Arrival in US -- what to expect, what to do

World International


Now that many of you that were affected by the retrogression have now received green cards and will be arriving in the US soon, I think that we should now have a thread focusing on that. As well as for all of the others from different countries.

Where to go to purchase initial items that will be needed. What to expect the first weeks of being a new resident in the US, etc. Many of us have are special places to find things.

Renter's insurance for the apt, that covers your belongings in case of fire, theft, etc.

Car insurance if you get one of those.

Health insurance should be included for you, and you will have to pay for your family.

It has been along day at work, those are the first things that came to my mind.

thanks great help

hi suzanne,:) great to be back again on board..

just like to ask you some questions.. since i'm still new here in ny and i just received my w-2, what are the things needed to be done for filing the income tax? and one of my friend informed me that since i only came here in u.s. last sep.'05 i'll get refund? what are the usual receipts need to present with them as a newcomer here in ny?

obviously, i'm clueless!:mad: :confused:

thank you for your help.

hi suzanne,:) great to be back again on board..

just like to ask you some questions.. since i'm still new here in ny and i just received my w-2, what are the things needed to be done for filing the income tax? and one of my friend informed me that since i only came here in u.s. last sep.'05 i'll get refund? what are the usual receipts need to present with them as a newcomer here in ny?

obviously, i'm clueless!:mad: :confused:

thank you for your help.

yes, you will get back most of your taxes, as you have only worked a short time. you need receipts for whatever expenses that you paid for to work oin the us, as well as anyhting that you needed for working as a nurse. stethescope, shoes, socks, uniforms, any magazines for nursing or books, , cell phone can be taken usually.

it is always a good idea to save every receipt that you get and then sit down at the end of the month and review if it can possibly be used or not.

thank you suzanne. good thing i still saved all my receipts back at home.. have a good day!.

Expenses for working such as licensure, stethescope, scrubs or uniforms, etc.

the hospitals will not provide these things free?

Sorry, but no. You should have had your license taken care of by your agency if you are being sponsored by one, unless you did it on your own. But you can take the cost off of your taxes at the end of the year, save your receipts.

In the US, most nurses have their own stethescopes, you will find the occasional unit that will provide them to cut donw on cross contamination between patients, usually seen in the PICU or the NICU.

Scrubs are porivded if you work in an area that is required to have scrubs, such as labor and delivery, or the OR. In other areas, they are provided by the nurse. There are a few hospitals that actually do provide scrubs/uniforms for their entire staff, but this is definitely not the norm.. Adn again, you can deduct all of these costs from your taxes.

Specializes in Adult ER.

hello to everyone out there. first i'd like to say that i did a search and could not find any info on my subject so i thought i'd bring it here to all of you :)

i am a canadian nurse going through the process of becoming licensed in the us and will hopefully be relocating to tx. my question is regarding personal credit (to get loans, buy a car, house). when i move do i take my credit rating that i have gained in canada with me or do i start all over in the us as having zero credit.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
hello to everyone out there. first i'd like to say that i did a search and could not find any info on my subject so i thought i'd bring it here to all of you :)

i am a canadian nurse going through the process of becoming licensed in the us and will hopefully be relocating to tx. my question is regarding personal credit (to get loans, buy a car, house). when i move do i take my credit rating that i have gained in canada with me or do i start all over in the us as having zero credit.

you start all over again with credit score

Specializes in Adult ER.
you start all over again with credit score

so does that mean if someone had really bad credit in their home country that its not transferable .... what if a person has a past history of going bankrupt does that affect them.

so on another note how does a person attempt to get credit in the states ..... i mean what are the easier ways to do it


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
so does that mean if someone had really bad credit in their home country that its not transferable .... what if a person has a past history of going bankrupt does that affect them.

so on another note how does a person attempt to get credit in the states ..... i mean what are the easier ways to do it


credit does not follow you from outside the usa whether good or bad. i was advised to get a amex which can be easily transferred in the us but not your credit. i am sure others who have already made the transission to usa will be able to tell you about credit and building it up

Hi, Everyone! I have a question re- college enrolment for my youngest child. At 15 yrs. old, she has just graduated in high school last week. Since we are still awaiting approval of our petition, we have decided to enroll her in college here. We are looking into courses that can be of use to her or can be credited in America. Since she loves dogs and cats, she wants to take Vet. Medicine or anything that has to do with these animals. I have searched in the Internet and there are 2 courses that she can choose from-- Vet. Technician or Vet. Assistant. To be accepted for Vet. tech., she has to be 18 yrs old or older. Besides that there are pre-requisite subjects that are needed. As for Vet. Assistant, I haven't come up with any pre-requisite from the net. Anyway, since there are very few schools here that has Vet. med. courses, and since this is a very expensive course that we cannot afford, we were planning to enroll her in Nursing for now. She doesn't mind taking up nursing temporarily. Do you think this is wise, since there may be subjects in Nursing that she probably will need later, like Anatomy and Physiology, more English and Math courses, etc.? Do you think these subjects will be credited in the US?

Any advice will be highly appreciated.

Specializes in Nephro, ICU, LTC and counting.
so does that mean if someone had really bad credit in their home country that its not transferable .... what if a person has a past history of going bankrupt does that affect them.

so on another note how does a person attempt to get credit in the states ..... i mean what are the easier ways to do it


you will first apply for secure credit card...this is the easiest way to build credit history..the longer you have credit cards, bank accounts and or any financial activities in the usa the higher the chance of improving credit history...
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