Austin Community College (ACC) ADN Fall 2021

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi there! I know it's pretty early but I thought it would be nice to create a thread for all of us who will be applying for the Fall 2021 cohort, keep each other up to date on upcoming deadlines, and this whole process in general.

Hope y'all are keeping safe and staying sane during these wild times.

1 minute ago, kebrn said:

Hey guys! Do any of you know when we will change our major to nursing? I haven’t seen them mention this in any of the emails. Am I missing something? 

Our educator sent this to us today.

2 minutes ago, Deannaleee1 said:

Our educator sent this to us today.


Oh thank you so much! I wonder why I didn’t receive this. 

Now I’m worried about missing other important emails... did anyone else miss this email? I received my acceptance this week so maybe that’s why.

On 5/11/2021 at 1:52 PM, cait m said:

@Purienne I can't speak much for the campus itself since we went all online 2 months after I started my first semester due to COVID, but I do really like CEC. The professors are seem more relaxed and are easier on you compared to what I've heard from my friends at Eastview and Round Rock. I wouldn't say we have easier courses/exams, but I think that our professors are the generally the most lenient on skills check offs though. I wanted Eastview when I applied, but I'm really glad I ended up here instead. I hear Round Rock is super strict/intense and that a lot of their students end up failing or leaving the program, but those are just rumors I've heard so I can't confirm that.


Hi guys I just finished level 3 in RR and I should say that it is a little intense, but if you do the work you should be fine. The advice that I have is to get ahead with reading and studying. Skim the book before attending lecture. I know all our lectures are online, but make sure to attend the live lecture and treat it like you're physically in class. Treat the first couple of exams like your life is depending on it so that you don't have to rely on finals to pass. just get ahead of the game and you will be chilling the rest of the semester.. Good luck if ya'll have a question let me know.

Does anyone have advice over working part time vs full time during nursing school? I would like to keep my current full-time job (it's super flexible and we're able to work remotely) since I need income and a way to pay tuition, but I also don't want to sacrifice my mental/physical health LOL. Anybody have any insight or have done this before? 

12 hours ago, hellohello said:

Does anyone have advice over working part time vs full time during nursing school? I would like to keep my current full-time job (it's super flexible and we're able to work remotely) since I need income and a way to pay tuition, but I also don't want to sacrifice my mental/physical health LOL. Anybody have any insight or have done this before? 

People definitely work full time with school but it's difficult, especially in the beginning of level 1. The first two weeks are jam packed and then you have two days of lecture, two days of clinical, and labs galore the first 8 weeks for your check-offs.

Since lecture is online, attendance isn't mandatory so that frees up your schedule a bit but I recommend going to Lecture and engaging.

You know your limits better than anyone but the average study time rangea between 2-4 hours per hour of lecture. I let go of my desire to get straight As somewhere along the way in level 1 and contented myself with Bs in exchange for not ALWAYS feeling like I'm going to rip my hair out.

Just keep in mind that the intensity notches up each semester. You'll think you have it under control by the end of level 1 and go into level 2 feeling confident, and then you realize you were playing T-ball and just stepped into the major league. You adjust again so it's not all doom and gloom but it depends on what kind of student you are, how you learn, and how well you test.

I'm going into Level 4 so just let me know if this have any other questions! I know this all seems overwhelming but you get used to it. ?

Hello, everyone! I heard/read SOMEWHERE that we would have a test on our first day over the mastery skills we learned in RNSG 1. Can anyone confirm this and provide more information? I do not remember where I found this information. Thanks, in advance! 

2 minutes ago, OliveG said:

Hello, everyone! I heard/read SOMEWHERE that we would have a test on our first day over the mastery skills we learned in RNSG 1. Can anyone confirm this and provide more information? I do not remember where I found this information. Thanks, in advance! 

Hey! You'll have a checkoff on skills your first week. Orientation is the first day and they'll give you a schedule.

OK. Thank you! Schedule for what exactly? 

3 minutes ago, OliveG said:

OK. Thank you! Schedule for what exactly? 

For your first couple of weeks. You have your mastery checkoff, dosage exam, clinical orientation, on top of classes and labs. Since we're still virtual, the schedule for coming on to campus to do any of those things is pretty set. 

Okay, thank you! I did not know about the dosage exam. Am I right in that the master check-off will ONLY be on skills we learned in RNSG 1105? When I look at the website URL below I only see a few of the 1105 skills listed. 

2 minutes ago, OliveG said:

Okay, thank you! I did not know about the dosage exam. Am I right in that the master check-off will ONLY be on skills we learned in RNSG 1105? When I look at the website URL below I only see a few of the 1105 skills listed. 

Your mastery checkoff is only on 1105 skills. It's mainly checking vitals and entry/exit. 

Every level has a mastery checkoff and dosage exam the first week. 

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