Published Aug 26, 2014
1 Post
Hi fellow Nurses, Advisors and Students.
I need help desperately and immediately if possible.
I'm trying to get registered into Texas Women's University for BSN program.
They insist for me to provide a transcript I attended back in 1988, an unaccredited medical assistant program lead by "National Education Center Bryman Campus, in Houston, Texas".
They are no longer in business using this name. How do I attain this transcript?
I have been unsuccessful in locating this facility, no address, no number, no email, and no website.
TWU will not accept my registration until I provide this particular transcript.
I have called the Director of Academics of this university to no avail. They won't budge in spite of this trade course was not accredited.
Can someone please advise, deadline for acceptance is quickly approaching or else I'll have to wait till Spring 2015.
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
14,633 Posts
I don't know what to tell you. Does the state office of education (whatever it's called in TX) have any records that might provide a clue of who to contact? Or the organizations that accredit the tech/voc schools? (Those organizations should be good for something ...)Legitimate, accredited schools are required to maintain their academic records somehow even if they cease operations. My diploma nursing school closed down quite a few years ago, but they entered into an agreement with a local college to maintain the academic records, and I can always get transcripts from my diploma program if needed. This is another example of why it's worthwhile to attend legitimate, "regular" schools and colleges. I hope you're able to find a way to work this out!
lifelearningrn, BSN, RN
2,622 Posts
Bryman College - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You may be able to track down your transcripts by following the information on the wiki page.
I'd try contacting Everest in Houston and seeing if they have transcripts from the old school, it appears they are the ones who bought out the school system.
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
I would also save copies of all replies you get from all the sources you try. A letter from some credible source (such as the states' Department of Professional Education -- or whatever it is called in Texas) would be even better. Show them to the BSN program as evidence that you have tried all the reasonable sources ... and that the transcripts are truly not available. That may be the only way to get them to make an exception for you.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
How does TWU know you attended the unaccredited medical assistant program?
I completed an unaccredited medical assistant program in 2000, but none of the colleges I've attended since that time have requested the MA transcripts because 1) I don't list this school, and 2) since it's unaccredited, the credits will not transfer anyway.
NurseGirl525, ASN, RN
3,663 Posts
Yeah, I agree with PP. How do they know if they don't exist?
My guess is he or she listed it on the application since it asks for all schools attended. Even unaccredited, they expect you to list it.
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
This could be a double-whammy for the OP since Everest has gone belly up also... their parent company, Corinthian folded in the first week of July. Yikes.
LadyFree28, BSN, LPN, RN
8,429 Posts
The OP will have to print out the Wikipedia page, and the news reports to confirm that the school is closed; otherwise maybe she could contact the state board of education to see if there are records for transcripts?
My PN school closed years ago, but there is "memorial alumni" association that manages past transcripts from the school; I was able to get my transcripts from that agency when I needed them from my BSN program.
I know this is YEARS late but I ran into the same issue - a later college needing a transcript from my time at National Education Center - Fort Worth Branch (this year in fact!) I tracked it down and this is the information I came up with for anyone who wishes to obtain their transcript from NEC.. The phone number to speak to someone who can help is (407).562.5585 Usually another type of college picked up the transcripts somewhere and I've found most of them are of a "Remington" type. This phone number is the headquarters in Florida for the Academics Accreditation for Remington and they can help find or track down or perhaps point you in a right direction for your own NEC transcripts. There is a fee ($15) for them to do the research for you in their system and send it out, but if they can't find it, it is refunded to you. Help on the phone is free! Good luck to those in the future.