Austin Community College - ACC - Spring '11 hopefuls

U.S.A. Texas


Hi ya'll-

Thought I'd get this started for the rest of us who, sadly, did not make it in for Fall 2010. I'm hoping to re-submit my application for Spring today (or this week). Does anyone know, do we receive the form from the nursing office? Or, is this something we should grab from the website?

My score upon re-applying will be 54.899. Dang, sure am hoping this will be high enough and get me in this round!

How's everyone else holding up? Did everyone complete the pre-req - 1105 already? I have not and won't (due to extenuating circumstances) until early Fall. Will this negatively impact my chances of getting accepted? According to Tammy and the office, no. But, wanting to get everyone's input. Hoping we will hear about acceptance by Sept. Does anyone know this date for sure? The application period closed July 15, don't know why it takes them so long to get this word out.

Anyway- good luck to you. This is my 3rd round of applying :( so I sure am ready to get in and get on with this career change!


RadiationRN2BE, I didn't check the box to contact employer because I haven't worked in a year. They contacted both my previous employers. They were waiting on mine to get a reply from an employer I had 5 years ago.

Specializes in Radiation Oncology.
RadiationRN2BE, I didn't check the box to contact employer because I haven't worked in a year. They contacted both my previous employers. They were waiting on mine to get a reply from an employer I had 5 years ago.

Wow! So why do they even ask us permission if they are going to do it anyways??

I officially registered today! :yeah: Now let's get this show on the road! ha! :lol2:

Wow! So why do they even ask us permission if they are going to do it anyways??

I officially registered today! :yeah: Now let's get this show on the road! ha! :lol2:

Me too :D I finally feel like I'm officially starting in January!

Anyone know if they are switching editions or books from the Fall to the Spring? I found some used, but dont want to buy unless I know they are using them.

Specializes in Radiation Oncology.
Anyone know if they are switching editions or books from the Fall to the Spring? I found some used, but dont want to buy unless I know they are using them.

That's a good question. My instinct is to say no because they Spring 2011 booklist was accidentally posted about a month ago and it was the exact same as the last couple of years. The department took it off a few days later. The Harkreader book we used in RNSG 1105 will be used again in level 1 because there isn't a new edition coming out. I believe the same can be said for the big green Med Surg book we will use all four semesters. I got lucky and found that one at Half-Price Books for about $60 a few months ago. I took a chance and grabbed it.

Specializes in Critical Care.
Wow! So why do they even ask us permission if they are going to do it anyways??

My recollection of that check box was that it asked "can we contact your CURRENT employer?" I said no--and they didn't. But I think it was assumed (or at least I assumed from the way it was worded) they would contact previous employers.

Hey all. I've been in a daze for a while, but I wanted to say that I was sent an acceptance letter on Wednesday morning. I was number 158 on the list. I thought it wasn't going to happen, so I'm amazed and thankful for the opportunity. Now, there is a lot to do before the first of December.

Hey all. I've been in a daze for a while, but I wanted to say that I was sent an acceptance letter on Wednesday morning. I was number 158 on the list. I thought it wasn't going to happen, so I'm amazed and thankful for the opportunity. Now, there is a lot to do before the first of December.

Congrats, Crispier!!! That is great news for you...and me, too, since now I am only 3 spots away from getting in. NERVES!! I think I am going to get that TB series going next week just in case.

You will get it all done! Breathe.

Congrats again!

Specializes in Radiation Oncology.
Hey all. I've been in a daze for a while, but I wanted to say that I was sent an acceptance letter on Wednesday morning. I was number 158 on the list. I thought it wasn't going to happen, so I'm amazed and thankful for the opportunity. Now, there is a lot to do before the first of December.

Awesome! Congrats! Great news!

Hey all. I've been in a daze for a while, but I wanted to say that I was sent an acceptance letter on Wednesday morning. I was number 158 on the list. I thought it wasn't going to happen, so I'm amazed and thankful for the opportunity. Now, there is a lot to do before the first of December.

Total yea, Crispier!!!

Hey all. I've been in a daze for a while, but I wanted to say that I was sent an acceptance letter on Wednesday morning. I was number 158 on the list. I thought it wasn't going to happen, so I'm amazed and thankful for the opportunity. Now, there is a lot to do before the first of December.

Congrats!! :yeah:

Specializes in Critical Care.
Congrats, Crispier!!! That is great news for you...and me, too, since now I am only 3 spots away from getting in. NERVES!! I think I am going to get that TB series going next week just in case.

Lili...I am totally crossing my fingers for you!! Especially now that I have put a face w/the name. :)

Congrats, Crispier!! So exciting! :yeah:

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