times. Even though I'am not a nurse, I truly understand. But my question is, is it something you hear a lot? And so does it frustrate you as a nurse for people to feel that way?