Average Work Week For a Nurse


What are the work weeks like for a Registered Nurse? How many hours a day and week? How many days do you work a week?

Specializes in Public Health.

Three 12 hours shifts per week

It honestly varies from nurse to nurse and setting in which they work. I work 3 12's. Some nurses work 5 eight hour shifts ( 9-5, 11p-7a, or 3p-11p). Why do you ask ?

There isn't one answer.

Some work 3 12-hour shifts per week. Some work 5 8-hour shifts. Some do per-diem and work whatever hours they want.

Some do straight days, straight nights, straight evenings....or rotate.

Some work in hospitals, which make 24/7 scheduling coverage necessary; some work in office or clinic settings that offer hours anywhere from 7a-8pm.

VERY variable.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.

​It looks like OP is a high-school student looking for information on nursing; she's 15.

Specializes in Operating Room.

In the OR M-F 8hours/day - on call 2 times/week (4 hours OT/per call).

And your point is? I'm still a nursing student.

If you are 15 years old, I highly doubt you are a nursing student. Perhaps you are in CNA school or taking pre-reqs towards your nursing degree.

This explains alot with your posts.

I'm aware I have minimal knowledge, but I'm learning.

Specializes in Cardiac, ER.

I am scheduled 3 12 hours shifts a week, 7am-7pm,...I usually pick up an extra shift a week,...my department has 7a-7p, 10a-7p, 3p-3a, and 7p-7a shifts available. We are required to work 3 weekend shifts per 8 week schedule and we have a weekend option position that pays more but requires every weekend. Hope that helps answer your question!! Best of luck to you!

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
And your point is? I'm still a nursing student.

You are not a nursing student or even a pre- nursing student per your other posts and the information in your profile. You are not a nurse as indicated in your user name. You are a pre-nursing assistant student. There is a difference. A nursing student has graduated high school or earned a GED, has been accepted into a school of nursing and began coursework towards graduating with a degree or diploma with a nursing major.

There is nothing wrong with high school students asking questions related to interest in pursuing a career in nursing. However most are clear in their post such as " Hi Im a high school student and interested in nursing. What classes do I need to take/what are the job prospects/where are most new grads hired/how can I prepare for nursing school". There are many posts in the pre nursing student forum from those interested in pursuing a career in nursing.

Okay, sorry I didn't know the difference. My profile does not say I'm a nurse, it says CNA in training/student.

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