any available websites to practice questions?

Nursing Students NCLEX


I would like to practice questions aside from my resources.

Can anyone suggest a site online where can I practice answering nclex questions?


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Please try the search facility as there are many threads with links but most you will have to pay for. Better not to get confused using too many resources

Specializes in ICU/ER.

Any Nclex prep book will have study disks you can put on your computer. SOme of them like Davis for instance, once it is loaded it is always there you dont need the disk anymore to use it. So one person in your class can buy it and you all can load it--

If you do a search you will find some free sites, but the time it takes to find them is pretty much wasted as you only get maybe 10 Questions or so and they may or may not give you rationals.

Your best bet is to get a couple tried and true Nclex prep books and use thier disks...

Best of luck!!

Specializes in LTC.

( Is pretty good I used it in nursing school actually helped me pass a few test.

Specializes in ICU/ER.

I never knew this site exsisted--I took a mini test and let me tell you. I thought it was HARD. Great questions. Actually I did not think NCLEX was this hard---but great practice for when your starting to get burnt out on your other Nclex tools. I will pass this site on to the nursing students.

Thanks for posting this site.

Specializes in Tele.
I never knew this site exsisted--I took a mini test and let me tell you. I thought it was HARD. Great questions. Actually I did not think NCLEX was this hard---but great practice for when your starting to get burnt out on your other Nclex tools. I will pass this site on to the nursing students.

Thanks for posting this site.

I'm glad you found the link helpful. I learned about it not to long ago from another board member. It really is a great learning tool. Whats great about it is the number of categories you can choose to focus on.

Specializes in Cardiac step down unit.

Thank you for posting this website!

Google nclex 3500. They offer free test questions and you can create your own test over one specific area or several areas.

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